People Who can't make up their minds

United States
June 2, 2010 6:48am CST
I have two friends that i think the world of but right now i'm really aggravated w/them, one especially. I was invited to one of their houses for the holiday mon. She wanted me to bring potato salad which i was glad to do. I always cook my potaotes ahead because i want them to be cool when i cut them up. I had bought a new kind of potato that said on the bag no fat, cholestrol etc. I thought great. I boiled nearly 10lbs of them because i did not know who all was going to be there & they were small potatoes. went on to church sun. night & when i got home i decided i would eat one of the potatoes w/my supper. IT TASTED AWFUL!! i WAS AFRAID OF THE rest of them so i threw them out[hate to throw food away as high as it is], got up the next morn & went & bought more poattoes. GUESS WHAT, she called & said the cookout had been cancled because her dil was sick. O.k. I understand that. It should have been dropped right there but it wasn't. She came up w/all these suggestions, going out to eat, yada yada.I told her i didn't really care about going out but if her & the other lady wanted to i'd go[wondering what the hell i was going to do w/all those potatoes i had cooked].Anyway we had all these phone calls all morning & the other lady that was to be there who is pratically a recluse, doesn't want u to come to her house which i think is very rude but i talk to her on the phone alot & she is very nice to talk to but i'm through w/that to.Anyway in the mean time the first lady suggested she'd pick up some bbq& baked beans & come to my house.o.k. i told her i'd make baked beans , i like mine better than what they haVe at the bbq restaurant. i stir the beans up & the last phone call i got from her she was out of the mood to do anything & the other one wanted to be anti-social as usual. So now i have 10lbs. of potato salad & a big bowl of beans & that's too much for me to eat!! I shared w/my neighbors in fact one of the husbands grilled burgers & we ate together & it was real nice. I am still aggravated w/the two friends & don't plan on EVER making plans w/them again because something always happens. WOULD U BE AGGRAVATED W/THEM???
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24 responses
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
2 Jun 10
WEll the one that dil was sick and canceled should of just cancelled for she probably knew the other one wouldnt go out and shouldnt have put yu into making all that stuff. I would be up set too after making all that. BUt then sounds like it al went to good use with the neighbors grilling out!
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
2 Jun 10
lol if to much for you take it to the woman that dont get out much
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• United States
2 Jun 10
I wasn't fixing to share w/either one of them. I was really disgusted over the whole deal.
• United States
2 Jun 10
Good morning Joan, thanks for responding. I'll admit it was a aggravating day . It did turn out well & i was glad of that. I still have potato salad.
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@GardenGerty (162370)
• United States
2 Jun 10
I think I would not plan on doing anything that requires me to make any food preparations, because it just ended up costing you. I am like you, I hate to waste food. I would have been so upset about the first potatoes and I would have complained to the store where I bought it. My local Krogers would have taken them back and would have given me my money back. I would spend some time playing cards or something with my friends, because everyone needs social time and friends. Hope you have a great day.
• United States
2 Jun 10
Good morning GG, I don't think they took that into theirheads what i had done & been out money wise. Guess they don't have to be concerned about money like i do. I was comcerned about throwing the potatoes away but just didn't trust them after that one tasted so bad. I want be buying anymore like that. They might have taken them back but i have to drive a couple of miles or so to that grocery & i didn't think it would be worth it & i was in a hurry to & went to a closer store that i don't usually go to because i think they are way too expensive. Hope u have a good day. Thanks for responding.
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@Thoroughrob (11742)
• United States
2 Jun 10
That would be very aggravating. We do have friends that never follow through, and we don't make plans with them. We do things with them at the spur of the moment and just throw some things together, or just get in the car and go somewhere with them.
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• United States
2 Jun 10
I can't stand to be around people who can't get their 'stuff' together. I realize i probably drive people nuts being the way i am but i do get the job done & get it done when it needs to be done.Thanks for responding. Hope y'all have a happy day.
@pergammano (7682)
• Canada
2 Jun 10
Morning...again, Jo! Thank goodness for GOOD neighbors! And "aggravated" is a very polite word..LOL! The types of food that they asked you to contribute..are not only costly (here in B.C., at least) but they are impossible to preserve...frozen potato salad..YIKES! I can certainly see where making any future plans with these ladies would leave a "bad taste in your mouth" (pun intended) as they seem incapable of adjusting if things change! Sadly...the whole outing seemed to center around one person..the DIL...and that being the case, I think possibly the alternate was WAY more enjoyable with your neighbours! Glad you had a nice deserve it after all that. HUGZ & LUV!!!
