OKay People Listen Up......................

@celticeagle (172744)
Boise, Idaho
May 27, 2010 5:45pm CST
I am so fed up with listening to people grump and gripe! I am fed up with listening to them. It's either the president isn't doing his job and he is such a louse OR locally life is crap for a myriad of reasons. I know that the country has some problems. BIG TIME! I think that people tend to be unfair. We tend to jump to conclusions. We don't know or understand how big business or government works behind the scenes. What the steps are in finding a good way of doing something. And what about all the channels they have to go through? Come on! I sure wouldn't want to be in the BIG GUYs shoes! So, do you think you are REALLY fair when you start the gripe session going? Isn't it almost an expected thing to gripe about government whether it be local or national? Do you really feel that you are giving the situation a real good research? And remember that you just don't know until you have walked a mile in his shoes. Your thoughts.
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10 responses
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
28 May 10
celticeagle I am just like you and I get so sick of all the griping and think they expected the new President to be a God to just wave a wand and make everything better again while he is just a human being like all the rest of us and he has to work with the rest of the government.Sure our economy stinks right now but Bush made the mess and it took him a few years to do it so its going to take time to undo it.I think you have summed this up nicely. When someone is really ranting I always want to say if you could do better run for office otherwise shut the heck up.I get bombarded with emails from a childhood chum all tearing Obama down and I have got so I just delete them and write her a pleasant note leaving out our political views.she even chided me for becoming a Democrat, she said, you were raised in Republican territory.as If I did something wrong. well gee whiz am I not entitled to my own ideas'and thoughts?
3 people like this
• United States
28 May 10
Oh Hatley, I just love you to pieces, you're so funny. I'm talking about the comment you made above about the bug business, HAHAHAAAA! You're such a sweetie! I agree with you as you well know, everybody has their views but geesh, he can't do everything overnight. Even my sister is in an uproar and I don't even want to talk about it because people I know don't see my point of view, or would just rather complain. I also have a friend who does this in her emails, and I politely change the subject and talk about something else. It gets old.
@celticeagle (172744)
• Boise, Idaho
28 May 10
Oh, yes Hatley you definitely have it. I think they need to do his job for a while and then maybe they would understand what is actually going on.
• United States
28 May 10
My only conclusion to this is that I don't think people remember how long we've been in this situation, and what he has stepped into to try and correct it. It took years to get this way, it's going to take years to correct. And in the meantime of trying to correct it all, more problems arise which need to be dealt with. I wouldn't want the job and they couldn't pay me enough money to take it. It kind of reminds me of people who put on weight for many years, but want it to come off in a month or two. It doesn't work that way. This is only my opinion so I hope I don't get blasted here, haha. Take care.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
28 May 10
hi kashmeresmycat if they blast you they will have to blast me too as I have said the same thing, bush made the mess and it took him 8 years so its going to take time to undo it. This is also my opinion and its my right to have it too.
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@celticeagle (172744)
• Boise, Idaho
28 May 10
Thank you. That is exactly where I was coming from. I wouldn't want to walk in his shoes. And it seems whatever any of the presidents do they get flack for it.
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@laglen (19759)
• United States
28 May 10
I can not speak for other people, only myself. That being said, I post discussions on here as a PART of that research. Regarding walking in the BIG GUYS shoes, he chose it. Even asked us for permission. I feel that discussing these things on here opens up debate which is healthy and necessary. We don't know or understand how big business or government works behind the scenes. who are you speaking for in this situation? I do not know every industry but I have worked in bug business, I have also owned businesses. Regarding politics, I have studied and followed it all my life.
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@laglen (19759)
• United States
28 May 10
lol thank you, I saw that after I hit submit.... BIG BIG BIG
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
28 May 10
he he bug business?
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@celticeagle (172744)
• Boise, Idaho
28 May 10
I am basically speaking of Obama and this oil businees. I don't think people understand that the oil company is libel for all this and that the government is just trying to get it done. The company has the equipment not the government. Sure we would all like it to have it just taken care of quickly but things take time and people need to understand that. It irks me when people moan about it but they don't know what all goes into getting the job done.
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@peedielyn (1207)
• United States
28 May 10
I beleive we all tend to want to "blame" someone for whatever is wrong in the world, home, surroundings, workplace, etc. It's human nature to see the problem, hear a solution and then blame everyone but themselves for whatever went wrong. Though I voted for Obama, I don't always feel that we have the right person in office, then again, I remember that this country's problems didn't happen overnight and therefore he can't fix them over night. I sit and realize and listen to people that have issues with the things that are going on in this country but rarely see any of them try to come up with solutions to fix what is going wrong. We are the problem and we are the solution. Maybe if we all shut our mouths long enough to listen to what is actually going on or open our eyes to see it, then it might not be as bad as the media makes it. This is just my thoughts. I have more but I am tired right now. Have a good night.
@celticeagle (172744)
• Boise, Idaho
29 May 10
We do. I agree but the second step there I don't think people really do. They don't listen to the possible solution. They just hear the problem and then their ears switch off. We certainly are the problem and the solution! But unless people see the error of their ways there will be no change.
