What's Your Least Favorite Food & What Did You Do To Avoid It?

@gtargirl (5376)
United States
June 2, 2010 1:46pm CST
So mom and her sisters loved all that crazy Indo (Dutch-Indonesian) food. Some of it is very, very good but who could love purple soup???? Uwwwww! It had floating octopus parts in it. Death to the purple soup was our battle cry. We (all the cousins) have no idea, of course, what it tastes like because we always fed it to our dogs who sat patiently under the table. Okay, it didn't work all the time. All I know . . . it was very squishy.
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19 responses
• Philippines
9 Jun 10
I don’t like eggplant. Any cook that has eggplant I eliminate eggplant. Eggplant irritates my lips. When I eat eggplant later you will see me biting my lips or scratching it, because it becomes itchy. That is the least fave food of mine. Some times I hate the feeling that all of your company is eating it and you are not.
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@gtargirl (5376)
• United States
17 Jun 10
I've never heard of that reaction to eggplant. But I guess certain people are allergic to certain foods.
@celticeagle (164984)
• Boise, Idaho
7 Jun 10
Purple soup? I think my least favorite would have to be liver. I have eaten liver once with onions that I was able to actually keep it down. I don't believe a person should eat any kind of organs anyway. Grosses me out! I ate tongue one time and it was very sweet and discusting. Ugh!
@gtargirl (5376)
• United States
17 Jun 10
Boy, now that's a toss up . . . liver or tongue? Okay, I'm feeling a little ill. I agree, no one should eat organs.
@ShepherdSpy (8544)
• Omagh, Northern Ireland
4 Jun 10
I had to try calamari for the first time on my first,and so far,only visit to spain..it was like eating rubber bands,IMO..not what I expected texture wise,or even taste wise,so they have been on my no go list since then..but Purple tentacle soup? You Win!
@gtargirl (5376)
• United States
17 Jun 10
Yeah, rubber bands are not my favorite either. I would like to visit Spain though . . . Italy even better.
@clocks123 (1225)
• United States
4 Jun 10
i don't like liver. i tried it at old country buffet and it tasted like leather. i feel for you with your octopus meal. it dosen't sound very appetizing.
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@gtargirl (5376)
• United States
17 Jun 10
Yeah, liver should be banned.
@dawnald (85147)
• Shingle Springs, California
4 Jun 10
Brussels sprouts and I just don't eat them...
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@gtargirl (5376)
• United States
17 Jun 10
Yeah, nasty!
@artistry (4151)
• United States
3 Jun 10
..Hi gtargirl, I like to try different foods just so I can know how they taste, it is enlightening. Of all the foods I do think without a doubt I dislike baked beans the most. I have not tasted any baked beans dish that makes them acceptable to my taste buds, I am sure there is a baked beans recipe out there that might change my mind, but the baked beans taste would have to be so masked that I wouldn't even know they were there. "o) Obviously I dislike the beans because they are baked beans and the flavor does not appeal to me. I have tasted octopus in Mexico one time, I ate it without a problem, don't think I fell in love with it. Take care.
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@gtargirl (5376)
• United States
17 Jun 10
Maybe it's the sauce of the baked beans you don't like. I like baked beans, add a hot dog and it's dinner. It's not everyone's fave food though.
@naka75 (795)
• Singapore
3 Jun 10
I have never heard of purple soup but I do eat octopus meat sometimes. It is chewy and sweet but that depends on how well you cook it. Perhaps they taste better if the octopus is deep dried as calamari rings. However I do not like dried squid or cuttlefish as the meat becomes very tough and impossible to bite and tear it. Usually they are used to add flavor to the soup which gives a somewhat meaty protein flavor. The purpish color must be from the ink of octopus.
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@gtargirl (5376)
• United States
17 Jun 10
OH, that all sounds pretty yuckky.
@ellie333 (21016)
3 Jun 10
My least favourite food is cucumber, I have never been able to eat it and even if a sandwich has had cucumber in it and it taken out I can still taqste and don't like,can't say I would go much on purple soup either lol. Huggles. Ellie :D
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@gtargirl (5376)
• United States
17 Jun 10
Awww, I like cucumbers. So fresh!