3 people like this
• United States
2 Jun 10
gOOD MORNING AGAIN, I was really p.o. but thank heavens i didn't show myugly temper but was very close, believe me. well, the dil was going to do all the work that's where she came in. she couldn't help she got sick but the world came to an end when she did because neither one of my friends wanted to do anything to prepare. I suggested other alternatives but they wanted nothing to do w/that altho i was the one doing what cooking had to be done. U are right, thank heavens for my good neighbors that i could share with & got grilled hamburgers out of it, lol. Thanks for responding. hugs & love.
@bellis716 (4799)
• United States
3 Jun 10
Yes, I think I'd have been annoyed with the friends who kept changing plans. You did just what I'd have done, share with the neighbors.
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• United States
3 Jun 10
Good morning Bellis, thanks for responding. Thank heavens for good neighbors, huh? I don't know what in the devil i would have done w/all that food if they hadn't let me share. U have a good one.
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• India
2 Jun 10
well that's what is called fate i believe. Sometimes most things don't workout as the way we want them to. A lot of things mess up during the time we make a great plan. That's a major problem. In reality nothing is perfect but everyone tries to achieve it no? You should complain to departmental store where you got the potatoes and it was a good idea that you maintained your cool. You got a good way of managing messed up situations. You should talk to your friends and let them how you feel. Lte them know that you can be same as them too. I still remember my first proposal where i had planned to impress my girl and things went wrong when accidently i tripped some water in a switch board and the entire plan backfired on me itself.
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• United States
2 Jun 10
Good morning & thanks for responding. I'm sorry your plans got messed up w/your girl.That was the pits, lol. i'm glad i didn't lose my temper & act ugly but i was very close to doing that. I did tell the one that i would never plan anything else w/them & i want. If something comes up on the spur of the momenet i'm not saying i want do something w/them but no more plans. They are the most unorganized ladies i have ever known. I admot i am too organized but----. hope u have a happy day.
• United States
2 Jun 10
I think we have all had experiences like this one way or another. One time I invited a couple to have dinner with us. Well planned, I cooked the meal complete with homemade bread and pie and they never showed up! Later when I said something to them, they denied ever being invited....and I have never invited them again!!! Once they were here and I had dinner cooked and invited them to stay and eat and they did then later said that they had plans with another lady to go out and eat.....but they never called her and told her they weren't coming or going!!! I don't understand how anyone can be that rude!!! I got a bag of potato one time on sale, they were labeled "Sun Spiced"...I learned that "Sun Spiced" means the potatos are sunburned. So now I watch what the bag says on them. They were awful!!! Sounds like you have wonderful neighbors.
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• United States
2 Jun 10
oh I am sorry. I have been on, posted some comments. Tonight my Childrens Bible class is having homemade pizza, so I have to get back to work on it. Had to go to the store to get toppings that I didn't have. I had the neighbors that "thank God they moved!!" kind, now my daughter lives next door. My old neighbor when we moved here was an elderly couple and we associated a lot with them, then after he passed away, we kind of adopted her, or she adopted my youngest daughter, not sure which it was. But we looked out for her. She had supper with us everynight. f I would cook, then when it was time to dish up I would call her and my husband would go get her and after we ate he would take her home, she lived across the road, but we were down the hill slightly and hard for her to walk, although she did a lot. I sure miss her..... got to get to that pizza....have a great evening.
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• United States
3 Jun 10
U are always doing something nice for someone.
• United States
2 Jun 10
That was very rude & like u i would not invite them again. Not only was it rude but they lied about it & a liar is one thing i can not stand. U were a better lady than i would have been, lol. I wouldn't have asked them to eat. I don't like being treated that way by anyone. u are right i do have wonderful neighbors. They are very good to me & it means so much to me. Hope u are doing well. Haven't heard fro u lately. Have missed hearing from u. Have a happy day.
