Can a God of love, create a Place like Hell?

June 4, 2010 7:27am CST
We know God is all love, justice, kind and merciful. He has loads of patience and is forgiving. Most importantly, he is our heavenly father. Then, how can he create a place called Hell to torture his creation? How can he be so cruel, to see his creation suffer or rather make them suffer? I mean, as humans, if our children commit mistakes, we try and correct them, if they wont listen we leave them to their course, but I dont think any one of us would punish them by forcefully burning their hands in fire! Its unimaginable! When, as humans, its not possible for us to be so cruel, how can our heavenly father do so?
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24 responses
@1hopefulman (45114)
• Canada
6 Jun 10
I have discussed this subject before and I do not believe that a place of torture created by God exists. As far as I know, God is love and not a torturer.
1 person likes this
• India
7 Jun 10
Yup, I agree, thanx 4 responding though.
• India
8 Jun 10
god has given us options,he dosent force us to go to heaven,even a three year old baby knows that it is bad to steal,god has given every human being a conscious so if we do wat our conscious says is rite then we may not go to hell..believe in christ and he will save you from the burnin hell.
@awapak (1275)
• Pakistan
6 Jun 10
YES.....ONE GOD ALMIGHTY HAS CREATED H E L L AND HE IS JUSTIFIED !! His great LOVE does not mean He should not punish the culprits,who do not recognize Him as ONE God Almighty in spite of the fact that He had taken an Oath from all the human souls before creation of Adam:that they will never make other associates or mediators with HIM and will never indulge in it is the biggest and only unforgivable sin in the last Holy book,the Holy Quran and all other scriptures which were changed by the religious people who came latter.God Almighty sent about 124000 Prophets to us who all preached Monotheism but even then we could not recognize Him as one God Almighty.Instead we started worshiping some Prophets and killed others.....Then we killed millions of innocent people in wars and nuclear attacks.Do you think God Almighty should forgive them ? NO ,NOT AT ALL HE HAS TO DO JUSTICE AND FOR THAT PURPOSE HELL IS THE BEST PLACE HE HAS CREATED.......!!
• India
7 Jun 10
Defiently he should do justice, but , Man will live for about 70-80 years, max 100, so even if he sins all the years of his life, torturing him in Hell fire to all eternity isnt justified...
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@awapak (1275)
• Pakistan
10 Jun 10
Thanks for your reply.As already told,Polytheism is the biggest and only unforgivable sin in this world.Even God Almighty did not forgive polytheist parents of his Prophets.Prophet Abraham(pbuh)was clearly told that his idolator/polytheist father will go to Hell.The wife and son of Prophet Noah(pbuh)were also punished in front of him.Similarly the final Prophet Muhammad(pbuh)and all Muslims were stopped to pray for their polytheist relatives in the Holy Quran.This is what God Almighty has decided and we can not change His decision.We should only ask His forgiveness and leave polytheism if we really want to get rid of Hell.........May God Almighty save us all from that horrible place,amen.
• United States
6 Jun 10
Are you kidding? There are many " loving parents" that will do worse to their own children.So G-d could have created hell as the ultimate threat. do as you are told or rot in Hell! But I don't think G-d created hell nor heaven. They exist but He didn't create them. I see G-d and the Devil as twins. G-d lives in heaven and Devil in hell. There is a huge battle over the souls of humans but it is all about their relationship to each other , not ours to either one of them.
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• India
7 Jun 10
Hmm, interesting theory, never heard of that before. Well, I guess there are people doing worse things to children, but after all , humans are humans with weaknesses.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
6 Jun 10
Hi keep_onwatch, I agree with you completely, it makes no sense at all. Hell was invented by those who want to control people through fear. There are those who would tell us that we have free will to choose but "do as I say or burn in hell", is not really a choice. In truth we know so little about the divine that the belief that God is love is often all that we have to go on. Blessings.
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• India
7 Jun 10
Yup, thats in a way scaring people, actually, scaring them to control them.
