which one u choose Friend Or Relation?

May 31, 2010 11:12pm CST
Now a days relation all not useful. they upscond in a critical situation but our friends come and help us if v have money our relation respect us otherwise not whom u choose friend or relation for me friend is always BEST:-)
2 responses
• India
1 Jun 10
I partly Disagree with Your View . True Friends are always the Best when it comes to trust and relationship. Friendship is about evolving and helping out each other , whatever may be the cause. Friends have no intimidations , when it comes to helping or be it anything but whereas a family Relationship is not. I see that you are from India , where the traditions and culture has evolved through family relations and you cannot separate yourself from the family tree just by a whisker . There might be some rotten fruits in the tree , but it is not right to point out that the whole tree is rotten ,just by seeing few of the rotten things. Go by your conscience. Give respect to elders of your family where it is due. But at the same time , just do not bow to their whims and fancies , when you think what they do is not right. There might be people in you family who accepts you without any conditions and try developing a stronger relationship with them . All Iam trying to say is that FRIENDSHIP is always TRUE and LOYAL , but donot exclude your Family Relations on the whole. You do need your family at critical situations , especially if you live in a society and culture like India has. i would go with both ... I have had my fair share of naysayers within the family , but there are people who i can trust upon and who could give a shoulder within my family . Friends give a whole different meaning to the Relationship , its just that it has no restrictions whereas a Family has.
• India
1 Jun 10
U r true speed but i dont leave up my all relations some of them only but in my point of view friendship is better is my point bcoz they dont expect from us whereas relation should more expectation in our country its too high Any i agree with u thanks for sharing ur thoughts Cheers:-)
• India
1 Jun 10
That was my Point too ...You're Welcome :)
@med889 (5941)
1 Jun 10
There is always a way to have both of them around us, we have to choose friends to make sure they will never be a problem to a relationship we will have and we have to make sure also that our partner understand our friendship with other people so I am quite lucky because my boyfriend understands my friendship with my friends and thus I do not have to choose between them.