Is education the best tool to getting rich?

May 27, 2010 1:41am CST
HI there MyLotters. I came to share an idea with you. It is schooling season here in my country once again, this June 2010. So it is again the center of talk if parents would still send their children to high school or college. Some says it is no longer needed, they will just let their children to work so they could help them already. Some said that they will let their children go to school to get better education because it is the best tool to getting good job, thus getting rich. Is this true? Could this be really true? What if there are people who wasn't able to finish studies, but are very successful now? What can you say about this MyLotters?
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35 responses
26 Oct 10
It's a very good tool in doing well in the future but not everybody will earn big bucks. Hard work can play a major role, it's thinks more important to focus on steps and achieve reachable goals. Some people are school drops outs who are now worth millions of pounds and really it's down to being smart and working for it. Success comes in many forms and it depends on what your trying to achieve in life. Good jobs are very hard to come by unless you train to do something that pays well.
@CTHanum (8233)
• Malaysia
30 May 10
hi my opinion, you can learn and study anywhere,anytime at anyplace.sometimes you can get rich by using your the knowledge and everything you learnt from school but sometimes experiences lead to the way on getting richer and can help you enhance your life so either way is the tools to getting what you want.:)
@hagirl (1295)
• United States
29 May 10
I do not know how it is in other states but in KY most almost all places will not hire without a GED or high school diploma..... If you drop-out of school you have to wait until 18 1/2 to go for your permit..... You have to 6 months where you are on probation when recieving permit.... If your grades fall below a C they can suspend your license..... So I would say education is a tool to get RICH in regards to that..... I do know alot of very smart people out there that are older and did not graduate and have managed to start businesses and such....
@bystander (2292)
• Philippines
29 May 10
that's the common perception, rowena. but frankly, i see a lot of people who have college diplomas, even graduates of law and medical schools, who have not gone much in life... some of them are even bumming around... you know, true education is not about going through the so-called school or university... most of the things we learn from school or university are just primers to a true and genuine education, which can help us through life... also, riches is not the end all of having a good education...
@nehmer (607)
• Philippines
29 May 10
i think that would be on of the factor so that a person would be rich in the future for without education it would be impossible to land a good job. especially nowadays companies are not hiring anyone.. one should have a good educational background to do that.. i've heard that there are some people who are successful in their career work by doing pursuing and having so much connection and use it as their tool in earning...
@jesgil (95)
• Philippines
29 May 10
of course education is the first key in getting rich because if you graduated with a degree then you can have a good job and be promoted faster. it is very rare that a company will promote someone without a degree. some takes masterals so they can have high salaries and have high positions. but if someone is really hard working and mastered his work, then he might be promoted even if with no educational attainment.
• United States
28 May 10
Education is VERY important! It may not make you rich bit it is a good start. At least you will be able to have a career and not just have to do menial work.
@34momma (13882)
• United States
28 May 10
let me just say this... educcation is very very important!!! rather you get that education from school, life, reading books, or what ever other source you can think of. you need to make sure you are learning and growing every single day. Now does going to college going to make you rich? NO. if being rich is something you want to do, then you need to go into business for yourself. of course you need to figure out what you want to do. Get a great education so you know how to do that thing well. then start your own business so you can become "rich."
@derek_a (10873)
28 May 10
Whilst education is a good tool to help people to earn riches, it is possible for someone with little or no education to earn riches. This has been proved many, many times throughout history. _Derek
@bellis716 (4799)
• United States
29 May 10
When my grandfather was young, many people still could neither read nor write. A grade school education was all that was needed for most jobs, and one could even teach elementary school if he or she could pass the test for a teaching certificate. When my parents were young, a high school education was preferable for everything but manual labor, and it took 2 years of college before one could take the test for a teacher's certificate. By the time I came along,it seemed as if one needed a high school education to dig ditches. You could get a pretty good job with an associate degree (2 years of higher education), but one needed 4 years of college to even teach kindergarten. To teach a special subject, a masters is frequently required. Where is it going from here?