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@HADDOWZ (1469)
5 Jun 10
I have not come across anything in the bible that explicitly says that God created hell for humans or that he throws people into it for punishment of their sins or that the devil and his demons are the wardens of this subterranean world of torture. We can say he created it from the point of veiw that HE created all things and the devil does not have the power to create. All the false ideas have been invented over the years by various religious groups (including the religion called Christianity nowadays) to scare people away from sin.
• India
7 Jun 10
Yup, I guess Hell is a made-up concept and we dont believe in Hell as its not a biblical concept.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
6 Jun 10
Excellent Discussion!!! Your wisdom shows. Let's all look around us. Look at this world, it's people, animals, and universe.From where I stand, it's all pretty remakable. It takes high intellect to be able to create all this. Hmmmm??? Wouldn't such a Being be able to handle a few wayward children and angels as well without burning them alive??? There can be only one answer. God isn't who man has been telling you. Perhaps, it's time to discover the answers without following others.If you are going to just follow all your life, there is no telling where you will end up. Listen to the advice of others but walk your own path! Life's lessons are best learned that way!!
1 person likes this
• India
7 Jun 10
Yup, you are right, Almighty can handle anything and everything. Thanx 4 responding!
@eileenleyva (27560)
• Philippines
5 Jun 10
keep, God can do anything He likes, including a trash can for bad people.
@eileenleyva (27560)
• Philippines
5 Jun 10
@Jotomy (6322)
• India
5 Jun 10
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@jaiho2009 (39140)
• Philippines
4 Jun 10
God did not create hell for nothing. Yes,God is love,and he love His creation. I agree with your example,we can't see our kids being punished,or we can't ever punished our children bu burning them. But,we must see around us,the reason why God has to create hell for punishment. The law of judgement on earth is not a justified law. Some innocent were being punished due to injustice. Some were even killed/murdered/raped and justice is not being served or,the culprits are not punished at all. If there is no hell,where can those cruel criminals goes then? No Father wants to punish his son/kids/children. God also felt sad seeing his children driven by evil force. That is why,God sent His only Son to be an example,and it is our own freewill to decide which way to follow. God can direct us to the good path,we only need to follow every steps. God give us freedom and freewill,like how we discipline our own kids. We punish our kids for every mistake,so,they'll grow up into a good one. But,we cannot direct them to follow every word we advise them,becoz,they had their own mind and decision. That is how,we,human being were treated by our Father in heavens... It is our own choice,to be good,or to become bad.
• India
6 Jun 10
thanx 4 ur response.
@kooltiger (848)
• Pakistan
4 Jun 10
He is not cruel.. but He has given us a lot of options... and then the decision is upon us.. if we choose wrong the He will reward us from heaven.. but what is for the cruel persons who dont care for the end and for anything.. God has made hell for those persons.. He will forgive our little sins but not the big ones.. those are not acceptable.. but if you really care about your end.. then you must study which is the rite religion in this world... and that is only the Islam.. and the fact is that except Muslims no other people can enter in the heaven.. if you dont believe you can research on Islam..
• Pakistan
5 Jun 10
it is not written in the bible because bible is not exactly the words of God.. bible was revealed over our beloved prophet Hazrat EEsaa peace be upon him.. whom the Christians call the son of God.. God took him away from the world.. and God has promised that he will come back on earth again and live like a normal person.. and he will spread the knowledge of Islam and all the Christianity will be finished.. because they will be Muslims.. Quran is the last book of God.. and it was revealed on our last beloved prophet Muhammad Peace be upon him.. and he is the last messenger and Quran pak is the last and final book.. it contains every aspects of life.. and when God revealed it.. He promised to take care of Quran pak Himself. that is why it has not changed a single word in thE QURAN from the day it revealed.. and if you have studied then you must know that their are a lot of mistakes in the bible which has proved by many persons and even science.. But Quran is 100 % true and accurate.. and to be a Muslim it is necessary to have belief over the last prophet Muhammad Peace be upon him.. and The Quran.. and it is written in the Quran that only Muslims can go n the Heaven.. But the good people here in this world who are not Muslims will be blessed here in the World but not on the day of judgment.. but remember.. there will be only Muslims remain on the Day of judgment.. because Prophet Eesaa Peace be upon him will spread the knowledge of Islam and Christianity will be disappeared..
