Alone and Hapy or Married and miserable?

United States
June 5, 2010 5:47pm CST
If given the choice would you rather be alone and happy or married and miserable?it sounds like a no brainer but I am not so sure. It seems like there is Still the notion that if you are not married you will be miserable and alone.I don't think so. I rather be all alone than trapped in a miserable marriage. Your thoughts.
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17 responses
@shaggin (72010)
• United States
6 Jun 10
Well I have to say that yes that is a no brainer haha. But then again I remember when I was a teenager feeling like I would never find anyone who wanted me. So when I finally found someone who did and I didnt know if it was going to work out I started to back out of the wedding. My dress and invites had already been bought and my mother and my sister said to me that if I didnt marry him no one would ever marry me. I was terrified of being alone so I went through with the wedding and regretted it ever since. My ex and I are still married but getting a divorce. I was miserable for the last 6 years. The only thing good that came out of my marriage was 2 awesome kids. Now I see that I can be alone and be happy I dont need a man to make me happy because its not going to happen.
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• United States
6 Jun 10
Thanks for your response and please forgive me if this post hit Too close to home. I never wanted to marry. And like you i never thought I would find a guy who would love me. I wasn't looking anf he found me. all I can say is live your life and if you want it , a guy that Likes and sees you Can come along. And if that's not what you want, then Still get out there and have fun. Follow Your Bliss!
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• United States
7 Jun 10
I Never understood why love Had to be linked with marriage. I always saw these as separate states. I can and do love a man. We support each other and we are as close as any two people can be but I will never marry him.I wish you happiness, alone or with someone.
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@shaggin (72010)
• United States
7 Jun 10
I honestly can say I dont think I will EVER get remarried again. Even if the most amazing guy comes along I dont think I need to marry him. A piece of paper doesnt really change anything. It just prevents people from splitting up without having to pay a sum of money for a divorce lol. I can do everything the same with someone without being married as I could do if I was married to them. Its kind of like getting the pig and not having to buy the whole farm as they say lol.
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@climber7565 (2579)
• United States
6 Jun 10
Why so negative? you know there is a great chance too that you chose well and end up stuck in a happily married life, with someone who really completes you. Ever thought of it that way too, there is a chance that you have some degree of good judgement and may find some one who loves you.
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• United States
6 Jun 10
It is my nature to hate to be trapped. My guy found me and he understands my hatred of marriage. I love him with all my heart and that's why I Never will marry him. I don't want to hurt him.If I were to try to mix what we have with marriage , the love would die. I Do have great judgment. Marriage isn't for me, unless I can find a man I can hate without thinking about it.
• United States
6 Jun 10
Another good reason to be negative is being told subtlety that my view will change if I find the right guy and marry him, Wrong! That's when all my views will come true. He will be happy and I will be miserable.I will always see marriage as a trap.
• United States
6 Jun 10
ah well I see we are in the same page, except by means of different words and concept. You are happily in love and totally trapped in a world of freedom from the rigors of orthodox marriage. Life is good eh? :)
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@Qaeyious (2357)
• United States
6 Jun 10
As I've always said, I will never marry; I rather be merry. A comedian advises to save time; just give a house and half your wealth to a woman you don't like. Marriage is overrated as is seen by the divorce rates. People are marrying any ole person with no real long term commitment. Without such a commitment it is more a slap in the face of the institution than allowing same gendered people to marry. For those who are christian, just remember what Jesus said about divorces and marriages. I wonder if there would be less divorces if people just get dogs or cats as pets instead of being married, if they are so miserable being alone. Now I would probably feel different if I wanted to be a breeder, doing my part to raise the population level of this crowded planet. But with no stigma in being illegitimate these days, presently I don't think it's even necessary then. The kid may feel differently after growing up, but that would be his problem, not mine. Heh, I'd make a wonderful parent, wouldn't I?
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• United States
10 Aug 10
I'm confused. If a couple marries and decide it isn't working, divorce and then remarry , they are adulterers? Wow. If you are going to marry Only to have kids , you better make sure your spouse is of the same mind.
