Have a long distance partner? How do you survive?

May 29, 2010 9:43pm CST
Well yeah, I am one of those girls who has a boyfriend who is miles away. I considered myself lucky if we see each other once a week. There were times when we were unable to meet because of school. However, we make sure that communication is still there because we believe that we must stay connected and we must keep in touch in order to survive and in order to grow as a couple. We are three years now and we are still adjusting for an ever-changing schedule and commitments we should prioritize. How about you? How do you keep your communication alive?
1 response
@maezee (41988)
• United States
30 May 10
My sister is doing this right now with her boyfriend, but she's only temporarily studying abroad in Sweden, and her boyfriend is back in the United States. They communicate via Skype all the time, talk on the phone (through Skype as well), IM back and forth over AIM, and he will occasionally send her a care package or a letter/card. It's been hard, from what I hear, but they're surviving, I think, on the fact that she is returning and things will go back to normal. With your case, it must be frustrating. At least you get to see him once a week? So he can't be TOO far away. When does school end? Do you both plan to live together or at least near each other? I feel like human contact is an important part of a relationship of any kind. I encuorage you to keep doing what you're doing, and hopefully school will end soon and you both can re-unite and act like a normal couple!
• Philippines
30 May 10
Wow, your sister's boyfriend is so sweet and thoughtful. I think these days, few guys are actually like that. Anyway, we too are communicating through Skype. We talk things over there and how our days were without each other. Yes, we see each other once a week but in some cases, we can't because of conflict schedules. The school will end sometime next week. And yeah! I am so excited to see him again! Thank You for that, we will definitely staying to keep in touch. We may be far by land but that shouldn't ruin our relationship. :)