God's Wrath?
@whiteheather39 (24403)
United States
June 5, 2010 6:53am CST
I had not thought of this before:
"In Revelations it says the water will turn to blood," said P.J. Hahn, director of coastal zone management for Louisiana's Plaquemines Parish. "That's what it looks like out here — like the Gulf is bleeding. This is going to choke the life out of everything."
In Revelations 16:3, The Second Bowl- The Seas Turn To Blood.
We have already seen one-third of the sea turned to blood during the second trumpet in Chapter 8. But when the angel pours out the second vial, the entire sea turns to blood. Because the sea turns to blood, every living creature in the sea will die. Their bodies will rise to the surface and decay. The stench will be awful and the potential for disease will be unimaginable.
In Revelation 16:4, we see that an angel has been assigned to the waters of the earth. When the waters turn to blood, this angel speaks and justifies this horrible judgment of God.
We have allowed the mere mention of God's name to be taken out of our governmental places, our schools, our work places and now I understand we will be producing a U.S. coin that will not have “In God We Trust” on it.
Why have we decided that God no longer deserves a place in our country? There was a time when our political leaders, judges, teachers, business owners, etc, came to God first with the issues and problems of the day instead of last. I mean think about it the only time we seem to call on God's name is when there is a catastrophe at hand in this country like 9-11 or natural disasters that destroy homes and take lives. We ask the question where is God during all this or why did God allow these things to happen when we should be asking why have we turned our backs on Him. Why have we pushed Him out of every place we possibly can as a nation. I guess we think we don't need Him anymore. I wonder how He feels about that? I think I know; how about you.http://www.streetdirectory.com/etoday/we-have-drifted-from-god-wfoufo.html
Is it possible? What are your thoughts?
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13 responses
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
5 Jun 10
WEll with ony 14% of people that wanted God out of the way the Government decided it was political corrrect to take God out and that makes me so mad for we had servived 200 years here with God on our building in our schools on our money!
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@thegreatdebater (7316)
• United States
5 Jun 10
Do you remember why this country was founded? I am sure that the people that came to this country would be very happy to see GOD removed from our government. That is why they came here in the first place. Putting GOD on everything actually would go against what our founders fought for. So why should we put GOD in our government, when it wasn't meant to be in the first place?
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@TTCCWW (579)
• United States
5 Jun 10
God has only been on our money since the 1950's. If you look at the older buildings you will find no mention of God on any government buildings.
Why do folks think that it is alright to impose their god into everyone elses life?
Good manners used to dictate that you kept these things to yourself and your private lives.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
5 Jun 10
I don't think God is responsible for the Gulf oil spill--it is the result of a company that ignored safety considerations and allowed a well to operate even though a vital safety factor had been compromised. While the spill is the result of greed (which is one of the seven deadly sins).
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
5 Jun 10
I too have thought since is all happened that greed was the cause of the disaster. Greed, as you say, is the 6th Deadly Sin.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
6 Jun 10
Maggie, I heard on the news yesterday that BP has hired many of the fishermen to help with the cleanup, plus other workers that have been out of work due to the spill. BP seems to be the ONLY one who is actively working to try to clean up the spill and prevent more damage. Governor Jindal is the only effective person in the entire government and should be allowed to do whatever he wants. I hear that he will make all the barriers he wants regardless of what the government says and I support him in that. It seems to me as if the government is working against cleanup efforts so that they can sue BP out of existence.
I have no love for BP--they ignored safety and got a few passes from the current administration so they didn't have to have the proper inspections, or so I've read. They've also had something like 600 violations over the past few years while Shell and Exxon had less than 6 each. There's something fishy afloat here and I hope it all comes out soon.
@mysticmaggie (2498)
• United States
6 Jun 10
One thing that bothers me about the spill is that within twenty-four hours, our government received 3 changes from BP to lessen the safety regulations that are the gold standard for deep sea drilling and acted on them immediately! Yet, when Louisana's governor asked for help building over twenty barrier islands to protect their shores, it took WEEKS to approve a small portion of the request. Instead of approximately 25, the government approved only 6. The reason - had to get EPA approval!
