
June 4, 2010 9:13pm CST
This might be bit of full of platitudes, but i just came up with this after nearly one hour's phone-talking with my friend.She is quite freaked out abt the fact that she needs to start all over again in her job, to swith a job.There's always an inconsistence within our heart that we can't wait still for everything expectable while one way or another we are indecisive to pull the trigger to bring changes.We are always afraid that the change might lose us things we already have, the things we linger on.Changes also confuse us, leading us to the state of loss when we can't vision where this change may take us to.It might go against our expectation and finally turns out a decision we reget after. I have been there once. My grilfriend is readying to board for USA studying journalism, I might should be feeling sorta of joyed to leave me more private time to streth my plans, but for god's sake, who can suure me that both of us can hold on to our belief? anyway, that's a digression already.
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3 responses
• China
5 Jun 10
well,for different people changes may have their own meaning,i mean,for me ,i don`t like stay in a situation all the time,honestly ,l love changes.i love confront unlike troubles,maybe have falling or tear,but i think they are worthful. don`t be afraid of that,a change may bring you a better and different life,meet more friends and feel the life and world better.
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• China
5 Jun 10
Hi,there, pretty, thx for your encouraging words.There's always a may, and there'll always be a but attached to it.This time i m more worried abt the 'but' part though.Also from your words,i m guessing your are more of an oppomistic girl most times.
• China
5 Jun 10
well,the suitable worry is ok,i also care about sth either,you could be more mature if u can balance your life.actually,i`m a oppomistic girl,cos i love smile and have passion for my life.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
7 Jun 10
Changes are definitely something that cause us to go through the entire gamut of emotions when they are happening. I've been through a lot of changes in my life, some of them good and some of them bad, however, no matter what the change is that I am looking toward, there is always some sort of apprehension for me. I think that in the end we will make it through the changes and there will always be some sort of positive that comes from them, but still it is something that will bring us some degree of fear.
• China
8 Jun 10
Hi,Dorannwin,why not sharing some of your unforgetable changes that you went through during your life, i mean previous life.
@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
5 Jun 10
hi billzehua sometimes lifeitself forces us to make changes so if you friend needs to change in her job to a different one make it a challenge and think of it as being fun to accomplish something new and make yourself pround for overcoming the change fear phobia.Look the new inventions we have would have never been made if someone had not stepped out of the box and done something different.So a lot of change is actually good as it makes us succeed and accomplish new things. why do you not come here to the USA too with your girlfriend then you will not be parted like that.Try it you might like it and like us too.we are pretty friendly people here in t he US. ..
• China
5 Jun 10
Hi, Hatley, I really like what you said ,and it uplifted me quite a bit! you really got that it is the very phobia that impedes me from stretching myself, that upsets me lately.Abt that studying thing, well, I m already at work now, so i sorta of take it that i ve already missed the time to apply,plus i don't see myself capable to apply a full-ride to cover the expenses, but I do have the idea to go there someday to take an MBA course. And I'm glad that you offered your welcome.