@artistry (4151)
• United States
28 May 10
...Hi celticeagle, Let the rivers run! I am one who thinks that there is freedom of speech so saying what they want to say is everyone's right as they say. But this would be my thought. It took some 40 years and seven Presidents, and a lot tried, before we got a semblance of universal health care in this country, certainly it needs to be tweaked here and there. But young people are able to stay on their parents health care policy until they are twenty-six, other things which help millions of people. This man did this with help from the Democrats and people just roll along like so what else have you done for me lately, so unappreciating. Did he spill the oil, he certainly wants it cleaned up. He works harder than any president I have seen in my lifetime and keeps his sense of humor with the crazy want to destroy him Republicans. BP I understand was at te top of the chain with the Alaskan oil spill as well. Twice they have done this. They should take care of all the people who have lost their livlihood for the rest of their lives, only fair. But back to the President, what I would like to see is all those who constantly complain, first tell me what they said during the Bush years, probably nothing, the man was a castasthrope, but they said nothing, now they complain about one of the smartest presidents we have ever had, no matter what they think. And can they tell you how they would fix any of the things they complain about, not even, they have no clue. They talk about the spending not even knowing that the government has to spend to get out of this mess, then we will deal with the deficit. They don't even understand that and don't want to. They talk about their increased taxes and don't realize that almost everyone in the middle class received a tax cut last year. It baffles the mind. Negative, spewing, childlish, unthankful, pitiful tongues they use. But thank goodness for freedom of speech so they can hear themselves as they fill the air with more pollution. Sorry to run on, but you gave me the opportunity. Take care, have a great weekend and holiday. "o)
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@celticeagle (172744)
• Boise, Idaho
29 May 10
Some very valid points. But, what I am saying is that before people gripe about the new health care system why don't they do their research? And the oil situation. Why gripe about it until they do their homework? Alot of people seem to think that Obama is just to snap his fingers and the clean up is done. THat is not the case. Government doesn't even have the equipment, the oil company does. The government just pushed them and makes sure they are doing what they are supposed to be doing. And it takes time. I get tired of people griping that president isn't doing anything. If they have a better idea- Get down there and get after it!!!!
• Latvia
28 May 10
quote: I think that people tend to be unfair. We tend to jump to conclusions. We don't know or understand how big business or government works behind the scenes. Welcome to the world of mass media - where 90% of news are just to make a scandal, something that will make huge headlines... From what i have seen journalist rarely thinks what should be better for the public and the nation but just would get them better ratings/publicity.
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@celticeagle (172744)
• Boise, Idaho
29 May 10
Mass media? That is what causes the problem and people need to do their own research to know the truth. People need to realize that there are things that have to transpire before things can come to their culmonation. ALOT of people just don't think.
• Latvia
29 May 10
yeah, "the mass" usually doesn`t think by itself, so its very easy to influence it by TV, radio, newspapers in both positive and negative ways...
@winterose (39887)
• Canada
28 May 10
yep you make some good points there, there is a different between constructive criticism and just trashing everything with out any real thought.
@celticeagle (172744)
• Boise, Idaho
28 May 10
Ya, and I just get so tired of hearing it.
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
28 May 10
I wouldnt want to walk a mile in his shoe for I am not a liar like he is!!!!
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
28 May 10
heck no didnt say he is a saint. and all politicains lie I would re4ally like to find a realy for teh people poloticain that doesnt lie steal and cheat to get anywhere.
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
28 May 10
never thought Bush should have got the vote as to many votes were stolen and not counted!. And Bush wasnt the one to start seling out to CHina others before probably is fatehr. Oh if I had known about it before back then I would have raised hell too. Cant think of why we shgould be in such dept when so many other countries owe us big depts and never paid!
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@celticeagle (172744)
• Boise, Idaho
29 May 10
Ya, Bush is quite the crooked crook. You otta see that Michael Cook documentary on government. Very interesting. I don't know what to think of Obama. Weird. I just know that there is alot of steps they have to go through to get anything done and people don't seem to understand that fascet of things.
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
29 May 10
I think that it is very easy to say what should be done and what shouldn't. I think that every one has an opinion and one of the biggest issues is that everyone is never going to be happy. It really boils down to majority I guess. I do think that there will always be griping about this and that where the government is concerned but you are right that no one really wants to do their job. If there are times when I gripe..I try to at least research it and have a clue..lol.
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@celticeagle (172744)
• Boise, Idaho
30 May 10
I think having a clue would really be a breath of fresh air. Tha.nks
@la_chique (1498)
28 May 10
People will never be happy but although I dont really complain too much about the state of my country, I still hate it. I dont live in the USA. In my country, anyone is allowed to emigrate here, there are almost no laws stopping people from other countries from coming here. I work 40 hours a week to make ends meet whilst others are being paid a fortune by the state to stay at home and do nothing. I hate how nobody has respect for each other here. Rather than complain though, myself and the other half have decided to leave the country and go elsewhere. It does annoy me though that people complain all the time, but on the other hand, I just dont blame them for complaining. The government is there to keep the country going. If they're not up to the job, they shouldnt be elected in the first place.
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@celticeagle (172744)
• Boise, Idaho
29 May 10
I think they should be given a chance to do their jobs. There are certain steps they have to go through to do things and people have to understand that!!