@chertsy (3798)
• United States
3 Jun 10
I think I would be aggravated especially after the third time it happened. It would make me feel like I was getting the run around and that irritates me the most. I wish I lived close to you, I love potato salad. I especially like mine when it's warm. I'm a odd ball when it comes to food. I was raised in the South, but only like certain foods. I would also let my friends know for the near future please don't bother calling me to do anything because something always happens.
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@chertsy (3798)
• United States
3 Jun 10
After I had a bowl of it while it's still warm. I will put the rest in the fridge, later I will heat it up in the microwave, lol. The South is a great place, I just wish my husband that is from California would see it that way.
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• United States
4 Jun 10
U need to get that young man around to our way of thinking, lol. Hope y'all have a happy weekend.
• United States
3 Jun 10
Hi, I don't like the run around either. I want be making any more plans w/them that ivolves cooing anyway, lol. wish u lived close by to, wish all my mylot friends did. U probably wouldn't like my salad because i let my potatoes get cold before i make it. Thanks for responding. btw, the south is a great place to be raised.Have a good one.
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@BarBaraPrz (48704)
• St. Catharines, Ontario
2 Jun 10
Yeah, I would. I mean, plans were made and acted upon in good faith, then to have someone else arbitrarily change them?! I don't understand the reasoning of cancelling the house party. Does the dil live with your friend? As for those first potatoes... you were sold a bill of goods... Potatoes of themselves have no fat, and therefore no cholesterol, until you add the butter and cream.
• United States
2 Jun 10
Good morning Barb, thanks for responding. no, the dil does not live w/my friend but she was going to be the one to do all the work. Glad to know that about potatoes. I knew the trimmings were what was bad but thought these were something special. they were, they were nasty. lol
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• United States
2 Jun 10
Gee thanks, i will.
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
3 Jun 10
Hi Jo! Some people just aren't meant to be understood no matter how hard we try. Those types are the ones that I call scatterbrains because that's what they are. Annoying as hell! One minute they want this and the next it's that. I don't deal with people like that because we wouldn't get along for too long.
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• United States
3 Jun 10
Thanks for your response, Cats. I don't like to deal w/people like that either. I got an apology via e-mail yesterday from the one who is pratically a recluse & i don't guess she'll like my response but as u know i say what i think. Happy days to u. hugs.
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@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
3 Jun 10
Hi Antiquelady! I absolutely don't blame you for feeling that way! I would be major upset if I had cooked all that food and they had cancelled at the last minute! I would also never make plans with them again and would have told them off too! How can they be so rude and calious? Food costs money! I probably would be alot angrier than you were! But, I'm glad you got to have a nice day with your neighbors after all! At least you had some burgers to go with your potato salad and beans and I'm sure it was a delicious meal and you had more fun then you would have had with your so called "friends"! Me, I stayed in on Monday! I made a London Broil with teriyaki sauce for me and the bf/roommate! It was delicious! I cooked inside and that was that! It was too hot outside and we aren't allowed to BBQ, although some people around here do!
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• United States
4 Jun 10
Good morning, guess we both are losing it, lol. I'm sure i am. i'm glad we are friends now anyway. hope u have a happy weekend. jo
@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
3 Jun 10
I thought I saw a response from you in that discussion too!lol And I thought we were already "friends" so I was surprised to see your "friends request"!So, I know I'm definitely losing my mind! I can't tell you how many times I've typed a response and lost it completely, sometimes more than once! I don't trust the "cyber world" either!
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@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
3 Jun 10
Yes I would! How inconsiderate! Didn’t it cross their minds that you would be putting in a lot of work to prepare the food? I would let them know that I feel annoyed and that next time it would be appreciated if they told you before you started cooking that they didn’t feel like doing anything. I would be angry at them because of the time wasted and the cost of the food; I hope they don’t do anything like this to you again!
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• United States
3 Jun 10
Good morning Paula, don't worry it want happen again because i don't intend to make plans of any kind w/them again, period.They don't either one cook for themselves much less anybody else. Have a happy day.
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@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
3 Jun 10
I would be very aggravated with them. It is very rude to keep you hanging like that and change plans at the drop of a dime. I wouldn't bother with making plans with them again either. I can't believe they put you out of your way like that and then just changed plans. I'm glad you had a nice BBQ with the neighbors. Take care and don't worry about those fuds.