5 Jun 10
You might want to try researching on Christianity. The Bible is our instruction book. We are not to go out and kill people just because they don't agree with what you believe and do. The Bible says "thou shall not kill". You are not supposed to worship idols either. That means something you are worshiping other than our Lord. He has given us an option to accept him in our lives or not. IF we accept him, we go to Heaven when we die. If we don't we go to Hell with the devil when we die. Where did you read that except Muslims no other people will go to heaven? That is not in our Bibles. I don't go by other books written by other people only the Bible. Other books can cause confusion and danger to us. I do challenge you to show me where, in our Bible where Muslims will be the only ones that go to heaven. Where does Muslims get that idea from. The devil can blind us in many ways. He can even change himself into an angel of light to make us think things are like he sees it to get us to follow him and go to Hell. He don't want to be in a place of torment all by himself.
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• India
7 Jun 10
Kooltiger, thanx 4 ur response, but I pass ur offer. I dont accept things easily, and I do a thorough research of everything Im into, so that definetly includes religion. I did a very thorough research before accepting the truth, to find the truth (including all other beliefs), and I dont think I wanna consider anything you just stated above, with all respect. Have a nice day!
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@Jotomy (6322)
• India
4 Jun 10
Hi keep_onwatch, i will not agree that god will create hell and he is going to punish because he is so merciful and he has forgiveness. I think the people has an habit of telling to others that if you do sin you will go to hell because human beings should have a fear to do sin not because the god will put us in hell. As a mother i will tell my child if you do sin you will definitely go to hell, if you do anything against god's wish you will be punished, god has eyes everywhere and he will be observing you from the heaven if you do good you can also go to heaven and meet our god or else you will punished in the hell. I will describe the hell in such a way he will get horrified for that. I know every mother will tell this to their children so this has become a routine one that "god will punish you and you will go to hell". because i want my son should not do any mistakes and he should be protected from doing sin and i want him to be under the presence of god, also i want to make a fear about the evil things. I didn't think there is really hell is existing. We can see hell in the present life itself not in the god side. Have a nice day. God bless you.
• India
6 Jun 10
Well that's an approach, so Hell is made up to maintain integrity among people?
@Jotomy (6322)
• India
7 Jun 10
Yeah i feel so. And i believe there is no hell. Everything is in the earth.
5 Jun 10
God loves us no matter who we are or what we are. I know you don't understand why God created Hell, but it goes like this. There was an angel in heaven called Lucifer. He thought he could do anything God could do. So he was kicked out of heaven. God made a place called Hell to hold Lucifer and all his followers. Example: We love our children, but if one of them rob a store, they have to be corrected. We have laws set up to protect us, therefore, that is why Lucifer was sent to Hell because God already knew he would try to take others with him. God loves us all, so he sent his son Jesus to die upon the cross for your sins and mine and everybody's, but he also requires that we repent and be born again. Not literally born again, but repent and ask the Lord into your heart to be your own personal Lord and Savior. Remember when children grow up and become an age to make their own choices? That is what God gives us, our choice, Heaven or Hell. Otherwise we would be run over by every evil thing on earth and in heaven if he did not make Hell. Heaven is a place where there is no sin and the devil called Lucifer had to be cast out to somewhere when God was ready to do away with him. I hope I have answered you and got you to understand what I am trying to say. Sometimes my words just don't come out right. Need more discussion please let me know. I will be glad to discuss more with you anytime you want. Here are some scriptures from the King James Version of the Bible that explains what I am trying to say. Matthew chapter 4 Verse 1 Matthew chapter 25 Verse 41 John chapter 8 and Verse 44 (There is a John and a 1 John in the Bible. This one is just John) James chapter 2 and Verse 19 James chapter 4 and Verse 7 1 Peter chapter 5 and Verse 8
@elvieb02 (694)
• Philippines
4 Jun 10
Hi! God is all love as you said so He did not create hell. As humans, He gave us the right to choose and decide, it is a privilege that God has given us. Angels do not have this privilege. But then we abused this privilege and turn into wrongdoings. The more humans become bad, the faster hell has come. It is us who made hell, not God.
