online purchasing, is it reliable enough?

@chiumee (850)
May 28, 2010 4:45pm CST
i had been wanting to buy some appliances online. like laptops. it's very interesting to find very good prices of laptop models that i often find from stores near me. the prices online are much more affordable (or at least much less)that those that are displayed from the stores. in the end, it's making me doubtful if these companies that offer these goods are for real. if they really are reliable and that the product they are gonna deliver to me will work well and look like according to what i see from their website. do you recommend purchasing such equipment online? can you recommend at least one good and reliable site/company. thanks.
4 responses
28 May 10
Usually any company website like or are legitimate businesses and offer protection from possible fraud. If you're using an auction site (ebay or Amazon) make sure you pay through a secure network such as Paypal. This way you will be refunded if it turns out to be a fake account etc. Overall, it is pretty safe as long as you know what you are doing. Do not enter bank details into any site you don't trust and you should be fine :)
@chiumee (850)
• Philippines
28 May 10
welcome to mylot jenniimariie. thanks for giving your first ever post on mylot as a reaction to my post. i will consider these sites and hope to get a good buy. i hope you will find mylot as your home as well.
@SH00tz (9)
• United States
28 May 10 or They are both great reliable trusted sites.
@zeethegr8 (785)
• India
28 May 10
well as long as the website uses paypal, its safe. If not check for SSL certification from verisign, its the leading encryption transaction security available online. Its the best, safest and most secure way of transacting using credit/debit cards.
@Welll84 (31)
• Malaysia
28 May 10
Reliability of purchasing online depends of from whom you'll buying the products (u can always do some research bout the companies), if you buy it from Amazon or ebay as example. you need to consider other risks as well, safety of the products during shipment, insurance policy of the shipment, payments methods going to be the most important matter... My recommendation??? Walk-in into the