Paranormal Activity -Has anyone seen this film? Thoughts please!
By ellie333
@ellie333 (21016)
June 5, 2010 4:48pm CST
Hi All, I have watched this and have experineced so much similar but I would like to know how you felt? I got annoyed with the boyfriend because he wasn't listening to good advice. What about you, have you experineced anything similar? thoughts and feelings please,
Huggles. Ellie :D
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9 responses
@artizan (195)
6 Jun 10
hi ellie
yes watched this film and although the begining seemed to have promise., i agree the idiot boyfriend got to be the most annoying and probably will remember the film that way..
on a scary scale, no, didnt find it scary, more frustrating, and hopng there would be a point to the 'haunting' as one of your other comments mentioned.
I think i found the exorcist scarier back in the day, but was younger, and had not had a life time filled with unexplained, as my sons call it eebie geebie stuff.
So on the film., really didnt rate it
On life, like your self and a few others who have made comments, the real life stuff been scarier, as to the existance of who or what causes these unexplained events., is way too much to go into., but we all have our views and ways to solve them..
Interestingly., our ancesters, (ancient) took these things to be part of their existance and not ab normal/ or to use the terms it gets labelled today para/normal.
But they where more in touch with creation and the things around them... and not distracted from knowing the changes around them, or distracted by technology...
accepting there is/was more to the human make up than just what could be seen or touched...
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@ellie333 (21016)
6 Jun 10
Hi Artizan, I remember watching the Exorcist (or should I say remember sitting on a sofa hiding behind cushions with one of my friends lol)so probrably didn't really see the whole movie. Yes I was much younger then and hadn't experienced as much as I have now in life but Paranormal activity didn't frighten me either just annoyed me that the boyfrined was such an a*s. My brother calls it my eebie geebie stuff too lol but listens to it more these days. Having had experiences in life myself of this kind I think they could have done more with this film but considering it was such klow budget and made a box office hit fair play to the guy who done it. Perhaps has given people moreof an understanding that there are spirits and there are demons possession two different areas and some stuff shouldn't be played with and professional help is needed. Huggles. Ellie :D
@artizan (195)
6 Jun 10
I agree with you there., the more people become aware, the mor the learning , knowledge, and acceptance that this is part of life., not something out side of it., and perhaps this is the way to evolving more acceptance not just of spiritual things, out side of our understanding as "norm" but will have a knock on effect with in the world at large... that would be nice..
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@pooja30 (203)
• India
6 Jun 10
Hi Ellie! I watched this movie a while ago, and I dunno, for some reason I didn't really find it that scary. It was hyped to be the "scariest movie ever" and I found myself getting the chills only towards the end of the movie, because of the killing sounds . As far as the boyfriend goes, I thought he was being pretty average male-like :P I haven't really experienced anything similar, but I do believe in the paranormal and the supernatural, and if something like that did ever happen to me, I know I'd be alone in facing the ghost or whatever, cuz all my friends would think I'd gone nuts! :D
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@maean_19 (4655)
• Philippines
6 Jun 10
I had watched and seen the movie, "paranormal activity" with my boyfriend. He bought a dvd and we planned to watch it at home , although it was then showing in the theaters. Good thing we did not decide to watch it in the theater because the movie sucks. We were actually disappointed and we thought it was bsed on a real story.
On the other hand, in real life, I believe that there are really ghosts everywhere. I blieve in paranormal stuff since I had already experienced it. Of course, I have to keep silent and keep it to myself because people won't believe on such happenings. More so, I don't want people to think that I am crazy when I see things.
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@ellie333 (21016)
6 Jun 10
Hi Maean, Yes I believed it to be true initially and got really angry at the boyfriend dismissing the correct advice given but regardless of whether true or not I have been witness to a lot of activity myself,never be afraid to share what you have experienced especially here as people will not think you are crazy at all as many others also have experienced strange happenings too. Huggles. Ellie :D
@Bionicman (3958)
• Czech Republic
6 Jun 10
I haven't experienced anything similar. I liked the movie and it was suspenseful till the end because of the way it was filmed. I was always wondering what will happen the next night. But I was disappointed because of the hype and how everybody said it's scary and it turned out there was not one single scene that would scare me or at least creep me out. And I watch it alone in the dark around 3am. It was entertaining tho.
I wonder what was that entity and what kind of connection it had to her. It was stalking her for years and even seemed jealous of her her boyfriend. hmmm
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@ellie333 (21016)
6 Jun 10
Hi Bionicman, I enjoyed the film and have indeed experienced stuff like this in real life and this is where her boyfriend annoyed me as he thought it was all a game and didn't listen to good advice. It didn't frighten me either but the entity to me had obviously attached themselves to her like you say many years ago so that she was indeed possessed. Can't remember too much of the film now but her family home was burnt down as a child and then a photo reappeared to so perhaps someone connected to that who knows. Huggles. Ellie :D
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
6 Jun 10
I haven't seen the movie....but..have had a few touches with the paranormal! Freaky. In fact the last apartment I lived in before buying my was a relief to leave. Years later I ran into someone that was presently living in the house.....I said that there is something wrong in that house...she agreed!
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@ellie333 (21016)
6 Jun 10
Hi Jill, Yes buildings can be as bad as they can have stored vibrations within them from bad past situations and I also am so glad that you don't live there now. I went through years of upheaval when a ghost child attached herself to my daughter and all previous occupants couldn't stay but I stayed and sorted it all and the little girl was sent to the light, I did in fact have an exorcism done there to as was more than one and peaceful now and was able to move on after that. In fact if you are interested it Akasha wrote the story but has used American terminology on Associated content Amy, A Ghost Story, but it is a true account of someof the things we experienced not all. Huggles. Ellie :D
@wendie2781 (108)
5 Jun 10
again. not seen this film, but between us reckon we could write our own script hun! :) x
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@ellie333 (21016)
6 Jun 10
Hi Wendie, Yes I will second that, just now I was telling Rich about the time that I got the hammer out as someone was coming up the stairs and no one REAL there and yet the following morning you asked what on earth was going on in my house the previous night as you had heard also, yes the film we would make would blow them away! LOL Huggles. Ellie :D
@AmbiePam (95223)
• United States
5 Jun 10
Yes, I saw the movie. They made it look realistic, didn't they? But yes, I do believe those things happen. There is a lot of documentation about demons and spirits and the work and acts they can do. I have not experienced anything like that, and hopefully I never will.
You know, I had heard all about the movie, and as I was watching it I didn't think it was that scary. UNTIL, I got ready to go to bed that night, and I realized some of the film had stuck with me. It was spookier than I had thought.
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@ellie333 (21016)
5 Jun 10
Hi AmbiePam, Having witnessed so much myself, all I did was get annoyed with the boyfriend as the irl could have been helped properly, the church I go to although not Catholic has a guy that does perform exorcisms if required. To do this is dangerous as you have to be pure so the question here is was the girl mental or was this really happening? clever how it was all portrayed. Gets you thinking though. A woman at work who can watch horror movies til the cows come home had to switch off and rewatch in daylight - did it strike a chord within her - who knows. Huggles. Ellie :D
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@Qaeyious (2357)
• United States
5 Jun 10
I thought he was behaving typically American male
It is my current favorite horror because it doesn't have the annoying music that most of the modern horror/thriller movies have, using sudden loud blasts of music instead of anything that is truly scary.
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@ellie333 (21016)
5 Jun 10
Oh Qaeyious, I hate that stupid music too. This is a very questinable film and if he had of listened things could have turned out so very differently. For a budget movie I think it is exellent having experienced similar stuff with my daughter in the past. Huggles. Ellie :D