Why would they need EPA approval to save a state's shores, but not to lessen safety restrictions on a well being drilled 5000 feet below the surface? That thinking has yet to be explained by anyone in charge.
I also wonder why the fishermen, who are now out of work, aren't called in to help clean up the mess. They could supply a lot of boats for the project. For that matter, even pleasure craft could be called in to help out. Why not have them gathering the sludge and emptying it into tankers? Could a way be found then to take the crude and refine it into a usable product?
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@laglen (19759)
• United States
5 Jun 10
heather, your link wouldnt work for me
but I agree, we dont seem to want Him anywhere, but still blame Him. We dont want to "offend" other religions, so in the mean time we bow to them, and forsake our own savior. No, I dont think that makes Him very happy.

@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
5 Jun 10
I do not know why it will not work as I was able to find the article again.
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@spalladino (17891)
• United States
5 Jun 10
My thoughts are that folks shouldn't cherry pick Revelations. The same thing has been suggested when atomic bombs were dropped Hiroshima and Nagasaki but other parts off Revelations had not come to pass then...or now. For instance:
"Revelation 16:2 So the first angel went and poured out his bowl on the earth; and it became a loathsome and malignant sore on the people who had the mark of the beast and who worshiped his image."
Has the first angel been asleep at the switch...and where is that pesky mark of the beast? 

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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
5 Jun 10
I guess the 666 mark is hidden by certain hair styles or wigs.
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@spalladino (17891)
• United States
5 Jun 10
Hmmm, that could be possible. But, if I'm remembering correctly, wearing the mark of the beast is a requirement according to Revelations...wasn't there something in there about not being able to do business, buy and sell, without it? Does that mean that we all have "the mark" hidden under our hair or wigs and we don't even know it? 

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@mysticmaggie (2498)
• United States
6 Jun 10
How about social security numbers and other numbers given to people by their nations? To get a job, you have to give them that number. Does that count? Hmmm, maybe not.

@epicure35 (2814)
• United States
6 Jun 10
My thoughts, Whiteheather, are essentially your thoughts. Thank you for articulating them so cogently. But, it's God's thoughts that are vital to life, to liberty, and to blessing. Above all, God IS love and not just some "meany", and when we dare to remove him as "Alpha and Omega", we also remove love and all of its blessings and protections. If I were He, (hypothetically, of course, because it's way above my "pay grade", not to mention ability, nor even desire)I would have regurgitated upon the world years ago. But, because He, Alone, embodies all love, longsuffering, and gentleness, He has endured the filth and and "ungodliness" of all of us in His wondrous magnanimity, grace, and dignity.
All that is and all that we have is His Creation. And look how shamelessly we have dealt with and destroyed His Creation.
So, it's no surprise that we are looking at the results of our own handiwork. While I am no Bible scholar and am kind of squeamish when it comes to Revelation, I know for sure that when we persist in sin, wrongdoing, and reviling of our Creator and Provider of all things good and wonderful, He eventually removes His Hand of Blessing, and leaves us to reap the consequences of our own terrible choices in misusing the free will and liberty He gave us. Too many of us chose our own "Nebuchadnezzar" and his tyranny, while "thumbing our collective nose" at God and His liberty. So, we have indeed reaped the "whirlwind" and are swimming in the cesspool of OUR OWN creation.
Regarding your specific references to Revelation, I'd say your assessment is quite accurate. We have allowed ourselves to become so lost and deceived by worshipping the gods of self, secularism, materialism, and intellectualism, and by pandering to the ambition, greed, and powermongering of the "humans" we make "idols".
And, now, these "idols" will turn this particular happening (as well as all things that suit their need and greed) into a "political machination", since Nebuchadnezzar obviously does not care if America is destroyed, but, rather gloats and arrogantly glories in same, and will continue to incite those hapless and foolish among us into a frenzy (as he did in 2008) of blame against his current enemies.