• United States
29 May 10
Some of the wealthiest and biggest thinkers dropped out of school. Bill Gates of Microsoft and Albert Einstein are examples. Sometimes I think our schools have forgotten how to really teach anything. They 'teach to the test' which pretty much destroys initiative to look at a problem from all sides; to see if solutions can be found in more than one set way. Schools seem to be more politically based in their teachings, too. Once again, instead of looking at all sides, one view is pushed and others squashed. No, I do not think education necessarily means getting a better job or getting rich. Thinking of multiple solutions to a problem, having the determination to prove or disprove the solutions, and the drive to work enormously long hours to achieve a result are of at least equal, if not slightly more, import. Once a child learns the three R's - Reading, 'Riting, 'Rithmetic, the doors open only if he/she has the persistence to push hard to get thru them. Some children are fortunate in having doors opened for them, but if they aren't smart enough, savvy enough, brave enough, it never quite closes securely behind them. There was a sad post here a few days ago about a young woman who, after sending out two hundred resumes, killed herself because she did not get a job. Thomas Edison, who worked for himself, failed over a thousand times to make the electric light bulb, but he did not look at those tries as failures. He looked at them as 1000 ways that did not succeed, but each one brought him closer to his destination. Today, with jobs scarce, it may take a thousand resumes to get an interview that will turn into a job. Instead of seeing each interview that does not take place as a failure, it is time to see them as ones that did not succeed. Maybe a different path is needed to get the successful interview. For so long, the unemployment rate stayed at under 5% and most people who really wanted work knew if they persevered, a job would come their way in a relatively short time. With the unemployment rate doubled, that is no longer the case. Education does not guarantee work. But those who come at the problem with a solution can and do get work. Employers do not want employees who point out problems; but they still pay well for those who come to them with solutions to problems they may not be aware they even have. How often have you called your Internet provider and gone through the same speech - no matter WHO you speak with - EVEN if you tell the person you have tried the first steps numerous times? Invariably, you are instructed to go through the primary steps ONE MORE TIME because that is the only script the first line techies have been given. They are not allowed to vary from the script, no matter how frustrated you may be. The scripts change once you move up the ladder to second and third line techies. Only managers (which one first line techie assured me he didn't have) can change the script to suit the problem they face. In today's job market, often only the person with a different script than everyone else is considered worth looking at by employers. They can find hundreds who have no solutions, ask no questions during the interview, and have nothing new to offer. But with so few jobs available and so many applicants to choose from, they can take their time and look for the special one - the one who knows a lot about the company they are applying to; the one who interviews the interviewer; the one who has thought about something extra he/she can bring to the company. Many may have excellent educations, but fewer have inquisitive minds that build something out of nothing. That comes from within the person and sometimes from the family circle that took time out from television and video games to discuss day's events, problems, solutions, and even play educational games to keep the mind working outside the norm.
@K46620 (1986)
• United States
28 May 10
No there is something more important and that is character and attitude. Willingness to sacrifice and work hard is the most important. What good are tools (education) if you don't have the motivation to use them?
• India
29 May 10
Think everyone should complete education before starting job. You can work without education but not sure what type of work. Being educated and well versed with the latest things you will have better opportunities and areas to work on which will offer you good money. I will not suggest anyone to work and not educate themselves. Education is a mandatory tool but not the only tool to become rich.
@balaman (146)
• India
28 May 10
Basically education is the most important source to shape ones future and life,it is left in their own hands how they want to become in life, the more we study and complete professional courses will really make one rich and sucessful.
@dloveli (4366)
• United States
28 May 10
Hey LotRowena! I dont think education is the best tool to getting rich. I know many people who are highly educated and they are living check to check. I think getting rich is based on hard work and luck. You have to be in the right place and the right time to get rich. Education comes in when you have to control the money and invest or whatever. Happy MyLotting dl
@Blondie2222 (28611)
• United States
28 May 10
I wouldn't say education is teh best tool as how people get rich. But it does play a roll in it. With an education and degree it helps the person to get a higher paying job and if you save enough then maybe yea someday you will become rich. But you have to work for that not just going to school. Education is very important without it we wouldn't know the things we do today and wouldn't have the jobs that our out there in the world. People of all ages our still getting their college degrees and having many opportunities in life.
@neildc (17238)
• Lapu-Lapu City, Philippines
28 May 10
i could be having a good and stable job right now, as i finished a course, though it's a technical course and no degree. but how i wish i have a degree or even finished a 4 year course cause that will give me a strong confidence to apply or seek promotion in this office. higher position means high salary and more money. it may not give me the richness i wish to have but it will surely lessen the burden in providing for the kids, most especially their education.
@Hvaniday1 (550)
• Malaysia
28 May 10
Hi LotRowena, nice topic. Lets see...hmmm it depends on which education are you in. If you were talking about "how to get rich" education, yes it will definitely make you rich. Then, your question is why some of the drop out was so successful till to-date, and that is the trade secrets. You are referring to few of them whom they have built a multi-million dollar business, right? Do you know they are getting education too? That is related to their industry and still learning from their mistake. If you read at their success story, you'll encounter many of them had overcome lots of obstacles and they are not easily give up kind of person. What we see today is just the surface of their success only. Well, if you choose your education correctly, you'll end at the results of what you are expected. Happy Mylotting.
@nangisha (3495)
• Indonesia
28 May 10
Hi LotRowena!. I never think education as tool to get rich. Surely education will open many possibilities including well paid job, but its not guaranties you will get rich. To become rich you will need hard work, creativity and chance.
@kourdapya (923)
• Philippines
28 May 10
Hi! I think that education is not the key to being rich because I have personally know people who were not able to finish college or even high school but they were able to build income which is much bigger than those who finished doctorate degrees. I belive though that educated people have bigger advantage in life, because we all know that they can get a good paying job with their degrees but it is not always the key to become rich.