Flea markets
United States
May 26, 2010 5:09pm CST
When my youngest son was small i use to set up at flea markets w/my antiques. We went to one that was called trade day about 40 miles from home. they had a little bit of everything to sell there. One of the things were animals. My son pitched a gosh awful fit for a goat.lol. I tried to explain to him 'WHY' we couldn't buy a goat, what a day. He squalled & bawled & really just pitched one of his mama's fits, lol, he's 28 now & still has them. I'm 68 & i do to sometimes, lol. Anyway the next time we went we had the goat talk & i thought we were fine. I always gave him $5 to spend. Guess what he bought?? A big fat rabbit that he could barely carry it was so big. He was so proud of it that i couldn't do anything but laugh. Have your kids ever pulled a sneaky on u like that?
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11 responses
@RawBill1 (8531)
• Gold Coast, Australia
28 May 10
Myself and my daughter held a stall out of the back of our car at one of these flea markets here recently. They are called car boot sales here. When I was growing up they were called flea markets though!
We were both selling quite a few things and making some money and she went off to have a look around. She had her money in her little purse but I had no idea that she was planning on buying anything. She came back with a "gift" for the family. She had spent $10 of her own money on this awful looking eagle statue. I hated it instantly, but she was so proud of herself for buying a gift for the family that I had to accept it!
When we took it home my wife hated it too. We sat it on a shelf in our lounge room for a day and then told her that it was too crowded on there, so why don't you keep it in your room! 

• United States
28 May 10
LOL, At least it wasn't a live one & u didn't have to feed it. I know she was so proud of herself for doing that & i'm glad y'all handled it in such a good way. Kids are something else& & so precious. Mine use to bring home some doozies to. Happy weekend & thanks for responding.

@snowqueen200802 (1463)
• United States
27 May 10
When my oldest daughter was in her per-teen she pulled a sneaky on me and ended up with a Barbie doll and a Barbie's dream car.
Also, I have always wanted to take in a Flea market but our little town don't have any. So about fives years ago when we visit the beautiful state of TN I got to take in the Flea market - Man, I was in Heaven
Take care

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• United States
28 May 10
Thank u, i think it is to. Hope u get to come back sometime.
• United States
27 May 10
Good morning & thank u for responding. Glad u got to come to Tennessee & take in a flea market. Wish i still felt like taking them in but i don't & besides if i did i would find something i wanted & i sure don't meed anymore 'STUFF' IN THIS HOUSE', LOL. hAVE A GREAT DAY.
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@snowqueen200802 (1463)
• United States
27 May 10
Good Morning, Thanks for responding back to me and I enjoyed our little chat. Tn is a very beautiful State.
Take care
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@GardenGerty (162370)
• United States
27 May 10
My kids did not get sneaky about things, or if they did, I never found out. I tended to invite an occasional stray cat home with me. Some of them came and left and came back again for various reasons. I named on Walter Pigeon, did not know any better, had heard of the actor. I named Walter because he was like a homing pigeon, he would leave and then come back again. I do not think he was really mine to name, we just made him welcome whenever he came by.
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• United States
27 May 10
Cute story, GG. thanks for sharing. Sounds like walter was a character, lol. Thanks for responding. Have a good one.

• United States
27 May 10
Bugs got out of his cage. I always did think the mean kid that lived next door let him out because he was in a good cage. U started early recuing & u are still at it. What a big heart u have when it comes to cats. Thanks for responding.
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• United States
27 May 10
As i have told u before U & them cats, lol.
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
27 May 10
Hm, really the only sneakies they pull is to ask their dad for something if I say no, and vice versa. I don't think I've been to a swap meet since I've been here, but I know down in Los Angeles you couldn't buy a goat at one!
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@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
26 May 10
im sure they have. i believe once when we dropped the teens at Disney world and we let my 8yrs old daughter go with them. we came back and picked them up and my daughter was so upset. i asked her why and she just said no reason, but she wasnt going any more.
finally later she told me not to let them know she'd told me but they'd taken her money, let her ride one kiddie ride, got her a hotdog, and took turns watching her while they rode different things!
boy was i mad. anyway,i also used to set up at a flea market. back then, my 3rd husband bought me a baby goat for my BD. But of course when she got to big for the back yard, i had to give her to a friend with a farm