• United States
10 Aug 10
All you need to be a great parent is , besides a child lol, is the desire to be a great parent. everything else is extra. A partner, is extra. follow your bliss.
@dpk262006 (58676)
• Delhi, India
6 Jun 10
Hi Sarah! There is saying which goes like it - "Marriage is like a big castle, those (read bachelors) who are outside the castle, want to enter into it and those who are inside the castle (read married) want to come out of it." In nut shell, both being married and bachelor has its own distinct advantage or disadvantages and it is up to an individual which way he chooses.
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• United States
6 Jun 10
I have seen inside the castle and there isn't any thing that could make me move it. I prefer to see castles from far, far away. Thanks for your response.
• United States
6 Jun 10
Oops. I meant move In.
@dpk262006 (58676)
• Delhi, India
7 Jun 10
You are very wise Sarah!
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@dawnald (85146)
• Shingle Springs, California
7 Jun 10
Actually my choices would be: 1. with somebody who is right for me 2. alone 3. married and miserable #3 isn't even a choice...
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• United States
12 Jun 10
Agreed. I know now that for #1 to work for me, I must not marry him!
• India
6 Jun 10
almost agreeing with you but not 100%, if the god is decided to give you a wife who can understand you the most and some lovely children then why shouldnt you take that way. there are always two sides for that coin and if you are so lucky you will get a nice wife who can lower your tension and thus make your life more enjoyable, if the case is different alone is good
1 person likes this
• United States
12 Jun 10
Thanks. The same to you! Take Care.
• India
7 Jun 10
nice , now you are right, and hope you will enjoy your life the most, keep on going and have fun
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@kalav56 (11464)
• India
7 Jun 10
Marriage is one of a huge compromise and adjustment. It all depends on the mental makeup of a person..I cannot think of a life without marriage but I have seen both men and women being unmarried till their last. Now, how happy these people were is purely individual. There is likely to be feeling ,a sense of loneliness and not beloning to anyone at some point of time after parents have apssed away. If a person has an extraordinary rapport with siblings and they too are single or this unmarried person gets along famously with nieces , nephews, friends thereby countering that loneliness it IS alright. Or if the person can be totally selfcontented without connecting with anyone or just be happy serving society or doing somehting to feel totally happy then also it is a purely indivdual choice. One must know oneself and what a person's aptitude is. SOme are loners , they never have the social need to connect with another person and these can be without marriage.
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• United States
12 Jun 10
Or you can be like me, really connected to my guy but I will never marry him. I Want the connection to flourish. I know I will adjust to a boyfriend far easier than a husband. I can be more open with a lover than a husband. Marriage isn't for Everyone , but just because you don't marry doesn't mean yo have to be alone.
@laydee (12798)
• Philippines
6 Jun 10
Hmmm... I think you are looking for a singular answer. But in life, there will be ups and downs - nothing is definite. Perhaps if we chose to be alone and happy that could work for a few years then soon you'd want to be with someone then you start to feel lonely - that happens. Further, perhaps now you are miserable and married but if you do something about it, you could be happy with your family and husband. It really depends on your point-of-view. Besides, happiness is a decision, and you cannot depend on anybody else for happiness than yourself be it single or married.
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• United States
6 Jun 10
I think being miserable is 50% up to you and 50% fate. being around loved ones Can make you happy. being around someone you loathe can make you miserable.This question has many answers. For me just one , single and happy because for me there wouldn't be a happy marriage. I would choose to be miserable.
@blue65packer (11826)
• United States
6 Jun 10
I am alone and happy! If I was married I would be miserable! I have seen and do see alot of miserable marriages! I see alot of miserable people but for whatever reason they stay in a miserable marriage! Being happy and alone you have your freedom,privacy,you don't have to answer to anyone,no agruements with another person,you can come and go as you please! It gets lonely at times but I deal with it!
