Comparing salaries makes you unhappy?

June 4, 2010 9:18pm CST
I was chatting to a friend and its Appraisal tim ein most of the companies, he started talkign about the recent hike in the company, told about few peopels who got very good hike. He think that the one who got good hike do not deserve, this is what he think. During our chat I got to know that he did not get very good hike and that is the reason he says others do not deserve good hike. Should we compare ? We measure success against other colleague/friends/Family member's Salry and curse ourself, "Why am I not earning like him/her?". Logically we are selling our skill and companies are paying for that, may be someone has got better than me so why to bother about it. Mine is not less unless I compare with someone else. I believe that we should fight for the best as per our ability and knowledge but do not compare with anyone. This will lead to unhappiness. What do you say?
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13 responses
• Indonesia
5 Jun 10
Yeah, i agree with you. We should just fight with the best of our ability, no need to compare ourself with others deliberately since it will lead to an unsatisfied feeling.
1 person likes this
• India
5 Jun 10
Comprae for good, get inspired and move on to new hight. Thank you for sharing.
• Philippines
5 Jun 10
I preferably enjoy earning at work, comparing salaries or having a hike is the least thing that I should worry. But if there are people who's life this, then I just stay away from them. Because for me, if they are unhappy with what they get, then they can always complain or take their problems to their bosses. Or better yet, you can tell them to go find a job that offers a good paycheck and in which they think they deserve.:)
• India
5 Jun 10
Good Going, Its appraisal time and most of the guys are busy discussing all this, good that you keep away yourself. Try to get good and do not feel bad for others salary. Thank You for sharing.
@Iriene88 (5343)
• Malaysia
5 Jun 10
Yes, there is an old saying in Chinese proverbs : " People compare people, will lead to heartache " You are absolutely right! We will feel bad when we start comparing our salary with those of our colleagues, friends and relatives. Comparison have to be made in the same industry, same geographical area, same / similar size company and level of achievement to be fair. Sometimes we have to be in the right place at the right time to get a better paid job. Do comparison in general is good to know the market price for our skill. All the best and do keep in touch :)
• Mexico
5 Jun 10
Hi Iriene: I think that this proverbe is very good. People suffers when they start to compare (in a negative way) what they have with the others and it's sometimes unfair because we should thank God for the things he gave to us. Sometimes it's all about luck and the only thing we can do is to work to make our dreams come true. To be jelaous about what the others earn or have is not good for anyone. Thanks for your answer. Have a nice day. ALVARO.
• India
5 Jun 10
Iriene88 We can do comparison but for good reason, if a comparison can give you chance do get a better paid job, thats inspiration but feeling bad because you are less paid and someone is betetr paid is nod good. starsailover We should not be jelaous for others success and salary but try to get at their level for sure. We should not compare ourself with anyone, thst is insult to self. Everyone has their own destiny and so is mine Be happy and spread happiness. Thank You guys for sharing.
• India
7 Jun 10
i agree with you, Whenever i will get the news that my friend get good hike, and after comparing his salary with my salary, My happiness or salary hike will reduce. But still i will do party with my friends for my and their salary hikes. Cheers.......
• India
8 Jun 10
Never let the spirit go down, its not about deserving, one shoul dget the chance to prove. Do not compare and if you do , do it for good reason, like why am I not paid that much, may be I am lacking somewhere or did not negotiate well. Take correcyive actions without any disappointment.
@setsuna26 (2749)
• Philippines
5 Jun 10
It will be unwise to compare salaries with people you know. Well if its just for friendly purposes then its fine but if it brings envy and jealousy in the picture then i think its not good to even start comparing your own salary to whoever it may be. First each and every one of us has our own strenghts and weaknesses somebody might be smarter than you or maybe he luckier than you are . But the fact that someone has a higher salary from anybody else doesnt make him or her a better person already. As i said if the comparison is in the spirit of friendly competition then its good but if its more than just that then it becomes bad
• India
5 Jun 10
Correct, our strength and weakness is different from each individual and so salary may not be an exception. We should compare for good reason and be happy after getting something better. Thank You for sharing.
• China
5 Jun 10
I think compare the salary is a bad habit. A person's success is no matter with salary. If your salary is high, but you don't like the job, it is a failure. If the salary is not high, but you like it . you are successful. just do you like.
• India
5 Jun 10
Success and salry are related but should not compare to a level when you become unhappy. Thank You for sharing.
@Simon1223 (903)
• China
5 Jun 10
Yeah, I quite agree that comparing salaries makes people unhappy. In reality people always compare their salaries with those who earn more money. The outcome is definitely foreseeable. According to this rule, except for the richest person in the world, nobody is happy. I believe that most people understand it's not a good phenomenon, but for it has already been a part of our culture, it's not easy to change.
• India
5 Jun 10
We compare and get better is good but become disappointed or unhappy is not good. Thank You for sharing.
• Mexico
5 Jun 10
Hi Ajay Singh Baghel: I agree with you and in general I try my best to not think too much on what the other people do or have because, I feel that I'm a lucky person and that I have a lot of things to thank God and it's unfair to compare me with other people. I know that there are a lot of persons that have beter luck than I do. I just think "good for him/ her" and that's it. If I want to have something better for myself I have to work for it and make my best but these comparisons don't give you anything good. Thanks for sharing with us your thoughts about this subject. Have a nice day. ALVARO.
• India
5 Jun 10
I think everyone should thank god for whatever we have, its the comparison that makes us unhappy. So do not compare and be happy. Thank you for sharing.
• India
5 Jun 10
Better not to compare if you want to avoid headache.. if you really want to be happy compare eith those who earn less, are poor and always feel you are better than them.. but comparing with high earners may make you sad But always try to reach higher salary jobs.. Thanks for sharing. Welcome always. Cheers. Prof
• India
5 Jun 10
Well said sir, compare with the less paid people and feel satisfied however we should be prograssive towards gaining more, try for better job and salary. Thank You for sharing.
• India
5 Jun 10
well you are at the right point one should never complain about like this but you know we specially INDIANS comes from the land of comparison we learn it from our parents they start comparing things when we get good or bad grades or marks in school and they they also do they same thing in further studies also in entrance......examination at the time of getting salaries we end up comparing it with our friends salary and this is how the lesson keeps on going and going to our future generation ........i dont know why people stop doing this it sometimes get really very very frustrating for children .......but this is how INDIA goes..........well lets hope for the best........take care........
• India
5 Jun 10
Yeh, parents are very good at comparison, his son is doing so & you are doing this , all that but ultimately they want us to grow and do good. If we compare and in return we get inspired to do more and who knows we are geeting more than the one we were comparign with. Thank You for sharing.
@ronz30 (275)
• Philippines
5 Jun 10
YEs .. It makes us really unhappy especially when we know that we do more our best than the other person with a high salary than ours ..
• India
5 Jun 10
Thats true. Thank you for sharing.
@vikas_711 (106)
• India
5 Jun 10
Yes it is so. especially, when you comapre it with your colege or school mates. Thoughts come in your mind where are you lacking behind, may sometime give you unnecessary tesion.
• India
5 Jun 10
Think otherway and try to find that what he/she has that I do not have, how can I reach to their salary. That would be good thing instead of being unhappy. Thank You for sharing.
@qianyun6 (2066)
• China
5 Jun 10
I agree with you very much. Comparing salary is really a bad habit. It happens on me. After I know I am in a group with the lowest salary, I become so frustrated and have no energy to work. I must end this state as soon as possible.
• India
5 Jun 10
I suggest never try to know salary of others. Just calculate your ability and compare the salary with your ability, if its less fight for the deserving salary. Thank you for sharing.