Why are dog owners so disrespectful of others?

@la_chique (1498)
June 7, 2010 7:02am CST
I hate dog owners. Well generally I hate dog owners in my town. They never pick up after their dogs when they make a mess, they allow their dogs off their leash in public places where children play even though there's always signs up to say that its not allowed and they allow their dogs to fiercely bark at strangers and just laugh when they do it. I'm really scared of dogs. I dont mind if people walk them on a lead and keep them away from me, but I dont appreciate dog walkers who just let their dogs come up to me and let them bark and get mad and dont try to stop them. Yesterday I was gardening in my front garden. I dont have such a big front garden. Its just big enough to put a car on the drive with a path directly beside the drive. I had the path gate open but not the drive gates. My car was parked on the road out of the way. Out of nowhere appeared a black labrador off a leash. It walked past the path gate and then noticed me and my partner were in the garden so it stood by the driveway gate and looked at us for a moment and then went totally crazy. Barking and snarling. it had foam all around its mouth and looked like it was diseased. I was terrified and muy other half wasnt feeling much better and then we heard someone say "stop berking and being silly". An old woman appeared and my partner shouted "would you mind putting your dog on a lead!" to which she completely ignored. Didnt even apologise. What was even more terrible was that she had a toddler with her (no older than about 16 months) who was waering a child harness and reins! As soon as I saw the kid, I shouted "funny that you put a leash on your baby but not on your rabid dog. Because toddlers are always attacking and killing people aren't they." My partner thought I'd gone too far saying that and asked me to keep my voice down so the woman wouldnt set the dog on me, but I just said I'd like to see her try seen as I was holding a shovel. If the dog had entered my property, I'd have had no qualms in hitting it with the shovel to protect myself. Has anyone else experienced this, and does it annoy you? I dont know how people can be so horrible. Dogs are dangerous at the end of the day. They're hunting animals and their basic instinct is to kill if threatened. Even if the dog owner has never been threatened by their dog, the way I feel and freak out when I see a dog is enough to rial that instinct in dogs and that's why they try to go for me. I dont know why people cant see the responsibility they have to other people when they own a dog. What do you think about the behaviour of dog owners? What are the laws like in your country to protect innocent non-dog-owners?
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13 responses
@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
7 Jun 10
I'm sorry you feel that way la_chique, because I am a dog lover..But I also understand your meaning about owners who don't clean up after them or allow them to wander off..I have 2 puppies and every time we go on a walk, I am cautious around this one home where the dog runs loose and had come after a neighbor dog I was walking..This dog hasn't met my puppies yet and I wonder how it will go when they do... Though you comment you made abut the toddler is funny..So she didn't say or do anything? Lol....Well, if you were ever to meet my pups, you'd like them once I get them trained not to jump up on people..They are only 6 1/2 months and when they get excited, they can't help but get in your face, not to hurt you, but to lick you..
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• United States
7 Jun 10
A dog owner always has to be concerned with not only a dog attacking their dog, but perhaps their dog having a bad day and deciding to behave in an aggressive manner against someone else's dog while out on a walk.
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@la_chique (1498)
7 Jun 10
I would probably like your puppies then, if you are that kind of dog owner. my best friend has a jack russel and although he's a little boisterous he is a good little dog and I get on with him ok. I've seen people let their dogs attack other dogs before and that's really scary. I've thought before that even if I liked dogs, I couldn't have one because I'd be scared of someone else's dog attacking mine.
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• Mexico
7 Jun 10
Hi Transformed: I agree with you, pet's owner should know that part of their responsabilities is to not use their dogs to feel people uncomfortable or attacked. I think it's something easy to do and people should understand its importance. Thanks for your answer. Have a nice day. ALVARO
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@hvedra (1619)
7 Jun 10
As someone who picks up after their dog, keeps it under control I don't appreciate your sweeping generalisation. It seems to me you have a dog phobia, the irrationality of which is making your life miserable. You are also quite happy to resort to violence against an animal because of your histronics. You are quite right that dogs react to fear because the human body language of fear is the same as aggression to a dog - YOU are threatening THEM. Perhaps you could go on some kind of therapy course so you don't cause more for yourself. I've posted here recently that a lot of the problems with dogs in our local park being in the dog-free area are because people with children take them into that area which is supposed to be the kiddy play area. SOME people are inconsiderate about their dogs. SOME people are inconsiderate about the children (most of the vandalism and anti-social behaviour in our local park is committed by children). The thing is SOME people are just inconsiderate, selfish and lazy WHATEVER they are supposed to be doing - you just notice the dog owners because of your phobia.