• United States
6 Jun 10
My thoughts exactly! Thanks for your response. It is sad that people remain in miserable marriages.
• Philippines
6 Jun 10
Probably you may say that it will be a nightmare to be in a marriage full of hatred, disrespect,unloving and jealousy. Yes if that was the case, being single is blessed. But this depends on the person, either he or she can live alone and be happy, or to live a life that is the other way around. We live in a life with so many decisions to make, and settling down with the person whom we know is for us is a major thing to do. Our decision will make us or break us, so before settling down, we should be asking God for help if this was the right thing to do, if the person is really the one for us who can draw us closer to God and put God as the center of our relationship.
• United States
6 Jun 10
G-d is in the center or should I say the match maker Anyway. If G-d didn't want you to meet , You wouldn't meet! I guess I have always known what I can and can't or should I say Shouldn't do. Go I , myself haven't need G-d's help for that. But He has let me find a guy that loves me and I love him but I will never marry him. My choice, not G-d's He just let me meet him. The rest was up to us.
@avani26 (1518)
• India
6 Jun 10
I really do not know why people say that marriage and being miserable goes hand in hand. I am happily married for the past 15 years and can vouch the same for my hubby because even today I have to literally push him out of the house or make him attend parties. There are miserable marriages but then not all marriages are miserable if you can adjust and do some small compromises but that should be from both the sides.
• United States
6 Jun 10
You are happily married, I have two other friend who are happily married but I Will Never be happy and married at the same time. I would be the only one to compromise. I would be forced to be someone else. and do things I hate because I am married. and if I loved my husband it soon would turn to resentment and then hatred. That's me. I can't understand when people assume if you are not married that you are lonely. I Know I would be more lonely beig married. Why? This I Finally realized, I would close myself off. Instead of opening up to a husband, I would shut down and close happy and single I'll be.
• India
6 Jun 10
I am married since 1968 to my wife, it is just once, we are perfectly happy couple with kids and grankids, but i agree many are alone and happy , some married and miserable... Thanks for sharing. Welcome always. Cheers. Prof
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• United States
6 Jun 10
Wow 1968, I could say something about my age but I won't , lol! Anyawy I'm glad to hear about a happy marriage. G-d Bless.
@qianyun6 (2067)
• China
6 Jun 10
I think there are three possible state: married and happy, married and miserable, and alone in the middle. I take marriage as a bet, you have both change to find the people, or fall into hell. Some people are lucky, they found the person when they were little, there made deep love between them, some people are luckier, they found the person only by one meeting. But most are unlucky, they failed the bet and fell into hell. I don't want to bet my remaining life, I prefer to be alone & happy. Have a great day and Happy Lotting!
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• United States
6 Jun 10
No there is Married and happy, married and miserable, alone and happy or alone and miserable.I don't think one Must marry or they fall into hell. Or that if you don't find love you fall into hell. What pressure to put on oneself , get married or go to hell. I Know marriage would be Hell for me.
• China
6 Jun 10
My personal thoughts on the matter of being married, being happy and being miserable. Being happy is a choice; being married is a choice; and being miserable is a choice. If I would like to choose, I would like to be married and happy. That's what I like but it didn't turn out that way. Even if it didn't out that way, I still choose to be happy. There is no reason that much to turn me to become miserable and lonely. There are still much reason to be happy.
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• United States
6 Jun 10
Ok. So I should say it this way. If I were to marry , I would Choose to be miserable. I prefer to choose to be happy, alone if need be but happy.thanks for your response.
@youless (112466)
• Guangzhou, China
6 Jun 10
I don't know why it can not be married and happy?:) But according to your this question, it is an easy option because everybody wants to have a happy life. So obviously I prefer to be alone and happy rather than married and miserable. I love China
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@jillhill (37354)
• United States
6 Jun 10
That's why I got a divorce...part of it. I was married and lonely....I get lonely now while I am single but its for my kids who don't live around here.....
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@Wizzywig (7847)
6 Jun 10
Alone & happy every time!
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