religion, does it affect the salvation of people

June 7, 2010 1:06am CST
religion does it affect the your salvation. we know that there are a lot of religion we have in this world christian and none christian. some of the may claim that they are the real church of christ.. but does it really matter. If you ask me i would answer no. For me the your own act, your own faith really affects it. even though all day you are in the church and serving god but if you dont have faith in him and your deeds towards other is not good then it is useless. What about your opinion? I dont what to create argument here i just want to know your thought..........
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10 responses
• Philippines
7 Jun 10
Religion cannot the person. Having a personal relationship with our CREATOR is the key that will save a person. If you will read the bible, person will be save if he/she accept Jesus as his/her personal saviour and Lord. Religion only affect the faith and motivation to a person.
@agv0419 (3021)
• Philippines
7 Jun 10
Religion is only guidance to be a good and better person but if you live in sin what the use of religion if you can't change. It can't promise salvation if the person don't practice his religion.
• United States
9 Jun 10
I heard someone say recently that the word religion comes from a word that means to bind back; or to put it another way, to return one to bondage. That's the problem with religions, too often they take away the freedoms that have been purchased for us by Jesus Christ, or they try to put conditions on our salvation. I believe what people need is a relationship with Jesus Christ. If you have a true relationship with Jesus, you'll live as He taught because you want to do the right thing, not because you're being forced to, or you feel you'll go to hell if you don't.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
9 Jun 10
People have been convinced by religion that they need saving of some sort. If you believe that you need saving then you are going to need that religion, or are you? God has fixed the problem ahead of time. We are all eternal. God is never going to do without all His wonderful kiddies. As for the wayward souls getting into all kinds of trouble, if God can create universes, He can handle a few wayward kids especially some as wonderful as all you out there. Never worry for God loves all His kids UNCONDITIONALLY!! He can come up with a much better solution than an old fiery pit. That's just one of mankind's inventions.
@meirhu (363)
• Israel
8 Jun 10
Nothing will affect your salvation because there is NO salvation Your religion will affect those around you.
@qianyun6 (2066)
• China
8 Jun 10
God, Christ, Buddha etc, are only the thing which people put their faith on. If you believe, they exist, if you don't they're nothing. Sometimes people feels their heart empty, so they believe a religion to fill it. No matter you believe a religion or not, everything depends on yourself. God can only affect your spirit, but not your physical body, nor your physical life.
• Philippines
7 Jun 10
hello.. for me religion is a way of how to communicate with the one you believe as your creator and also it teaches ways to salvation.. so yes for me.. religion makes you believe on what others belief so its really a big thing for me.
• Romania
7 Jun 10
you know every one has to belive in something, ther is a disease, not quite a disease but its a psychic encounter when you what to be the truth anything your brain thinks it is , if you belive in your religion and think that is the best you automaticly feel bether becouse you whant to, and you belive that is the hand of god , im not saying that its no god only that maybe god is not now religion says it is maybe god is the creator of the univers and thats it the life frome us begon to evolve, if god is made afther us , put your self in his position would you like every houar that some one should pray to you and worship you and make his entire life dedicated to you ? lets be serious not even our children dont do this and im glad , god crerated us becouse he is a good we thak him for it and love him but what religion dose its exageration, thei think that becouse thei will worship him more and more thei will be the ones ho are right. But thei forghet to spend more time helping thouse how need help not worshiping god every houar.. This is my opinion and i dont whant to hurt anyone frome my words
@p3ks626 (6538)
• Philippines
7 Jun 10
Religion cant definitely save your soul but its always best to look for a religion that will help you return to God. There are already so many religions in the world today and we cant do anything about that. All we can do now is be concerned about the sakes of our souls and work out our salvation. Salvation is an individual work, we cant ask anybody to do it for us.
@dentabz (142)
• Philippines
7 Jun 10
I will talk about Christian religion. Religion cannot save us it is only through Jesus Christ. What is the use of religion if your life is full of sin and contrast to what the bible teaches.I also disagree to those churches who is claiming that if we will not join their religion or church we will not be saved (it is my own opinion). However, religion can affect our salvation for there are other religion who is for me are not telling the truth although they belong to Christian church.
• Philippines
7 Jun 10
I believe it does not affect one's salvation.Salvation will not solely depend on one's religion but it is dependent on the relationship that you have with your Savior. It is more of the personal relationship between you and your Savior, although religion can help in strengthening that relationship. But more than that, it is your trust in the words of your Savior that keeps one believing in salvation.