• India
6 Jun 10
Yup, hell is created by us and not God!
@ronz30 (275)
• Philippines
5 Jun 10
yes .. When I was in highschool my prof in Values told me that satan is also God .. I don't know but It's hard to believe what he says but I think God can only create a place like hell not to torture us but to teach us a lesson for being so naive .. and for not doing good in Land ..
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• Philippines
5 Jun 10
for me God did not crated hell.. although we all know that God knows all.. I think God knows that all angels that wants to have more power will happen.. he knows all.. with God nothing is impossible.. so in our daily lives we must give our best shots everyday.. we don't know if we will be alive on the next day..haha we also know that no one is perfect.. but for me i think everybody is perfect because we are all created in the image of God.. the perfect person for me is the one who say sorry or giving forgiveness to those who sinned them and that the person called PERFECT
• India
7 Jun 10
Thats a good definition of forgiveness, thanx 4 ur response!
5 Jun 10
God loves us no matter who we are or what we have done, but his does have a correction for us when we get out of line. Just as we do with our childen. If he did not the world would be in a worse mess than what it is already. God wants us to repent and accept him in our lives so he can be in control of what we do and so he can protect us and teach us his ways. He don't force himself on anyone. But if you never repent and accept him in your life before you die, you will go to Hell. It says that in the Bible. Read the Bible. It is not just my words. This is found in our Bibles. I noticed you began your discussion with I think. It is not what I think nor you but what God's word says is what we are supposed to go by. REad John 3:16 That tells us how to be born again or in other words get saved. When we are born again Christians we have to learn to walk, talk and learn Gods ways, just as a newborn child does when he or she is an infant. WE have to grow in God's word by getting saved and having a close relationship with God. Thanks so much. crichet 101
@goldeneagle (6743)
• United States
5 Jul 10
God created Hell for Satan and the other angels who rebelled. God loves us all, and does not want us to end up in Hell, so He sent His Son Jesus Christ to die for our sins. Accepting Jesus and asking for salvation and forgiveness for your sins will ensure that you do not go to hell...
@jdyrj777 (6528)
• United States
6 Jun 10
Coming to an acurate knowledge of the Holy Scriptures is vital. Understanding the Bibical hell opens your eyes.
@bellis716 (4799)
• United States
7 Jun 10
Hell was created for the devil and his angels, not for God's children. God's children are those who love and obey him. Mistakes are forgiven when one truly repents and asks for forgiveness.
@ifa225 (14459)
• Indonesia
26 Jan 11
well, i guess he can do anything to his creation. i know that he never want to put their creation to hell, but he had give us a warning and clue to save us from hell. it feels like hell is created to the real naughty of his creation.
@p3ks626 (6538)
• Philippines
8 Jun 10
God's mind is not the same like ours. Our minds are too shallow that we dont understand the ways of God sometimes. God's mind is too great, we cant even compare it in how we think just like thinking about how cruel God can be for making something like hell. There are things that God wants us to do but we dont do it, just like our parents they punish us, we get grounded if we dont do as they say.
@meirhu (363)
• Israel
5 Jun 10
You're "God" is NOT ONLY a god of love. IT is a god of hatred, disaster, evil and everything else bad. When a man who is good all his life commits a crime then he IS a criminal ! So you're "God" is basically EVIL. Once you realize that then there is no question right ?