Routine Hours, or does it matter?

@SomeCowgirl (32190)
United States
May 30, 2010 7:02pm CST
Here is a question for everyone. Would your rather work routine hours, wherein you know what your hours will be and what days you are working all month or maybe even all year, or are you okay with not knowing your hours until you get the next schedule? I am better when I know the hours I will be working. I've had jobs where my hours were always pretty much the same, even if the days off I had wasn't. I was actually happy to be working the same hours because that means I knew what the job would be like during that time of day. Sure the different seasons and the holiday's around it would always bring in more people and it was a little unpredictable, but I think overall I enjoyed working those hours because I always knew who I'd be working with, most likely the customers I would have, when I could go on break, etc. So what about you? Routine Or It Doesn't Really Matter? What are you working now, Routine Hours or Mixed?
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20 responses
@celticeagle (172441)
• Boise, Idaho
31 May 10
I am retired. Also on SSD. I get up around 10a. and get online to work on here and write for awhile. Because I am in a mood usually of some degree of depression I don't do much or get much done other that be online and few things around the apartment. I do try to accomplish something everyday.
@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
31 May 10
You get up around the same time if not earlier then me. I don't work as I got laid off and am lazy about finding another job, honest as I am. I do try to get on here on a set schedule though I am enjoying just being able to get on whenever I can. My last job was routine, but others before that weren't so much routine... I think I had two jobs before that were almost routine, and I enjoyed that.
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@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
2 Jun 10
I love to be able to change my schedule like that (snaps fingers). I've worked two jobs at one time, but three? well i'd love to be able to pull it off if I could.
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@celticeagle (172441)
• Boise, Idaho
1 Jun 10
Ya, and my schedule changes without notice depending on my mood. I worked three jobs for awhile back in the 80's.
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@AmbiePam (96427)
• United States
2 Jun 10
I definitely prefer set, routine hours of work. At my last job, the last summer I was there, I worked crazy, unset hours. I was the administrative assistant (although I think it's a fancy name for a secretary) at a children's mental hospital. I was part time, but during the summer I went full time because of everyone else going on vacation. One week I worked 45 hours, the next week I'd work fifteen. One week I'd have to be there at 7am, the next week I'd come in at noon and stay until 9pm. I didn't like it.
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@AmbiePam (96427)
• United States
2 Jun 10
At the time I was so happy to have a job that I didn't hate, it wasn't as big of a deal as it might have been otherwise.
@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
2 Jun 10
I don't handle stress to well so if I were to have to do that work I don't know that I could. I am sure the pay was good, but just the fact of never knowing when you went in? I know I couldn't do it. I much prefer routine myself, even if it is forty to fifty hours a week, atleast I know what I'd be working.
@GardenGerty (162464)
• United States
31 May 10
I left a major job because I could not have a routine, among other things. I always had to cover if I did not have staff. I have no routine right now, and it is uncomfortable for me. In a month or so I may be looking for something that does have routine because I am not real secure with my online stuff. I have several part time things, some of which I have to wait on, and the rest of it, I can set my own schedule. Just is not that reliable and income.
@GardenGerty (162464)
• United States
2 Jun 10
You are pretty in touch with the reality of what you need, though. Hubby just recently applied for a different job, in a field he really loves, and that may have some bearing on what I do. Right now I have a temporary job that pays okay, but I have to travel. There is a good expense payment and the work is not difficult. I may have a second week, or I may not. The money will come in handy, pay off some things maybe and if I get a second week maybe get some of the other things I want.
@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
2 Jun 10
The bad thing about wanting to work routine hours is that it seems most of the places you can work a routine shift are either places you don't want to work, or places that don't pay that much. I do much better with routine. It's not so much that I can schedule around it, as much as it is that my stress levels are a lot lower. I don't take to stress well, usually it burns me out and I end up quitting... atleast that is what has happened in the past. My online stuff isn't secure, and well you know if you can't claim the money it doesn't help with getting loans and stuff like that either. I really need to get a job but right now I am waiting to see if my husband can get on third shift, if he can get on third then I will try to get on third at the same place he works, or at a grocery store where I can do maintenance. Right now we're not doing bad but we can't get very far without me having a job, we just pay the bills and that's it, no room to save.
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
31 May 10
all jobs I have had have been att he same time every day but I might have had to work over to gt a project done sometimes it would work into 16 hour day!
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
1 Jun 10
yes here we can lol. and yup I usually worked in manufactoring and they have set shifts to work
@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
31 May 10
Oh so you were able to know exactly when you had to go in and what days, even if you weren't sure whether you would have to stay over or not. I think that's atleast good compared to just not knowing when exactly you will work. I think a lot of places would have more productive people if they could figure out when the person prefers to come in and leave... sure that's not as easy as it seems, but I am sure it's almost possible if people would just work together. hehe here at mylot we can come in and leave whenever, even work over time!
