What do you collect?

June 3, 2010 7:48am CST
Everyone has different interests. Some people like shopping for shoes, others like to look at clothes. Some people like collect stuff, like how Jay Leno collects cars. What do you guys collect? I have a thing for hardbound notebooks. I've been collecting them for 4 years [since I was 15] and right now I have over 30 used and unused ones at home. How about you, and how many do you have?
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4 responses
@Nero11 (316)
3 Jun 10
Funny thing collections. I know someone who has an enormous collection of cafetiers. He must have about 30 of them. What does he do with them? It's not like they're all different, they all look the same except for the size but he has numerous of the same size. I've tried collecting. Would love to get into it but I'm not patient enough. I'd quite like to collect bullhorns but that's not quite got off the ground yet. Maybe home-made ashtrays but it's not very pc...
@Porcospino (31366)
• Denmark
3 Jun 10
I collect music, books and notebooks. I love music and I have a collection of music from around the world. I like music shops, and there are always a lot of cds that I would like to buy. I also like bookshops and I have a collection of books in my home. I mostly buy books about travelling, psychology and psychiatry, but I also have some novels and some poetry. Like you I like to collect notebooks, and I have a lot of them. I don't know how many I have already used, but I guess it is about 15. I have a lot of unused notebooks as well, but I can't resist buying new ones [em]blush[/em
@bdugas (3578)
• United States
3 Jun 10
Me I like Angels, I have several shelves full of them, I only look for very rare looking ones, or cute little ones. I used to collect owls but everyone said they was bad luck, so I got rid of them, hey bad luck is still here so that wasnt' true. Yes I would like to be like Leno and collect cars, I probably have over the years had a collection, since I have had several, lol. But us little folks have to settle for angels instead of cars.
@amelly (1554)
• Malaysia
3 Jun 10
..i like to collect keychain since i was like 9..firstly it was petite and easy to hang it anywhere either your bag or somewhere else..i collect many of them..can't recall how many but it is cheap and cute..almost every place i went to,i will buy few keychain..and when i looked at all of it back,i will remembered the place i went to and the memories..