suggest hw 2 control OVER-POPULATION
@VISHAL82 (31)
June 1, 2010 3:03am CST
As we all knw over-population is a CURSE & we r facing alot of problems due tothis genuine problem. It is true dat govt. of many countries has make some laws & rules in order 2 control this problem but now also d problem remains d same & is not showing any good results while in coming days d situation of over-population is going 2 be worse as a survey conducted by an international NGO shows dat till 2011 atleast 11 millions kids r going 2 be orphan.
If we consult d different surveys done time-to-time than we can knw d actual no. of over-population. Well i thought dat both Govt. & People themselves r responsible 4 this problem coz govt. jus make laws but did not act upon it and at d same time people also don't follow d concept of small families & ignore d laws govern by d govt.
so by jus making laws & rules by govt. it is jus a wastage of time & money as govt. spent a lot of money in launching d programme, than their meetings conducted, banners and advertisement etc.Few yrs back govt. of china has made a fast rule dat d family will be shoot up if they will give birth 2 more than two childs. I think dat govt. of backward & under-developed countries should make such hard & fast rule 2 overcome the problem of OVER-POPULATION........RESPONSE ME WHETHER I M SAYING RIGHT OR WRONG
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