• Philippines
31 May 10
I work routine hours, cause I work in a bank, and I can say, I think it's really better than working with changing schedules. My boyfriend's work has changing schedultes and shifts, and it's really hard cause we always have to change and check our dates or vacations if it will coincide with his schedule on that particular day. My only problem with routine hours is that sometimes, it can get so mechanical, I really wish though that our company would implement flexi time..
@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
31 May 10
Could you explain flexi time? I'm almost certain I've heard of it. I don't have a job anymore, though my last one was the same hours, Monday through Friday. I really enjoyed it a lot more to be quite honest, then any of the jobs I worked in the past. My husband has different hours, one day he might work the morning, but the next he might work the evening. He's trying to get a set schedule, and it looks good that he'll get it. Hopefully you're BF will be able to get the same, and in that way it will be easier to plan things. With me not working, it's just his schedule we have to work around, so that is really more beneficial.
• Philippines
1 Jun 10
Flexitime is where you really don't have an exact time to be at the office, the important thing is you clock for 8 hours a day.. I usually go to office early in the morning to avoid traffic, but it doesn't count, so I still stay until 5:30 and that means I clock more than 10 hours each day.. I do hope they would adjust it, so I can also go home early... My boyfriend is actually looking for a job with a regular schedule, I guess he's getting tired of the night shift, and different offs every week.
• Indonesia
31 May 10
Of course I choose the routine hours. Then I can do other stuff according to the plan, and won't interfere one to another.
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@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
31 May 10
Do you work routine hours now or are you stuck with uncertain hours and not knowing what to do about planning around them?
• Indonesia
1 Jun 10
I'm a caterer, and opened a cafetaria at school. So it's definitely routine thing for me, to woke up around 3 in the morning, and got home after lunch hour...
@hellcowboy (7374)
• United States
3 Jul 10
This is a good discussion since everyone has to work to live nowadays,and I am definitely like you I would rather have routine hours to work,so that way I can get on a sleeping pattern and get plenty of sleep,and I would have plenty of time to get other stuff that needs to be done done and as you know I just got out of a job that was mixed hours,and I am about to start a job that has routine hours,and I especially love routine hours on a third shift schedule,which is what I am about to start,I love you with all of my heart and soul.
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@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
4 Jul 10
I am very glad that you will be starting a job that will be better suited for what we both want. Now if I could get a job closeby to you and on the same shift or one very close to it, then that would be great. Especially if I could get a job at the place that I would like to because then we could also bring home something to eat for in the morning, maybe not all the time but it would be great every once in awhile.
@Porcospino (31365)
• Denmark
1 Jun 10
I had one job where they made a new schedule twice a month. Sometimes I started early in the morning and finished in the afternoon, and sometimes I worked from 3 p.m. to 10 p.m.. Sometimes I worked during the weekend and sometimes I didn't work during the weekend. Every week was different, I never had the same schedule. In a way I liked the way we worked, because I never got bored and I learned a lot of new things. If I had had the same schedule every day or every week I wouldn't have had the chance to learn so much and the chance to get so many different kinds of experiences and challenges. But the problem about that kind of schedule was that I couldn't plan ahead, and I couldn't take classes at night like I wanted to, because sometimes I had to work and sometimes I didn't have to work, so I would miss half of the classes.
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@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
2 Jun 10
If every few weeks the schedule was different I don't think I'd mind it. Say like Two weeks working days, and the next two working nights, that wouldn't be so bad.. but it's when your working nights one day and mornings the next... Well my husband has to do that now, I don't know that I ever did, but I know I just couldn't... It'd be too hard on me. I get stressed way too easily... I guess it wouldn't be so bad if I was able to have fun.
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
1 Jun 10
I prefer the routine hours because I can plan my time better that way. I have worked in places that were not so routine and it wasn't all that great to have to check the schedule or write it down so I would know when I was supposed to work or not. It's not horrible to work different days and different hours but I like to have mine routine.
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@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
2 Jun 10
I like to have mine routine as well. Having to constantly look at the schedule to know when your going to be scheduled to work is a hassle. I have worked at some jobs where the hours were pretty much the same, but the days off we're different. I'd like to have a job wherein I could go in and work the same hours, and be off the same days. Not a factory job, but maybe a nice job at say a grocery store or something like that. I'd be willing to work the Three to Eleven shift, those were fun.
• United States
31 May 10
I don't care for having a variety of hours and it worked for a long time when I was younger but now i have a 4.5 year old and she'll be starting kendergarten in august so I would rather have something more stable to be able to work around her schedule. That's part of the reason I haven't been able to work on a regular basis becuase of the hours.
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@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
31 May 10
My husband and I are not yet ready for children, but I know from working with mother's it is very hard to figure out when exactly to work. I know when I have children I would much rather stay at home if at all possible but we've also got my husband's mother to watch the children when we do have them, just in case I do need to work more.
@climber7565 (2566)
• United States
31 May 10
oh I am all for a set schedule, that way I can plan my additional time and count on it for my family and personal errands.
