Is Hollywood out of good stories?

United States
May 31, 2010 9:27pm CST
Recently, all I see from Hollywood films are the re - make of the old movies from 2 or 3 decades ago. Such as Wolf man, A - Team, and the coming of Predator. I just wonder are they out of good script? I want to watch something fresh and new. I might as well rent the movies and re - watch them over again.
6 responses
@kori8274 (200)
• Mexico
1 Jun 10
Yes, I think so too. Hollywood doesn´t have anything good right now. They have already done movies about videogames, remakes from a lot of years ago, and they are even trying to make movies from animes. They don´t have anything new.
• United States
1 Jun 10
Are we run out of good stories? Or they should read some great books and come up some great stories from them. It might help.
@CTHanum (8233)
• Malaysia
2 Jun 10
yes I think hollywood is out of good stories.i'm getting tired by watching all those adaptation and remake movies. it must be one of their marketing strategy by making more sequel for one movie to gain more money indeed.The only thing that gonna make it different is the used of modern technology to develop some amazing effects.yet i sure they still have good stories which worth to be watched.:)
1 Jun 10
I sort of agree because I am tired with so many remakes or sequels being in the works at the moment with very little original material. But remaking movies is by no means a new thing during the 40’s and 50s there were a lot of remakes going on of stuff from the 30s and it’s happened in every decade since. I think you only realise it when you start to take a real interest in what movies are coming out and they coincide with ones you watched from your childhood or teen years. The other thing we forget is that whilst for us movies are all about entertainment, for the studios it’s a money making business. As such if audiences enjoy watching sequels, remakes and unoriginal drivel then the studios will continue to supply what they demand because it’s the best way to guarantee a profit. The majority of audiences seem to enjoy all this unoriginal nonsense and until the time comes when they grow tired of it we will continue to get the same movies hitting the mainstream. There are some very good original movies out there, the stuff which isn’t just a rehash of another movie. But you have to look outside the mainstream for them and as they don’t get the big promotion and wide distribution they are often harder to find. But like you I am tired of all the remakes and because many of the movies being remade now are the ones from my teens it annoys me because they were perfectly good enough the first time around. In fact I would rather they put the olds out again in the cinema so we can watch them on the big screen than try remaking them and spoiling them as is often the case.
@joeshen (14)
• China
1 Jun 10
noadays movies are more focus on virtul effects, which is the consequence of development of modern technology. there're crap movies out from hollywood all the time, not just now, just be positive. actually, i personally prefert watching tv series to movies, first it's not gonna end that easy and the story is a lot more complicating.
• United States
1 Jun 10
Sadly, Hollywood is downplaying the intelligence of their audiences, among other things. There are exceptions though, like Inglorious Basters (which is a spoof more than anything), and the new Diaz-Cruise comedy Knight and Day. Hollywood is a huge money-making venture and so they have to sell movies that can sell hence sequels and remakes and rehashed stories. But Hollywood isn't all there is to movies and entertainment with a fresh story (truly enough, there isn't such a thing as an "original story"). I think as smart audiences, we have a capability to search out good movies. There are a lot of independent films out there are great, interesting and funny. I saw an independent film the other day starring Adam Brody. It's called "In the Land of Women." It's interesting and quaint yet simple. But let's not despair altogether. I was so impressed by the story and concept of "Stranger Than Fiction" that I thought that there was no way that this would have originated from a writer's laptop in Los Angeles. I thought that the plot was too magic realist and therefore must have been rehashed from Spain or France. I was wrong. It really was an original and wasn't adapted from anything. So there's hope. We just have to learn to look. Let movie watching be like grocery shopping or when we go out to buy a cd or look for a book to read: choose what you want and leave what you think doesn't sit you on the shelf.
@Jaluke (676)
• United States
1 Jun 10
Predators isn't a remake. It's an actual sequel to Predator and Predator 2. It's just named Predators in the same way that the sequel to Alien was Aliens. And on the other note, I don't think that Hollywood is out of good stories. I just think certain networks are trying to make easy money off of remaking films that have good followings since they know fans of the original will check it out regardless.