I do not know if the advice of II Chronicles( "... will humble themselves and pray,...turn from their wicked ways...,then I will heal their land..") will either be followed, borne out, or serve to heal our land, but I do know that we were warned ages ago in Scripture that "your complacency will kill you", and the recorded history of the beginning and ending of all great civilizations has borne this out.
Yet, through it all, our God of awe and wonder and boundless love, affirms the victory of those who seek righteousness and persist to the end, through the unimaginable and glorious sacrifice of His Precious Son, so that we, undeserving in our own right, may have reconciliation with our incredible Creator and Provider.
And, through it all, we must "count it all joy" and wait for the words "well done, good and faithful servant."
For our Creator is a God of covenant, and the embodiment of love, promise, hope, truth and justice, and is truly a God who keeps His Word.
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@epicure35 (2814)
• United States
6 Jun 10
Thanks to you for your wisdom and understanding in starting this discussion. My heart aches over the terrible ungodliness we have allowed to consume us and our nation. "Righteous exalts a nation, but ungodliness is a reproach to any people."
May God continue to Bless and Keep you.

@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
7 Jun 10
natives took care of this land way before the whiteman came.
Also the farmers tried hier best to use the land wisely but big Corps came in and took over the little farmers where now they have to work harder to make a living I do beleive the frmers sould get land back to the way it was and not be useing all this crap they use on animals and our food supply to make it grow faster.
If you take a life of an animal for food make sure thereis one to grow in its place If you cut down a tree for paper and all that plant new trees to grow and tke place of ones cut down.
Stop raping the land!
@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
5 Jun 10
That makes sense. We are not very good caretakers.
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@TTCCWW (579)
• United States
7 Jun 10
I don't dissagre but I was raised by farming family's and many of the small farmers are just as guilty of using chemicals and unsustainable growing practices as the big boys and in some cases worse because they are not watched or regulated as closely.
You would be amazed at the number of small farmers that hoarded DDT and used it for years because they don't beleive it is as harmful as the bugs it kills.
We currently have 80 thousand chemicals in our dailey lives that have never been tested for safty on humans. The average women used 200 chemicals before she leaves the house every morning. And we wonder why we have the highest cancer rates in the world.
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
5 Jun 10
I always proceed with caution - if at all - when it comes to discussions linking religion and politics. I figure if you think the wrath of God is bad, wait until you feel the wrath of an angered myLotter...lol! Seriously, whenever someone tries to "blame" some horrible thing that's happened, whether it be a natural disaster, an horrible accident like this oil "spill" or a terrorist attack such as 9/11, on God, I kind of cringe. I'm NOT a religious scholar by any means but the God I grew up worshiping and learning about wouldn't punish so many innocent people, not to mention helpless animals or the environment, over what some have done wrong in His eyes. I'm sorry, and I don't intend any offense towards those who disagree, but I personally just don't buy it.
You wrote, "There was a time when our political leaders, judges, teachers, business owners, etc, came to God first with the issues and problems of the day instead of last." That invokes claims of, "God told me to run" a la George W. Bush and Sarah Palin! I'd like to add that I disagree with those who claim without religious faith there are no moral values; I don't think one has to be of a particular religion or in fact any religion to be a good person and live a good life. I've known and do know many GOOD non-religious people as well as many BAD religious ones!

@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
5 Jun 10
Annie the only words which were mine were: I had not thought of this before ..and ..Is it possible? What are your thoughts? The rest is all segments of articles from others with the links.
I personally do not think God would punish so many innocents and all the wonderful wildlife for the greed of others. Then again who am I to question what could be God's will.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
6 Jun 10
Whiteheather, I didn't mean to imply they were you own original words or your personal feelings and I didn't mean any criticism of it if they were. Also, what I should have mentioned are the proclamations of several of our more sleazy and crazy televangelists who have blamed 9/11, Katrina and every other disaster that's happened in recent years on gays and people who have or support the right to abortion. THAT'S certainly not directed at you, either!
