Will you help him or feel it's so dangerous for him?

@hanna811 (132)
June 3, 2010 2:07am CST
Can you guess what I saw yesterday afternoon when I was in the bus on the way home after the work?An old man who is about 60 years old walked through the cars which stoped in the road waiting for the lights turning green and cleant the glass of the car then asked money from the driver ! Maybe he only can get 1 yuan RMB ,maybe little more ,maybe cant get any thing ! I was so shocked by his behavior ,was he scared or how can he do this ? If one car cant stop ,maybe he will die in the accident because it was the time of off work . What do you think about this phenomenon ?It's worthy for only 1 yuan RMB? Tell me your views ,please!
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6 responses
@kingparker (9673)
• United States
4 Jun 10
So, I guess the situation in China is so desperate as in other places. Many people in need of work, or they can't afford to keep up their daily living. I felt sorry for that old man. I think the government should come up some plan for senior citizens to do some handy work.
@gloryacam (5540)
• Philippines
4 Jun 10
In our country, I've seen scenes like this, but, usually it would be kids cleaning the car. I have not yet seen an old man do it. It is very dangerous, indeed, but it is a bit better than begging. It is a heartbreaking scene and sometimes one cannot help by question why there is so much poverty around.
@med889 (5941)
3 Jun 10
I will help him though and at the same time will also tell him how dangerous it is to do like this, life is much more expensive than the one yuan however I also understand that for him the money is very important too, moreover it is not good to risk life in the middle of the road.
@rosie230 (1703)
3 Jun 10
It is a very dangerous thing to do, especially if the lights turn green, and the cars drive off, and accidently hit him, but this is something that I have seen a lot in London UK... It is a way of people earning money, and sometimes they force you to have your window washed, so for the sake a a couple of quid, you just kind of tend to let them. The thing is the only use busy roads, because they know full well, that is where the money can be made.
@CTHanum (8234)
• Malaysia
3 Jun 10
hi hanna. i think that it is the way they earn their money to feed themselves.i will help them if there are only one or two of them come to me but i will think more than twice if there are a lot of them asking for my money.but he took such a dangerous action.hope he will find other way to earn money instead of that.:)
• China
3 Jun 10
I think we should pay more attention to these people,they need our help,and make them realize that it's not worthy for one yuan RMB.Of course,it's my own opinion.