how many people really believe in aliens???
By shaikhazhar
@shaikhazhar (79)
June 5, 2010 8:40am CST
over eight thousand year ago the sumerian culture wrote tales of alience that came this planet from their home planet of nibiru and gentetically manipulated the lesser primates, fused two chromosome together and created humans so the belief in aliens goes back rallyfar in history they were called the annunaki. they designed humans to mine gold for them do search on it's interesting.
i would like to add that it wwould be rather arrogant of any of us to think we're the only much less supreme intelligence in the universe. we are probably on the scale of pond scum in the universal gene pool.
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8 responses
@shadowluigi89 (173)
• Philippines
6 Jun 10
Actually aliens, UFO's and mysteries are things that I can consider as one.
sometimes people may think that such things exist...
but the human nature definitely tells us that, "to see is to believe..." am i right?
So that's the reason behind why people don't really believe in things such as aliens if they don't actually see it in person of perhaps feel them instead.
but for me, I take into consideration the presence of those things excavated underground which are way beyond human civilization.
Now, where does those things came from? You can now consider the thought of putting aliens into consideration...
Be free to enjoy posting a reply... :)
@Glennbradbury (367)
6 Jun 10
I think that there is a very good chance that there is lifeforms on other planets. Probably not little green men but something completely different to us. There are countless galaxies so to think that we are the only lifesource is probably unrealistic.
@max1950 (2306)
• United States
6 Jun 10
sumerian hieroglyphic's show a story of something we cant figure out and can only imagine that is fact based, but why would they carve things like rocket ships and humans that we would consider alien to this planet, only time will tell but as you i believe its pretty arrogant to think we're the only ones out here in a very small galaxy one of perhaps millions in the universe.
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
5 Jun 10
Hi shaikhazhar, I must confess to knowing nothing about this story although I know that there are those who feel that our ancestors may have come from other planets.I agree with you that it would be arrogant of us to believe that we are the only intelligent beings in the universe. Stars and planets are it would seem innumerable,and no doubt there is life that is far superior to us. There could also be life that have not developed to the extent that we have. I feel certain that many of those growing up today will know this to be true in their lifetime. Blessings.
@don_naces (464)
• Philippines
6 Jun 10
I do not believe in aliens. They are just a product of our imagination. I do not want to see them. For sure, if they really exist, I would be scared.
@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
5 Jun 10
I have a few thoughts on this. I will address the Nibiru issue first though. Nibiru cannot/does not/has never existed. There is a simple reason for this, orbital mechanics. No planet that size can have an orbit that oblong at that speed. It would be moving at "escape velocity" and be flung out of the solar system on it's way through.
In addition to that, we would not see the planets in the solar system in the orbits they are in today, things would be vastly different as Nibiru's gravity would play constant havoc on them, even when far out in it's most distant point, out there it would also have great effect on the Keipur belt...again, this would be very noticeable.
Then there is the fact that a planet that size would be seen by every amateur astronomer on earth. There is no way you can hide a planet, especially one that size. It would stick out like a sore thumb. In fact, if it was where believers say it should be right now, you wouldn't even need a telescope to see it, you could see it with the naked eye. It would appear about the size of and as bright as Mars in the night sky.
There is great tendency to romanticize the "knowledge" of the ancients, but we must remember they could not know anything they couldn't see with the naked eye. They may have been able to look up, see all those shining things in the sky and track their regular movements, but they would have had no knowledge of what they were, how big they were, their speed or what they were made of. To them, they were just little twinkling lights in the sky.
Sitchin has been proven wrong on many of his translations of Ancient Sumerian writings and this mistranslation has lead to a very entertaining, but factually WRONG series of books.
SO, about other life out there. I believe pretty strongly it exists. I believe there is probably intelligent life out there, somewhere. I will even go as far as to say there are probably a few other civilizations out there...somewhere. BUT, what are the odds we will ever encounter that civilization? Probably near zero.
Think for a moment about the size of the universe, and the distance between objects. Also think about the age of the universe. Even if there were another civilization in our own galaxy, there is a good chance it may already have come and gone a million years ago and we would never have known it even existed, or they, us.
We know that light travels at a certain speed, incredibly fast. But the light from our nearest star (which is VERY inhospitable to life bearing planets) takes over 4 years to get here. And things only get further from there. Our own galaxy is over a hundred thousand light years across. Lets say the nearest civilization is only a mere thousand light years away, (a cats whisker in cosmic distances) Even if this civilization became advanced enough to travel at light speed, it would take them a thousand years to get here.
And if the next civilization was in another galaxy, even the closest one to us (Andromeda galaxy), it would take them over a million years to travel here even at light speed.
I believe we will find some form of life right here in our own solar system in the very near future. Mars most likely has some form of microbial life still living deep in it's soil. this alone would be an incredible life altering discovery if you think about it. We may even find some form of simple life forms in the Oceans of Europa (Jupiter's moon)under all that ice.
But the likely hood we will ever encounter another civilization is pretty nearly nill. Think 2 plankton in an ocean and that's the type of situation we are dealing with...tiny tiny life forms....big ginormous universe.