@cream97 (29087)
• United States
3 Jun 10
Hi, gtargirl. I can totally understand how this purple soup is labeled as being nasty. Octopus parts in a soup?? How Yucky!! I know that this is disgusting! I could never imagine eating this! Beets would be a food that would be very disgusting for me. It has a nasty bitter taste. And it reminds me of a beating heart with red pulp. That is why I can never eat this type of food. I know that many people can, but not me. The taste and quality of it, is just so disgusting!
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@gtargirl (5376)
• United States
17 Jun 10
Beets in vinegar is pretty good though. Or baked beets, that's good too. I've never heard it described as a beating heart with red pulp. That's kind of a really cool poetic description.
• Philippines
3 Jun 10
My least favorite food would have to be seafood [because I'm allergic to it] and then apart from that, sinigang. I can't avoid it, though; I just bear it.
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@gtargirl (5376)
• United States
17 Jun 10
OH, I love lobster. But, of course, if I was allergic to it I wouldn't eat it. What is sinigang?
@BCRMike (355)
• Vanderhoof, British Columbia
3 Jun 10
Liver. I'm a big boy now and you can't make me eat it. Last time I had it, it reminded me of the fuzzy stuff on kid's birthday cards. Imagine eating that. Blechh
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@gtargirl (5376)
• United States
17 Jun 10
Liver is evil! No parent should make their kid eat it.
@chuacx (95)
• Philippines
3 Jun 10
I hate seafoods!!! because i can't take the smell of it. and no one can force me to eat that though somehow, i'm afraid that i would have a goiter. but it's very hard to avoid it since my family loves to eat seafoods. but whenever they are going to order that, they would order chicken or anything that is a meat just for me.
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@gtargirl (5376)
• United States
17 Jun 10
That's nice of your family to not force you to eat something you don't like.
• India
3 Jun 10
I don't like eggplant and Mushrooms.....Any dishes containing it is a Strict No-No for me.....
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@gtargirl (5376)
• United States
17 Jun 10
I learned to like egg plant. My mom has a great recipe for it, very tasty. Mushrooms has always been a favorite especially in butter with a dash of chicken bouillon. But I can see where it would be an acquired taste.
• Singapore
3 Jun 10
im indonesian, hmmmm purple soup...? i just heard that soup,, i never heard that kind of soup....
@gtargirl (5376)
• United States
17 Jun 10
It's probably my mom and her crazy cool sisters inventing a new dish.
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
3 Jun 10
yuck nope dont think I would have ate it either. not sure what I didnt like when I was a kid I dont not eat something now as I like most of what we cook Guess that is a good thing.
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@gtargirl (5376)
• United States
17 Jun 10
That is a good thing. Unfortunately for me, a lot of food makes me ill. And carbs take away my ability to breathe right.
• United States
22 Jan 11
Uuuuuuhhhhhh _____
@p3ks626 (6538)
• Philippines
3 Jun 10
My least favorite food was something that my mom cooked every week for us to save time and money. She never had a lot of time to cook for our food so she cooks a lot of them that would last for 2 days or more. I dont like the recipe cause its fish cooked with some garlic, vinegar and a little amount of salt. I really hated it it. I didnt like eating it so when its in the table, I always take out another food I can eat and only eat the fish when I feel like eating it. lol
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@gtargirl (5376)
• United States
17 Jun 10
Fish in vinegar. Uww, doesn't sound good. I like fish, but left-over fish is kind of nasty. It was probably easier to fix spaghetti all the time.
@sophiaraine (1113)
• Philippines
2 Jun 10
I hate pork fats! Ewww.. I throw up even if it's just a very tiny piece. Just thinking about it makes me gag! Lol. ;)
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@gtargirl (5376)
• United States
17 Jun 10
Yeah, not too healthy either.
@rastogisw (445)
• India
2 Jun 10
Well I avoid gaurd vegetables food and mexican food as well I dont like boiled food only.
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@gtargirl (5376)
• United States
17 Jun 10
I kinda' like my veggies boiled, but I'm not quite sure what gourd vegetables are. Mexican food is okay, but I need to get in that mood.