@la_chique (1498)
7 Jun 10
I did say that I was talking about the dog owners in my area if you would actually read my post in the first place. And if you dont think there's anything wrong with letting a viscous dog off a lead or if you dont pick up after your dog, then you are probably one of the people I am talking about anyway. Also - why should I have to put up with other people's dogs? Its not my choice for them to be there! That's like saying that if I had a screaming child running wild in a restaurant that you were in then YOU should learn to accept the noise and riot because the child's not causing you any harm. ITS NOTHING TO DO WITH MY PHOBIA.
@hvedra (1619)
7 Jun 10
You didn't even read, let alone read properly, the first sentence of my post. YOU made some sweeping generalisations and are now huffy about being called on them. People with dogs should keep them under control. Some of them don't. Not because they are dog owners, or dog owners in your area, but because they are inconsiderate, selfish, lazy people. There are a lot of such people in the world some of them own dogs, some of them have kids, some of them drive cars, etc. What I meant with the comments about the phobia is that because you are afraid of dogs it might be worthwhile learning how to react around them because it would appear you can sometimes trigger fear/aggressive behaviour in them - you won't always have a shovel handy either. "That's like saying that if I had a screaming child running wild in a restaurant that you were in then YOU should learn to accept the noise and riot because the child's not causing you any harm." We agree on something. I am on an endless search for a childfree restaurant because that is EXACTLY the attitude you get from a lot of parents these days.
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@AmbiePam (96725)
• United States
7 Jun 10
The first sentence did take me off guard. I hate dog owners. I was like, whoa! But yes, I did read the whole post too.
@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
7 Jun 10
I have a dog. He is the sweetest dog in the world. Totally subservient and completely non-aggressive. When we walk him, we put him on a leash because that is the law in my country and in my state (United States). And, it is also the law to clean up any waste your dog may leave behind on the walk so, we carry little bags with us to pick up after him. My husband was walking our dog one day several years ago and a woman, down the street, was getting her groceries from her car. She left her door to her house open and her very vicious German Shepherd ran out and started attacking my dog and my hubby. That dog bit mine in the back of his neck and actually made him bleed. My dog, only because he had to defend himself and my hubby from the attack of the German Shepherd, tried to nip that dog back. The ridiculous woman came out and baby talked to her dog saying, "Oh now. Baby...are you ok? Did that dog hurt you?" She said this to her vicious dog about my sweet dog. My dog never takes an aggressive stance...EVER until he is pushed to protect himself or one of us. But, this woman thought that my dog, who was on a leash was at fault for her dog, who wasn't on a leash, attacking my dog. Her dog didn't have a scratch on him while my dog had a big, bloody tooth mark on the back of his neck, that took a month and a half to fully heal. And, there are people who just let their dogs roam freely in our neighborhood. My dog doesn't go in the front yard. We let him out in the backyard and he does his business back there. And, it is fenced in back there so he can't get out. Yet, there will be random piles of dog stuff in my front yard. And, there is a little white dog that wanders around in the mornings. I have nearly hit it a half a dozen times. One day, someone will hit that dog with their car, accidentally and the irresponsible pet owner won't have their dog anymore. I don't like irresponsible pet owners. They give the responsible ones, like me, a bad name. My dog is a huge Black Labrador and he really is the sweetest thing. He loves little kids and they all love him. We taught him not to bark and he knows the word "Ouch". We taught him that so that we could give him treats and he would just take the treat with his front teeth and lips. He doesn't even touch your fingers with his mouth at all when he is taking a treat because he knows that his mouth should never touch a human unless he is licking you. He also knows the word "Gentle", which is what we tell him before we give him a treat so he remembers to take it with his lips without touching your skin. If you say "Ouch" to him, he will back away and give you his best apologetic look. Even if you say it when he didn't even touch you with his mouth. So, when I say my dog is the sweetest, gentlest dog, I'm mean it. He knows how to behave because we made sure that he does when we were training him.