• United States
27 May 10
Hi Bon, thanks for responding. He sure was upset he couldn't have that goat, lol. No woner your daughter was upset. Kids can be so mean to other kids. Bet she hasn't forgotten it either. Have a great night.
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@chertsy (3798)
• United States
6 Jun 10
How funny, I think the only time my kids pulled one over me was when I told my youngest she couldn't have a hamster. I didn't want to deal with the hassle of cleaning, feeding and tears when it passed away. Like I did when my oldest got one. Well, her birthday came and the money she got. She was able to afford the cage and the pet, we chipped in and helped with food and a ball. It was the sweetest hamster I ever got to know. Well, he passed away a few days before Valentines day and it nearly killed me. I mean a tiny rodent of all things. Well, she got another one, he's just as sweet, his name is Max. Max just doesn't add up to Hammie. I don't there will ever be a hamster like him.
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@chertsy (3798)
• United States
9 Jun 10
I didn't mind helping with Hammie. He was a very sweet little thing. One nice thing about them, they don't require a lot of work. I just wish my Basset hound would leave him alone. She doesn't try to hurt him, just wants to play with him. I grew up on a farm. We had goats, pigs, horses and cattle. The goats were used to get rid of unwanted weeds, and since we had 20 acres of mostly unwanted weeds. We had a lot of goats. They were cute as babies, so were the pigs and cows. Pains in the butt, but still cute. Luckily my dad took care of them. We only helped when my dad needed help giving them a bottle, now that was fun. Especially, when we had a pig that thought he was one of the dogs. Hard explaining to an pig that he couldn't go hunting with the dogs, lol. It didn't stop him from trying though.
• United States
6 Jun 10
Hello again, we never had hampsters . I'm glad, lol. U know who always gets to look after pets& it wasn't the person who wanted them either. lol. Mine always swore they would but they didn't, good ol' mom always ended up w/that job.
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@Loverbear (4918)
• United States
27 May 10
I had just moved in with Mom, and she wasn't too much of a cat person. It took a lot for her to accept my Siamese cat, but she did.
It wasn't too long after I moved in that Mom got called for jury duty. While she was at the court house, I went shopping. In one of the pet shops there was a beautiful black cat...and he was free! I love black cats anyhow, and this one was a "teenager" all legs and tail. I frantically searched for a box to carry him home in and adopted him. I cut holes for air, and he and I sat in the park waiting for Mom.
Mom walked up about a half an hour later and I looked up at her innocently as a new born babe and said "I got you something". At that same moment a long black paw came out the hole and started waving around. All Mom could do is look at me. When she regained her composure she asked "What is it? Other than black". I fessed up and told her it was a cat. I must say she took it well. We called the shuttle to the car dealer ship where our car was being worked on for the ride back to the car. I sat in the front seat with the box on my lap. The driver nearly wrecked the van because he was so busy watching the box. First a black nose would be at the holes, then a paw would be waving around, then there would be a green eye, then the nose again.
We finally got home and I opened the box for Mom to see her cat. She instantly fell in love with the idiot. We were at a loss for a name for the cat, until we noticed that he loved sleeping in dishpans. He got named "Dishpan Sam".
Sam passed away a few weeks after Mom went into the hospital. I miss the guy a lot to this day. I can't look at a dish pan and not think of that cat.
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• United States
27 May 10
Awwwww, what a sweet story, thanks for sharing it. I am sorry u lost them both. Have a happy day.
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
27 May 10
My children haven't pulled that but I did it when I was little. I asked for some money to get a dog and my grandparents thought it was a stuffed animal and handed over the cash. When I met back up with them, I had the cutest little black puppy you ever saw..lol..they let me keep it but they were a little peeved that the vendor just sold it to a little kid without a parent there...lol.
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• United States
28 May 10
AH HA, another little sneaky pete, lol. I know just how your grandparents felt. t. had this rabbit in a sack oranges come in, lol. He was cute. Thanks for responding. have a good night.
@cyrus123 (6363)
• United States
26 May 10
This is so funny, LOL
! I can just see him carrying that big old heavy rabbit home, lol
! I'm 58 and I still tend to pitch fits every now and then, believe it or not. I hope I'm not as bad as I used to be, though. I used to take part in trade days they used to have in a little community about 15 miles south of here. I used to sing and play the guitar down there and I had a little jar in front of me that people would put money in. So, I was singing for my supper, in other words, LOL :)))!!!

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• United States
27 May 10
It was a sight to see. Wish i had it on film. He was so cute & sweet w/it i couldn't say a word. He's always been a mess. It was alot of hard work but i enjoyed flea marketing. I couldn't go but on sunday because i was working the other 6 days a week I have heard of singing for your supper. Thank heavens i have never had to do that. I wouldn't have made enogh to buy a burger w/my voice, lol. Thanks for your response.
@peterbobbs (27)
• Indonesia
27 May 10
It is an interesting adventure.
look like in the movies.
how much money you collect from the singing? lol
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@cyrus123 (6363)
• United States
27 May 10
I don't remember now but it wasn't very much. It was fun, though. I love singing and playing the guitar, anyway. I sing and play at one nursing home and one assisted living facility every month. I was just reminded of the line from that song that Jo Dee Messina sings. I can't remember the name of the song but she says, "It's a beautiful day, not a cloud in sight so I guess I'm doing all right". There is a line in the sone where she says she's been singing for her supper, lol
. It's a cute song

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@candyfairy21 (2039)
• Philippines
27 May 10
I know looking back on those days is quite fun however when you have to deal with that situation you can't even smile. Anyway like your son I used to throw a fit when my mom would bring me to those old flea market. First I wouldn't wanna go and I needed so much coaching why? because I would get felas in the flea market! Lol funny right but that's what I really thought back then. Next their was a duck and I wanted one because I thought it would lay a golden egg! My mom wouldn't want to buy the duk and threatened to leave me. Well that did not scare me she walked away hoping I would follow but I never followed and after awhile she knew I wouldn;t back down she went back and paid for the duck.
I brought the duck home and waited day in and day out for it to lay a golden egg but none ever came not even a single egg. That's when I learned the fairy tales were nothing but mere stories to entertain young kids.
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• United States
27 May 10
Good morning & thanks for responding & sharing your sweet story . Kids have a way of getting what they want, lol but at least we didn't get the goat.
. Hope u have a great day.