We're really on the same page here because I echo your last sentence. I'd like to add that it wouldn't surprise me if corporate thugs like those at BP and probably even terrorists hope much of the blame is placed on God's wrath, thus giving them the chance to get away with their destruction and do more.
@grammasnook (1871)
• United States
5 Jun 10
1 Treat others like you would like to be treated.
This is what I live by, it has worked for me for over 40 years. Here isthe simple fact if you live your day in and day out like this you will find that it is actually contagous. After all do you know anyone that would want to be shot, or lied too? Respect is one of the biggest factors if you respect yourself it is really easy to respect others. Kind of like if you smile at someone they automatically tend to smirk or smile back!
Fact of this disaster is that BP screwed up and were not responsible, god had nothing to do with this huge disaster.
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
6 Jun 10
I think the decision to believe or not believe in God has been taken out of the government and put into the hearts of the individuals. There are so many who have very differing beliefs that who is to say what is the right belief. I don't think that having "God" on our coins or not is the problem at all. It is what is in an individual's heart that matters the most.
@thegreatdebater (7316)
• United States
5 Jun 10
I don't buy that for a second. Look at our history as a country, even in times when this country did put GOD ahead of other things we still had problems. Look at all of the wars, the natural disasters, the Great Depression. Look at the other countries that FORCE you to practice religion, and see if they are blessed by GOD more than we are. My personally opinion on the matter is if YOU do the right things, than you will be OK. It doesn't matter how much you go to church, if you are a saint on Sunday, and a sinner for the rest of the week does that make you better than someone who is a saint all week? You can call this what you will, but it is meant to be a wake up call to the world that what we are doing when it comes to drilling needs to be done better, or find another way. Maybe this was GOD, maybe not, but someone wasn't doing the right things, and maybe they will wake up.
@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
5 Jun 10
I agree that it could be a wake-up call now I just hope that people will pay attention.
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@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
6 Jun 10
Considering how much God has blessed us, I don't doubt for one minute it saddens Him to have us turn our backs on Him. What I think is more interesting though, is what happens when we don't treat Israel (our only friend in the middle east) well.
@quita88 (3715)
• United States
5 Jun 10
I do think God is saddened by our society. He wants more from us than political mumbo jumbo and the world HE created is going to suffer for our own lack of love for HIM.
I believe God's wrath will again be shown to us and how far God goes is going to be a shock to all of us.
Anytime you pull away from the base of your own being you are going to pay with your life, your family and will be put into either financial or personal catastrophe or both.
I am sad myself for our people who are not looking at he basics of life. God.
I do think it's never too late to return to God's ways and pray we as Christians as well as citizens of the US for our own personal lives to yearn again for the everlasting love of God.
The world as we know it will cease to exist if we continue this ignorance of God.
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@TheIceman33 (347)
• Philippines
5 Jun 10
Why do the name of god always be included to the happenings here on earth. i mean, everything that had happened on earth are cause by man's choices.Life is full of choices and every choices has its own consequences. let us not blame god for these because he has nothing to do with this. it all boils down to choices.
@jupitercrashing (635)
• Canada
5 Jun 10
God never deserved a place in any country, and I can only hope that soon the day will come when the separation of church and state is a reality and not a fantasy.
Are you aware of the oil spills and leaks, much more traumatic than what is occurring in the Gulf, that have taken place in Nigeria over the last decade or so? Here is a link for more information: http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2010/may/30/oil-spills-nigeria-niger-delta-shell
What has occurred in the Gulf is a depressingly regular incident that happens due to greed and a lack of oversight and regulation. It is not unique. It was caused by humans, and humans will suffer the consequences. It was the heartless, money-grubbing oil companies, oversight officers, and politicians who allowed this to happen.
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