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@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
2 Jun 10
I love to work a set schedule, not so much for personal time and family errands as well as family time, but just because I am much better with a set schedule.
• United States
2 Jun 10
I can see how that would be so. I would only be concerned about my time consistency thinking of my family.
• China
1 Jun 10
i prefer to work routine hours. by knowing the hours of my work ,i can make good plans and put them into practice. so i can woke more effectively knowing my work schedule. working routine hours means you can live a regular life. i like regular life .
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@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
2 Jun 10
I'd love to have regular hours. Right now I don't work, but when I do get a job I'd love it if I could put down that I would work such and such hours. When I fill out an application I put "any to any" on the available slots as I desperately want the job and they want a flexible worker.
@iristacey (112)
• Philippines
1 Jun 10
I am a spontaneous person and routine works that last like months makes me bored in the long run. I can have a plan on my own to which I can finish all my deliverables. Generally, I like it mixed so as to avoid getting used to the things I do on a daily basis and still enjoy the work I do. :)
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@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
2 Jun 10
I like spontaneity, but spontaneity in the workplace stresses me out. I'd rather be spontaneous when it comes to having fun. Like say just spontaneously decide to go shopping, or spontaneously decide to go on a nice drive. Spontaneity in the workplace has gotten me so stressed, I've quit. I envy you that your able to be spontaneous in the work place, you probably go a long way in your line of work because of it.
@lm1989 (7)
31 May 10
I would definitely prefer set hours. I am currently working part time where my schedule changes every week. It makes it very difficult to book appointments. For example, I used to have braces so I still need to meet with the orthodontist every few months, and they are always booked months and months ahead of time. How can I make an appointment if I don't know when I work?
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@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
31 May 10
There is always the possibility of just calling the doctor, making an appointment for two to three weeks later, and then asking for that day off or to go in later then the appointment, but even that can become too much of a hassle when you have to work with the dentist, and then who is to say that you'll get the day off? Yes a regular schedule, or even third shift is much more preferred then having to figure out just when you can fit in an appointment. Back when i was in school I hated going to school when I had an appointment unless I was able to go in later... but even then... Well in any case I refer to back in school because I can't think of a time I've had to go to the doctor on a day I worked, lol.
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
31 May 10
Hi there Cowgirl Well in the last job I was in before I was registered Disabled I never knew my Hours if I had to be at a Contract then I would have to go no matter what time it was There where times I could be out on the road for 12 hours a Day But the good thing was I was always able to get home get the Children ( 15 & 12 at the time) of to School, get home to get their Tea done to, very rare that I would have to go out again after that So I never had regular or Scheduled Hours
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@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
31 May 10
So it was flexible, even if you weren't sure when or how long you had to work? Well that is good, I would prefer to have a job wherein I could go home and get things done, or the future children off to school if need be, and picked up etc.
• Grand Junction, Colorado
4 Jun 10
Well for me it has to be routine, so any job I have ever had has always been a set schedule. It is to stressful when you have to worry about who's going to get the kids picked up from daycare, or even if you will be able to have them go to daycare, they aren't open 24/7. I have had jobs that working weekends was even a problem and have quit over it. Working Monday through Friday, an 8 to 5 schedule is perfect for me, most of the time. It gets complicated when your children enter school, then you have to worry about them getting there on time and getting picked up, more stress. Even schedules can make things complicated.
@scheng1 (24649)
• Singapore
27 Oct 10
Hi Somecowgirl, I definitely cannot work rotating shift. It will mess up my body system. It is hard to find people who can work the exact same hours every day in my country. While most companies have the official working hours, as in starting work at 8:30 am and the working day ends at 5:30 pm, most of us work long after the official ending time. Sometimes the job is such that, at certain period of time, it is necessary to stay late. In this case, routine hour is not really that routine. Only the starting time is constant, while the ending time varies with the work schedule.
@scififan43 (2434)
• United States
21 Oct 10
I would much rather work a rotine secdule with set hours. for the past ten years I have work vairous hours at differnt work sites and asignments. so I am ready for change.
• United States
31 May 10
I do much better when I know what hrs and days, because it makes it a whole lot earie to plan for other things that I have to do for me and my family. Take care Snow
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@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
2 Jun 10
It is more then just planning for me, it's also my level of stress. I don't take to stress very well, but I guess the better thing to say is "Who does?" right? Well I've worked jobs where I've had pretty much a routine, even if I didn't know what days I was off, I knew my hours. I worked Three To Eleven at one job I've had before, and it was nice... By 10 it'd die down, so I was pretty much doing nada for an hour.
• Philippines
31 May 10
I made it a habit to maintain my routine hours, because I have a very hectic and tight schedule.. especially when at work. As my work demands time and deals with being always flexible in other "extra" work loads. It does matter to me, because being on time or being ahead of time makes things a lot easier for me.
@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
31 May 10
So you would rather work the routine hours so you know what's going on and as to eliminate as much stress as possible? I am not very good at all with stress, and would much prefer staying home to working sometimes, but other times I honestly do miss working.