Bad Words and Movies
@LillyBelleDaisyRose (285)
United States
May 31, 2010 10:18pm CST
If you are Christian does it make you bad if you sometimes use bad words or watch violent movies? My cousins grew up not being aloud to watch TV because my aunt is so religious, but they are very sheltered children.. So am I a bad person because I watch anything I want and occasionally cuss?
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11 responses
@winjayoma (186)
• Philippines
1 Jun 10
I believe you are not bad because of watching violent movies and televisions. But, most of the times, violent movie is detrimental to your spiritual life. What you see and what you hear will affect your mind and your personality. If you won't aware, you will wake up one day that your life is already influence with those bad guys you saw in the movies. Apostle Paul said, "All things are permissible but not all things are beneficial"
@raleyfamily (132)
• United States
1 Jun 10
The "everything is permissible to me" is a quote Paul is saying, because there are quotation marks around it. It is found twice in 1 Corinthians: in chapter 6 verse 12, and in chapter 10:23. Just above this verse in chapter 6, he tells us the sins that will keep us from inheriting the kingdom of God (verses9-10.
Yes, we have a free will, but there are things we do that will keep us from heaven, that is very clear.
Read both these chapters in their entirety, and you will understand better what this quote means.
@Macky_boy (6)
• Philippines
8 Jun 10
Yup, Somehow, I believe there are some movies that affect our personality, regardless of our religion. I became a christian since 1995 and i that 's the time where I fully understand about God's word. Since then I realized that I have been falling into sins thousand time every single day.Sin of Omission, remember? so to avoid such.Let us avoid something that corrupts our character, like watching movies and even being with a group of bad company...
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
2 Jun 10
It probably means if you watch anything you want that you are not that good of a Christian. I think it is not just violent movies - I was born during World War II, my father was in the army and I watch movies about World War II that are violent, because I am interested in what we were saved from - an evil dictatorship that would have killed millions over in North America who were not of the right racial type and that also included not just the Nordic type but also the Japanese type. And I do not watch it for the violence, but for the historical value.
But watching violent movies because they are violent is not that good. The asme with using curse words. If for instance, you go out with a bad word and then after you say it, think "what am I doing saying that?" and ask God to forgive you, it is different then deliberately saying the F word.
@elmare0699 (163)
• South Africa
5 Jun 10
Hi LillyBelleDaisyRose
I see myself as a christian, but do not act all holy. It is not in my nature to be holy and I do not believe that it is my calling to be holy, so like you, I enjoy watching movies of all genre, violence and swearing included and when I get frustrated I tend to swear.
Does this make us bad?
We were born in sin and will always be in a battle against sin, but if we truly believe in God and know ALL His work, we also know that He does not expect us to be holy.
God asks that we love Him first of all and then love our neighbours like we love ourselves.
The Bible also tells us to explore everything, to keep the good and discard the bad. Now how will we know what is bad if we do not try it ourselves?
God is a loving and forgiving God and I believe that as long as we understand that violence and swearing is wrong and feel guilty about those sins we tend to commit and ask for forgiveness, then God will forgive us.
Look at everything that King David did, yet God had always forgiven David.
As long as you try and never stop trying to do the right thing and truly believe and love God and teach you children the same, then I believe that God will accept you into His house when the time comes.
Do not measure yourself by man's measures but by Gods measure.
I came across a pastor that I find very inspirational and he has a website, may I suggest you look up his website, he is pastor Joel Osteen at
@laydee (12798)
• Philippines
1 Jun 10
Everyone has different perceptions and preferences. I don't think her not allowing her kids to watch television is her preference. Perhaps she feels that the television is a bad source of habits and influence. Some might say that it's over-the-top when you don't allow kids to watch television, but I guess that's better than having to supervise them in everything. Further, there are far more exciting activities to spend childhood that most teenagers and young are no longer familiar with these days.
As for you being bad because you watch television, I think it depends on the influence television has in your life. If you'd rather watch television all the time rather than helping out in the chores, or if you'd rather watch television than doing your homework then it proves television has made you a slave to it - which is bad.
However, if you could be able to turn it off and do something else productive, then it's just a means of entertainment and doesn't govern your day-to-day life.
@elmiko (6630)
• United States
1 Jun 10
i feel bad watching certain stuff that i think is wrong on tv at times compared to what i use to. i still liked to be entertained though and have a laugh at the same time. i just make sure to take into account those things are not how things should be handled in the real world from a moral perspective. that frame of mind helps me to let go and enjoy what i watch on tv. i also don't think your a bad person if you cuss every once in a while. people are not perfect nor should they try to be. i've known people that cuss all the time in what seems just about every sentence they speak. people should tone down their language when it gets to that point.
@hotsummer (13837)
• Philippines
1 Jun 10
i don't label you as a bad person for cussing, but religious people are not nuts if they hate cussing, i mean the action not the person. i too don't cuss. not because i am religious but because i didn't grow up that way. my mom loves to cuss and i didn't inherit it from here. my father does not, so i guess i inherited my father character of not used to cussing. and my mom is a christian and it is really hard sometimes to understand her, praying with bible at one moment, and cuss and shout and insult us for some foolish reasons at the other moment. and she always use this bible thing to explain her reason why she shouted. as you can see, it looks really terrible to see people cuss. for me cussing is wrong, but it is only offending to other people if you use cussing to hurt and insult people, but if you cuss only because it is your habit and not because your cussing at someone then though i don't think cussing is still alright but i won't get offended nor will i shy away from a person that cuss as long as that cussing is not directed at me.
for me cussing is terrible basing on my experience on my mom's habit though, i don't know about other people, when she cuss though not that often, it really irritates cause i have bigger expectation from her for being a christian. i would wish she put into action what she believes in. and not just expect other people or expect me each time to obey every letter from the bible but she just can do what she wants and explain it away her actions .
@riskbreaker (53)
• Philippines
1 Jun 10
For me, I find it just a "movie". Sometimes, bad or explicit words are used to put more effect and expression on a certain scene. As for violent movies, sometimes they are based on real stories.
I also happen to know someone who's like your cousin's aunt, just hope that they don't grow up not knowing some facts in life just because they were deprived on some of it.