@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
8 Jun 10
Thank you la_chique! That is really sweet of you to say. We really do try to be responsible. Both my hubby and I have always had dogs in our lives. I really think that the day a dog is is directly related to how much or how little its owner nurtured it. You have to really work with a dog when it is a puppy, to get the best behavior out of him or her. They don't know, until you teach them, that biting and barking aren't acceptable behaviors. My neighbors on both sides, each have dogs also. One has 3 dogs and they all bark uncontrollably. The biggest one (a rottweiler) broke a section of our fence because she would throw her body up against the fence until it broke from one of the posts. She started doing it again until I yelled at her. She just needs to be told no and she stops but, I didn't know that until I tried it. She made me mad because she threatened me and my dog and I wasn't going to put up with it one more time so, that is when I yelled at her and she stopped. She doesn't do it anymore. The neighbor on my other side also has a very barky dog. He is nice. He's not at all vicious but, he barks a lot. And, my neighbor behind me always blames my dog for it but, it isn't him. If she would just look over the fence, she would see it isn't mine. Grrrr. LOL! Anyway, I can understand your fear. Where I grew up, there were two German Shepherds that lived next door. They were always outside, except at night when they would bring them into the garage to sleep. But, the lived in their fenced in backyard. They didn't have very much human attention and were vicious. They would get loose and if you were outside, if you didn't get inside fast enough, they would attack you. They bit a hole into my brother's rear end. And, on so many occasions that I can't recall how many, they tore into my little dog. She had to get stitches often because of it. So, because of them, I have always had a fear of German Shepherds. I know that not all of them are vicious. There is one that used to live down the street from me that was really sweet. But, most of them have that tendency to get violent. And, if their owners don't train them properly, they will likely get mean sometimes. Anyway...I can understand where you are coming from. It isn't hard to gain a fear based on repeated bad experiences. Just know that if you ever met my sweet dog, you would fall in love with him. :)
@la_chique (1498)
7 Jun 10
You sound like the perfect dog owner. I wish you lived near me and would swap with one of these horrible dog owners! I really sympathize for your hubby and your dog for having to experience that nasty german shepherd's behavior! Those dogs do often tend to be quite vicious if the owners let them be. You are exactly right. Those are the kinds of people who give dog owners a bad name. When I was little my dad used to take us to play on the beach and I was always being terrorised by unleashed dogs. Its probably what made me feel the way I do now. There is one dog near me, I think its a border collie, and its owners let it run around in their fenced garden. Your dog sounds like that one. It never barks when people walk past but it just runs alongside you on the other side of the fence wagging its tail. There's about 6 children that live in the same house as that dog, and it seems to be the most gentle thing. So I can imagine your dog is very sweet and gentle. Like I said to a previous poster though, dog owners like you really are few and far between. The fact that you're living up to your responsibility as a dog owner is highly appreciated and admired by me and I'm sure others who live near you. Thanks for your response :)
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• Canada
14 Jun 10
You don't mention the dog owners that take care of their dogs and what their dogs do. Most people take time to train their pets. The people that say their pets r trained that are not , r the same ones that do not take proper care of their pets and what they do..
@la_chique (1498)
14 Jun 10
I am only talking about my area in my post, as I cant speak for everywhere else. I know there are people who take care of their dogs and train them properly, but I haven't met a single person near me who does. The closest I know of is my friend who has a little dog, but then again, they let him off a leash in public when they really shouldn't so I wouldn't say they're the best dog owners either. I'm hoping to move within the next 5 years once I've finished university and got my house done up and hopefully I'll be able to find somewhere where people actually pay attention to other people and the law rather than just allowing their dogs to have the run of the mill.
• United States
8 Jun 10
Call the police! I own a dog and he is allowed off leash only on my own property where he cannot hurt anyone. If I walk him in the neighborhood, a leash is an absolute must. Even if I didn't think he would hurt others, many people have your fear of dogs and shouldn't have to worry about being attacked. Using a leash is better for the dog, too. It keeps it from running out in the road (except for the idiots who use a roll up leash and let the animal reel it out to its full length). Laws in the U.S. place the owner at full risk if a dog is let out of the yard and off leash and it hurts or threatens anyone. The owner can be sued and the animal put down. Owners who do not keep their dogs penned or on a leash are being totally irresponsible to the pet and their neighbors.
@la_chique (1498)
8 Jun 10
I've called the police before about other dog owners with this behavior and they tell me to call the dog warden as they don't deal with dogs. So when I call the dog warden they laugh at me and say the dog is just taking itself for a walk! Its just beyond a joke! I cant wait until we can move!
