Rainy days, What do you do to keep yourself occupied?

@suehan1 (4344)
June 3, 2010 9:07pm CST
It has been raining here for the best part of 4 weeks.I can not get the clothes dry, but the housework is done. Its too wet to go out,and I am little bored. I might just have a little marathon with posting today and get my online shop on my auction site up to date.So what do you do when its raining that bad you can not get out.?Cheers Sue
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7 responses
• United States
4 Jun 10
i love the rain, i love to watch it or read a book on the porch or just eat soup and sip tea or something. but you are right, sometimes you get too much and you are just sick of rain!!! I usually have so much housework to do that I'm never caught up...4 kids and a hubby...lots of work
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• United States
4 Jun 10
I give you props on a nice discussion! I love the rain too! It sounds so nice against our sky lights! I like to watch it too! Actually, I like to watch all weather, especially thunderstorms. Lightning is so fascination. I usually go on the computer and write on mylot. LOL I'll either curl up by my family downstairs in the living room or in my bed and enjoy a cup of hot tea.
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@suehan1 (4344)
• Australia
4 Jun 10
Yes I love nothing more than to have a nanna nap on a wet and rainy day, and I don't feel quilty about mowing the lawn because its too wet.We have been through a lot of d.v.d's lately , I would like to see the sun ,as I have forgotten what its like.lol. Maybe we can all have a bit of a marathon on posting.
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
5 Jun 10
I work on crafts or read a good book. It's raining here today too....I just spent two lovely sun filled weeks in Arizona and come home to this? LOL....
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@suehan1 (4344)
• Australia
6 Jun 10
Wow we just had some sun for a few hours, but sadly it is raining again. I forgotten how lovely the sun is.
4 Jun 10
I would say I would stay inside, watch tv or be on the computer. If it was going to rain for 4 weeks, I would do the housework but Im not really motivated for housework lol I have a tumble dryer and a clothes airer so would use those to dry my clothes (not the same as being out on the line)
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@suehan1 (4344)
• Australia
4 Jun 10
I am not usually motivated to do the housework normally lol. Yes getting the washing out on the line is nice and fresh ,but alas my dryer has broken and I have been using the heater to dry the clothes
@Jennlk84 (4206)
• United States
4 Jun 10
Today was certainly one of those days! It was quite dreary and somewhat rainy here. I really wished I could just stay home, in bed, instead of going to work! lol But of course I couldn't. When it's a rainy day I typically come home from work and just want to relax. That typically consists of spending some time online and laying on the couch reading until my hubby gets home from work! Rainy days = laziness and relaxing to me!! LOL
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@suehan1 (4344)
• Australia
4 Jun 10
Yes I love being at home when its wet. I hate going out and getting my feet wet, I don't think there is a dry pair of shoes here.lol.I love being lazy, but I have had 4 weeks of this and would like a little sunshine.I do love to read in this sort of weather and I don't feel quilty.
@gloryacam (5540)
• Philippines
4 Jun 10
I love the rain. When I was growing up, it meant, no school, yeay. So it was time for curling up in bed with a nice book and hot drinks or soup. Nowadays when it rains, I don't notice because I'm usually busy at work. I just notice after work that the pavement is wet. I miss the pitter-patter of rain on our rooftop. And the total calm that is felt everywhere after a ragin storm.
@suehan1 (4344)
• Australia
4 Jun 10
Yes I love the rain normally as well, but we have had it torrential at times and the kids still have to go to school, although my son would love it if it meant no school for him, he would be in heaven with 4 weeks off.I have to go out in this rain and pick him up soon and get wet again.
@qianyun6 (2067)
• China
4 Jun 10
You don't need to work or study? I hate the rain because everything get wet and roads turn muddy. I have to go out and have lessons, and get myself wet and cold. If lucky enough I'm just free when raining, surf the net is my usual choice. I go out very little even when sunny.
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@suehan1 (4344)
• Australia
4 Jun 10
We are normally very active when its sunny, so its a nice change to get one or two rainy days and rest when it rains ,but 4 weeks of rain is driving me batty.
• Philippines
10 Jun 10
Usually, I read books and sometimes do some movie marathon. If I can't get online, then I might go for a sleep and simply let the day pass by. there's not that much work for me on rainy days, I only cook and eat and relax during these moments.:)