Do you go to church every SUNDAY?
By carrine
@carrine (2743)
June 5, 2010 6:50pm CST
you what friends, just recently i dont go to church every Sunday anymore. it is because of my work schedule. sometimes my day off wont fall at Sunday or saturday thats the reason why i cant go to church on Sunday. and you know what? inside of me, i have guilt because for me, thats the only day that God is asking to worship HIM, praise HIM however still we people cant give that one day. but it really doesnt mean that its a sin. but for me iam guilty. though i was not able to go to church that Sunday i make sure that i read a Bible and i pray as often as i can. even in my chair in my work place i prayed, before going to bed and while walking, i always asked him guidance for everything i do,about my family, and everything.
what about you guys? do you to go church every Sunday? if you do, thats a very good routine huh.. dont stop doing so.
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15 responses
@roger_banger (187)
• India
6 Jun 10
well ever since i have come to college ,going to church has become a distant memory,
is it bcoz i have lostfaith in god no,but what you know i really dont feel like going to the church.
@rmishra1ravi (15)
• India
3 Sep 10
yes i do really visit temple every sunday i pray him tomake this earth more beutifull
@kun2349 (23381)
• Singapore
7 Jun 10
I dun go to church every sunday, for i'm not into that religion.. lol =D Actually, having a religion, faith is all in the heart.. As long as one believes in god, and be praying in their heart, they need not be going to church every other week..
Being physically there is just a formality.. Just like if one is really tired and restless after 6 days of hard work, but they forced themselves to be in church on a sunday morning, not feeling good, thus, are they showing respect to god, even though they are there physically?? hehe
@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
9 Jun 10
Personally, I don't believe that we are required to worship God JUST on Sunday. I believe that God is with us EVERY day of the week & we should take time out of each day to read His word & talk with Him!!! I stopped going to church on Sunday years ago as I found I couldn't worship God & deal with all the hypocrites who think they own the church. I'd leave church with hatred in my heart which defeated the whole purpose of going!!! So, I started staying home on Sundays & I watch 3 hours of television preachers...not all of the same faith. That way I receive a message from all different directions. Then I talk to God & listen to the message He puts in my heart. I don't believe that any one religion is the ONLY religion, I believe that if we worship God daily, He will forgive us for not just spending one day worshiping Him!!! I think man made the rule that we can only worship Him on Sunday. Since you read your Bible & pray frequently, I believe God will forgive you for having to work on Sunday!!!
@JeyakumarDickson (277)
• India
9 Jun 10
yea, every sunday's i do.cause that's the day we all worship our God as a church united.
@yahwehmyredeemer (45)
• India
7 Jun 10
even i go to church every sundays..and yes there are times when i dont hav time,and get busy,but we should try our best to go to church,coz it is our basic duty,and it is the reason why we are created for......
@michele_villasenor (624)
• Philippines
6 Jun 10
I do...and always with my family. I grew up going to mass on Sundays with family. Sunday is family day and a family day isn't complete without going to mass to thank the Creator for continuously blessing us and keeping us safe.
@agrim94 (3805)
• India
6 Jun 10
Hi carrie,
Since i m not a christian , i have never been to a church and i used to go to temple of God Sri Sai Baba every thursday but i have stopped going there because no perticular reason other than lazyness. About your guilt then i would say no there is nothing to be guilty of because God never ask you to come to his place.. All he expect you to act on his teachings and not go to worship him. To worship a god you dont have to bow your head in front of his statue or anything but simply be a good human being and that would count most in the eyes of God
@Ingkingderders (3831)
• Philippines
6 Jun 10
I admit, I have stopped going to church religiously since I started working. I don't know why, I guess I have some issues with the church. Now, I go to church, but not during a mass, I just stay there are pray. I love going to church specially when there's not a lot of people, cause it's quiet and it's really a perfect place to have a conversation with God.

@emjsar15 (140)
• Philippines
6 Jun 10
my desire is to serve God because i want to repay the life i owe to Him, and going to church every Sunday is definitely one of my task. Since i became a renewed Christian Catholic what was written in the scripture are the most thing i must obey and one of the teachings is we must attend the social gatherings for God, there, we will praise Him and glorify His name through singing the praise and worship song and that is what we are doing inside the church we give thanks for all He has done in our life.
@shinxna (36)
• Philippines
6 Jun 10
Hi there.. feeling guilty for not going to church is a normal reaction. But please keep in mind that your relationship with God is the most important thing. There are a lot of church goers out there that doesn't really have a good relationship with God all thoughout the week. Stay focused on your relationship with God. If it is possible to change offs, then insists so.
@dentabz (142)
• Philippines
6 Jun 10
I worship God on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. I can worship God every day and everywhere because he is omniscient and omnipresent. I go to the church on Sunday to have fellowship with the believers in Christ and to hear the message of God.
There are lot of people nowadays that cannot go to the church during Sundays because of work even if they want to.. In our church you have that Wednesday and Friday Worship, Saturday Worship and Sunday Worship (2 worship service in the morning and 1 in the evening). This was scheduled for those who cannot go on Sundays. I think other churches has this schedules too. The important is your willingness and time to go to the church for the bible says " Do not forsake the assembly of the believers"
However, if you find time on Sunday and you are free why not?
@safirpurim (252)
• United States
6 Jun 10
you know, even sunday worship is not of the god of the hebrews. the creator of the heavens, earth, seas and all that is in them is the one who chose to rest a certain day out of the weak, as he did with creation. that was introduced into this earth by the god of the hebrews. no other nation or culture held a specific day out of the week in the beginning of mankind on earth. however, when the christians imitated the jews, who imitated the hebrews, they were at a loss, because christianity truly started with the romans. the son of god never calls his followers christians (john 4:22, revelation 2:9+3:9) yet, as it went, many who were walking with the commands of the god of the hebrews, and the son of god were content to be poor and trust in god for all things. so that left the christians with a big problem. since they were money hungary, they could get nothing from those who followed the teachings of the hebrew prophets and son of god. so they went into the scheme of grabbing the sun worshipper's gold. because the days in most cultures before the european culture were never named. but the european cultures gave the days the names we know of today, and the first day was named "day of the sun"since that is the day the sun worshippers held to honor the sun..because they worshipped the sun. so the christians=catholics precisely wanted to change the teachings of the god of the hebrews which was going on since the beginning of creation on earth...and he switched the acclaimed day to to the day of the this way the sun worshippers would bring their gold. their schemes have stuck to this day, and many who follow christianity fail to see all the apostles still honored the sabbath of god after the son of god had left. even the apostle shaul=paul still went and preached on the sabbath as it was commanded...because that command was never done away with. so i never go to church on sunday.
@Lanz_negosyante (73)
• Philippines
6 Jun 10
yes, in fact we will go to church even if it is raining. Going to church is our responsibility and we should give time to God for an hour. do you know that the grace of one mass that you attend in a state of grace while you are still alive is worth more than the millions of masses that will be said for your soul after you die?
That's the immeasurable weight of blessings for your salvation packed in a single Mass! that's why the Sacred Heart calls us to be more passionate in taking advantage of the Lord's mercy while we are still on this earth. While his mercy and love overflows for us now, in the next life what awaits us will be His judgement.
that's also the reason why we are exhorted to include in our intentions the salvation of the souls of our loved ones who are still living with us. The call from the Sacred Heart goes especially to the fathers of the family who are personally entrusted by God to lead and bring his whole family with him in heaven. As Pope Pius XII says, "Deep thought to ponder is this that the salvation of many depends on the actions of a few."
So guys, what are you waiting for? start going to mass more often.