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• United States
3 Jun 10
Good morning Jen, thanks for responding. FUDS, lol i love that word. I want ask what it meanss, lol. It turned out fine but i fooled w/those two till after lunch waiting for them to make up their peabrains. grrrrrrr1 HAVE A GREAT DAY, JEN. Hope u had a good holiday. HUGS.
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@allknowing (141602)
• India
3 Jun 10
Especially for those who never make people wait, never cancel appointments and never fail to give advance notice in case a get together is cancelled it is unbearable to go through what you have gone through. There are more in this world who give such headaches than those who are organised.I have a sister like that. She was supposed to spend a night with us and so I prepare for her stay. She lands up with a friend and does not say a word and all along I assumed that she was going to stay. After a cup of tea she gets ready to leave and on questioning she says that she changed her mind because she has to get back for an appointment!! bah!
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• United States
3 Jun 10
Good morning, thanks for responding. Your sister was tacky just like my friends were. I think anytime someone goes to the trouble to fix for u , u should carry through w/whatever the plans were to start with. U may have to alter them & i thought that's what we were going to do. I may make an obligation i wish later i hadn't but i would carry through w/it & i bet u would to. Have a great day.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
13 Jun 10
Hi Jo Yes I would have been very aggravated to be honest, actually by the second Call I would have just turned around and told them to forget it But at least you still had a nice time
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• United States
13 Jun 10
I was really aggravated & didn't know what the devil i was going to do w/all that food but u are right it turned outgood thanks to my good neighbors. Thanks for responding.
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
5 Jun 10
Oh yes! I can see why you are upset.....I can't stand that wishy washy attitude! I have went through the same thing once in a while.....make a plan and stick to it I say...I have a sister that does that.....when there is a plan she likes to change it unless it's her idea....
1 person likes this
• United States
5 Jun 10
Hi Jill, Thanks for responding. Wish washy drives me nuts to. I may be alot og things but that i'm not, lol. Happy weekend to u.
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
4 Jun 10
One time, OK, but more than once, yep I'd be annoyed.
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• United States
4 Jun 10
@salonga (27775)
• Philippines
4 Jun 10
Hi friend! O yes, don't ever make plans with them anymore. They are not worth it. As I could read, you are one person who takes every plan responsibly. All those efforts you've done showed it. But those people messed up everything. They have very unstable minds and they just don't deserve you dear! At any rate, that is one good lesson to learn afterall. So cheer up and have a nice weekend. And by the way, I wish I could eat your potato salad. I love potato salads!
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• United States
4 Jun 10
Gppd morning friend, Thanks for responding. I WOULD HAVE LOVED TO HAVE SHARED W/U. I don't intend to plan anything else w/the two. That is not my way of doing things & i didn't like it at all.Hope u have a good weekend.
• United States
3 Jun 10
Aggravated? Nope, by the time they decided to do nothing, I would have been stuffing cooked potatoes and baked beans in their mail boxes! Dear friend, how did you ever start up with these kooks? I had a friend who had another friend who did this all the time and my friend was in a constant state of upset. Finally, after YEARS of putting up with 'well let's do this; no, changed my mind; how about; no, don't want to do that either; but soandso would be nice; no, let's just have coffee, she finally told the other friend to come visit if she wished, but as for planning anything, forget it! She's tremendously patient. I do not have that trait and probably would have given her buddy two attempts at most before saying thanks, but no thanks. I think you, too, were extremely patient and understanding right to the end and I admire you for being so kind.
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• United States
3 Jun 10
Good morning, thanks for your response,i love the idea of the mailboxes, lol. wish i had thought of that.. Thanks for the kind words, I'll admit i was thinking evil thoughts, lol. Hope u have a great day.
@Cutie18f (9546)
• Philippines
3 Jun 10
I am reminded of people who cancel appointments at the last minute when you can no longer do anything to save the situation. These people have no respect for other people's time. How can they do that even to their friends? I really hate people who are like that. They are thoughtless, irresponsible, and do not have word of honor.
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• United States
3 Jun 10
Good morning & thanks for responding. I know exactly what u mean. I WORKED BY APPOINTMENTS[ IWAS A hairdresser] & put up w/people canceling at the last minute & it was just wasted time especially if u had turned someone else down. they didn't get a chance of doing that again. I always wanted to book people like that on one day & not show up myself, lol. U have a happy day.