What is the fastest web browser?

June 7, 2010 1:51am CST
I always surf the net, and I noticed that my web browser is very slow to display a website. Can you recommend a browser other than internet explorer?
6 responses
@grayxenon (1313)
• Philippines
7 Jun 10
opera, on some forums is the winner, followed by chrome, firefox, safari (it is running on osx/mac) and IE, but the difference it quite minimal a few seconds or less than a minute, to get a real fast browsing experience you must talk to your ISP to avail of their fastest plan..check you software integrity also as some virus clog your network thereby making your connection to the net slow.
• Philippines
7 Jun 10
Thanks for the advice.
• Philippines
7 Jun 10
Try Mozilla Firefox! :)
@lovedude (4447)
• India
7 Jun 10
I am totally agree with the above posts that on many forums you will find Opera followed by Chrome, Firefox and IE but what I personally experience is Chrome is the faster than Opera.. You site and tab navigate faster in case of Chrome than Opera. Once you install both and check it out :-)
@rosdimy (3926)
• Malaysia
7 Jun 10
The download speed also depends on factors like 1) Web design. If it is optimised for a particular browser then thedownload and rendering speed on other browsers may be slower. 2) Location. As an example the download speed in my country varies from one place to another. 3) Time of the day. Any site will suffer some degree of slowness if many Internet users are accessing it at the same time. So far I have not found any website optimised for Opera. Nevertheless i have found Opera 10.54 to be generally faster than the other browsers. Firefox uses can have an increase in speed but with an addon, which may affect stability. I do not always use Firefox, especially when about half of the time it crashes out on me. Compared to Chrome Opera is a full fledged browser, with a smaller total installation size. Looking at an angle it can be said that Opera is more efficient than Chrome. The widgets can be called from Opera, or run as independent applicsations. My current vote goes to Opera 10.54.
• Romania
7 Jun 10
the fastes internet browser i use and im very happy whit is mozile firefox , its the best and most used internet browser in the world i think ;) try it im shour you will like it
• Philippines
7 Jun 10
Thanks for an idea. I will use this later.
@gfeef01 (537)
7 Jun 10
I'm agreeing with the posters above. opera and chrome come out on top in just about every forum. However you may experience a few difficulties. I love opera but i switched back to IE because i got sick of not having support for my banking website. It does load very very fast and they do get support but the nessesary code if often a little slower coming through. I used opera for my e-mail for a long time and it's lovely how it's intergrated, so if you end up with this option i'd recommend it as more than worth the set up time. Chrome is having less of these issues but i find it down right irritating an interface to work with. I feel a lack of controls and again you will find perople design websites for IE and not for other browsers. It's not quite as fast as opera but it seems to be more popular already and if you want an open and work browser i'd go for this. Personally i'm back to good old IE, cause i know what to expect and i know everything will always work!