How do you avoid people who always ask?

@dsplay5 (360)
June 2, 2010 11:03am CST
Tell me, how do you act if there is a person who always asks you for private things of your life, who always come close to you and try to make a contact, even if you refuse with signes. A person, who is your mother-in-law or cousin and is so impudent that you heartily wish to kill him for his slow wits, but you can't because this is not the right way... What do you do, do you become more tolerant, or you cut their wing? Do you let them to make what do they want, or you stay on your position as a rock and don't let anyone to break it? How do you act?
14 responses
• Philippines
2 Jun 10
When I get irritated with someone who's asking too much questions I usually cut them off. I mostly say "try figuring it out." They usually get the idea when they hear that.
@rajupaul (973)
• India
2 Jun 10
Frontvision You are right. I too believe the same.
• Philippines
2 Jun 10
I also believe that the children are our future. Do you?
@saphrina (31551)
• South Africa
2 Jun 10
sorry, i just had to. TATA.
• Malaysia
4 Jun 10
i'll just try and be more irritating than them and hopefully they'd leave me alone
• United States
4 Jun 10
Why do I not doubt that you are skilled enough in this tactic that it works very well for you?
• Malaysia
4 Jun 10
hmm....why indeed..? it's such a mystery PA. a doggone irritating mystery.
• United States
2 Jun 10
Well either if the signs you are putting out are not working. Then I would just come out and tell them. If I think its none of there business I just try to tell them in a polite way. And if it don't work I just tell them straight out I don't want to answer that and I wont.
• United States
3 Jun 10
Then the only thing you can do is deal with it.
@dsplay5 (360)
• Bulgaria
4 Jun 10
Yes, very good tips, for now I do the almost the same. Thank you for sharing :)
• United States
2 Jun 10
I sometimes ask them why they need or want to know such personal information. Sometimes this will get them to stop asking. If they think they have a valid reason for wanting to know the information, on the other hand, then they have an opportunity to tell me and let me decide whether or not I agree. If I do, then I will tell them. If I don't, then I will just tell them that I don't think they really need to know that information. Sometimes, what they are asking and what they are really trying to find out are two different things, so just being direct and asking them why they need to know this information might clear up some misunderstandings, too.
• Malaysia
4 Jun 10
what if they don't understand the misunderstanding? do they remain standing?
• United States
4 Jun 10
Nope, if they do not understand the misunderstanding within a certain length of time, then I just beat it into them!
@saphrina (31551)
• South Africa
3 Jun 10
Sweetie when i have the patients one day i'll teach you the luxury of beign ignorant. I simply stare them down, ignore them and walk away. So easy, they won't ask again. TATA.
@saphrina (31551)
• South Africa
3 Jun 10
No sweetie, i have to really loose my temper to kill someone. Bad one, you know. I don't have in laws to worry about. And even if i had, i won't take their crap, sorry. And for the TATA, well thats just me. TATA.
@dsplay5 (360)
• Bulgaria
3 Jun 10
Ohhh, you just kill people, your blood is frozen and the heart beat is still 57bps... It's an easy way, yeah, but can you do this to a person from your family for example, the mother in law? And I'll dream this night this TATA, it will be a nightmare :D (I'm kidding with this because I' read it and in other your responses :d )
• China
3 Jun 10
Maybe I will change the topic.
@rsa101 (38293)
• Philippines
3 Jun 10
Well just avoid and let him realize that you do not want to answer his questions anymore. I think people will get it when you would refuse to answer their queries about you. Eventually they would stop and get tired doing this.
@rajupaul (973)
• India
2 Jun 10
Hi Never try to avoid the people who used to ask private thing. I believe you must know the how their personnel thing and accordingly react with them.
• Philippines
2 Jun 10
i will just simply say that i dont talk much about my personal life and i rather want to keep it for myself, if they will insist then i will also insist what i want. i dont care who they are but as long s i dont want to share something from me then i will not and if they dont respect me for that then thats their own problem not mine. they should atleast know if someone wants to open up something nor hide it.
@Fireheart (683)
• India
2 Jun 10
If it was girl at somewhat my age, who ever it is even a cousin, i would be happy to oblige her wish,if it was someone irritating i simply would say am not interested dude. Well asking in a sense is the way of caring i would not mind it was a girl enquiringly that would make a huge day for me. and if its about someone than i would say go straight and ask that someone. well for me killing is not the answer to all or the right method to do it,the situation has to be handled in a manner not to create or hurt feelings.tats all
@werty009 (404)
• Philippines
3 Jun 10
well sometimes i get very irritated when some of my friends just ask and ask but just sometime i get irritated when there asking is what i don't know and they know it
@jennyze (7027)
• Indonesia
3 Jun 10
Oh, I am good at this. I just normally created an answer. When someone asked me when am I going to get married, I would say: when yo have found one rich, handsome, and good guy for me. Do you have a boyfriend? No, can you find me one? Is he your boyfriend? Nope, I wanted to but he does not want me. Can you make him loves me? Just answer the question with another question.^^
@juicekodai (1119)
• Philippines
2 Jun 10
if my friends keep asking about something i dont want to talk about.. i would tell them that i dont want to talk about it.. sometimes, i just smile and change the topic... lol
• United States
2 Jun 10
I'm sorry you have to suffer this way. I'm sure all of us go through this and it's such a pain in the neck. I personally would first of all put on a fake smile. You got to play the polite game even if it doesn't seem genuine. Second, I would scold them in my thoughts. They would come up to me asking, "why aren't you in school? My son just got into blah blah blah". I would respond verbally, "oh, that's great, I heard that's a good school. As for me, I finshed early and studying for the next term". But mentally, I would say, "yeah, lets see how long your stupid son makes it and when are you going to blow up because you eat too much..". But when I'm scolding that person, I always make sure I put on a smile. I know I won't get an Emmy award for putting on that smile but I sure should deserve an award for trying. That's when I don't feel bad about lying to them. They don't deserve to know the truth, it's only to feed their poor egos. Most of the time, I feel sorry for them because they really don't know what the truth is. In this instant, they don't know what their child (hating them), husband(cheating on them), work (not paying them much)and etc is really up to. Boy does it feel like glory when they find out their own dirty truth. The sad part is that you already knew it before them, while all this time they think the world loves them. How sad. That's something to laugh about. These are my thoughts as they run in my little head and I can't help but to laugh, that's when the smile is genuine. Unfortunately for the wrong reason but hey, they can admire my straight non yellow teeth that my dad spent a fortune fixing. lol. Unfortunately this is how I get through people I don't like in society. It's funny because my friends totally can tell if I'm trying to pull an Emmy on others. Have fun with life! Bite your tongue. It's a nasty game out there but unfortuanately it must be played in order to win them.