what would you do?

June 4, 2010 11:19pm CST
guys if you impregnated a girl in a one night stand what would you do? for girls what would you want the guy to do if he impregnated you? happy lotting :)
5 responses
@ellago (127)
• Philippines
7 Jun 10
It's not good to be in such situation but in case that happened to me. It would let the guy decide what he wants to do. I wouldn't force marriage on him. It would not be successful if there is not love that would bind us together. It would be better to be separated and let my kid grow without a dad rather than grow with a dad and not be happy because of the fights of the parents that he would see while growing up.
@Capsicum (1444)
• United States
5 Jun 10
Did the deed now pay the piper.More thought of protection should be put into one night stands.When such serious consequences come about at times. If you would even see the one night stand again.They should full fill their part of what they have done.If your not smart enough to use protection then you must pay the price.
@grayxenon (1313)
• Philippines
5 Jun 10
do the right thing, man up and be ready for a responsibility as a father. marriage is an option but not mandatory, what is mandatory is you should be responsible enough to face the consequence of your act. the child has got nothing to do with your foolishness to engage in a casual relationship without protection. accidents are done by carelessness.
• Philippines
5 Jun 10
You mean like a fling? Run as fast as i can and never look back. But if it's my girl i'm ready to take the responsibility. In fact, i love to take the responsibility. :)
@zsarhea (302)
• Austria
5 Jun 10
wow thats kinda an irresponsible act on both male and female side.Why?Its a one night stand and yet someone get pregnant?havent any one of them think to use protection? Well if they are responsible enough for their actions then maybe they should sit and talk about but never get to end to a decision to abort the baby...Its their fault and not the baby so its not right to abort an angel..besides one day they'll end up realizing how a baby will make them happy...they dont need to get married,just have to be responsible to the things they did.Hope it helps.