Do unemployed people cause their own problems?

May 31, 2010 2:37am CST
Is it simply bad luck or is it part of a deeper problem.....Unemployment. While Its true that any number of things can happen to people causing unemployment It may well be that the unemployed have created their own situation. What do you think?
3 responses
@lelin1123 (15595)
• Puerto Rico
31 May 10
I worked for 32 years in New York I moved to New Mexico and the jobs are horrible here. I have now not worked for two years. The jobs pay very little and its usually parttime work so alot of people need to hold down two part time jobs just to make ends meet. On top of that because they are parttime jobs there are no benefits at all. If you are sick you don't get paid. There are just not enough available jobs out here and my age of 53 does not help. Even though I'm a young looking 53 it doesn't matter.
@rosie230 (1703)
31 May 10
Yes I do agree with you to a point.. of course there are people out there who do cause themselves to lose their jobs, and then end up unemployed, but sometimes these days with the state of the economy in different countries, I think that a lot of unemployment is caused by redundancy, and companies going bankrupt, leading to people losing jobs. For example...I live in the UK, and my brother last year was in a job, and he was made redundant, because the company was struggling to survive, and we then found out that his job along with a lot of other peoples jobs, were given to Polish workers, because they are cheaper to pay... it is all wrong, I mean I am not a racist or anything like that, but I do get angry when our jobs get given to foreign people because they are cheaper to employ.
• Philippines
31 May 10
It could be true. The unemployed could have done that to themselves but there are other factors that causes unemployment such as lack of jobs the country has to offer. It's just one reason and you shouldn't generalize it.