• United States
8 Jun 10
I cannot say that I exactly agree with you. Maybe, it is just inconveniently the dog owners you have met are not exactly the "right slice of pie". I don't own a dog myself, but as far as I know, most of the dog owners I know are pretty nice and respecting to the community. I haven't seen any dog droppings around in quite a long time now. I haven't seen many aggressive dogs lately either. If they are though, I think that it is just part of their natural instinct, and possibly the owner may be scared to stop it. Also, sometimes the owners may want to let the dogs more free for the dogs' sake. I don't really know, but this is just my opinion.
• United States
8 Jun 10
"sometimes the owners may want to let the dogs more free for the dogs' sake." Thats what I was thinking about some of them. But if they feel that way they need to take the dog to someone with a big farm thats fence in. Theres no need to put the dogs safety or the safety of people at risk. Some dogs especially the big ones like this pitt we have next door are not meant for little houses and tiny yards.
@SViswan (12051)
• India
26 Jun 10
Yes, I find them to be the same here. And we even have stray dogs out on the streets and animal lovers don't allow anyone to get them off the streets either!! Dog rights and blah blah! It's scary. My older son was one chased by a stray dog soon after his cast had come off his broken leg. He couldn't move fast enough and he was so scared....till my husband came and kicked the dog. But my son's been scared of dogs since...and I'm petrified too. I don't mind the pets if they are on a leash and not close to me. But some dog owners consider them as part of the family and they are okay with their pets licking me....even when I am not!! We have 3 dog owners in the apartment...they would walk and exercise the dogs without a leash (and big dogs at that!). They refused to move outside the building (we have a private road outside the apartment complex which they could use) even when little children came out to play. We had to make way for them. After numerous complaints, they now take their dogs outside. But even there, they do not use a leash and I'm one of those people who walks everywhere...besides the stray dogs I now fear these dogs too. And one of the families play with their dog within the premises but they do it early in the morning before the children get out.
@smacksman (6053)
7 Jun 10
Poor you - it is not fun when you don't like dogs. They do seem to act like a magnet to you. Like when you don't smoke and people's smoke always seems to blow in your face regardless the direction of the breeze! My black labrador would be so surprised to find you didn't like her. She just wouldn't understand that any human could not like her.
@AmbiePam (96725)
• United States
7 Jun 10
I have a problem with cats. While dogs may not always be on a leash, and the dog owners may not pick up the dog's poop, at least there is a rule or a law in place. And then there are the people who follow the rules, and do pick up the dog's poop. Yet the cats can roam anywhere they want. They can poop anywhere they want. No one has to pick it up. My parent's neighbor's cat poops right in front of their front door every morning. Right outside the door in the flower bed. The smell is horrendous. And it is every single day. Yet no one is required to do anything about it. And the cats get in the trash and make a mess. Yet no one has to clean it up. Many dog owners who live in my apartment complex are diligent in picking up their dog's poop. And of course I really don't like it when people in my apartment complex don't pick up after their dogs. But at least there are rules in place that still a lot of people follow. Nothing for cats. One day my cousin went to her car, and someone's cat was on her car. She went to kind of shoo it away, and it jumped on her throat. It left a nice set of claw marks on her neck. She hadn't even gotten to the cat and it jumped her.
@la_chique (1498)
8 Jun 10
I was attacked really badly by a cat when I was about 4. We went to visit relatives and their cat for no reason jumped on my stomach and clawed at my jumper scratching my stomach like crazy. Nowadays though I just feel that cats are kind of a pointless pet because they're just not sociable. It annoys me how other people's cats come and sit in my garden all the time. They bother the frogs and the fish that live in my pond and they leave poop everywhere which is really gross. There's laws about dogs where I live but nobody cares about them. I called the dog warden before when there was a really ferocious stray running out on my front garden and they just laughed at me over the phone and said it was probably just taking itself for a walk. When its their job to enforce dog laws and I get that attitude from them, its little wonder that people dont take dog laws seriously.
@Transformed (1259)
• United States
7 Jun 10
Dog owners can often be rude or irresponsible precisely because of their protection. The dog, depending on the breed, can be incredibly vicious to anyone who the dog perceives as a threat to his owner's person. Therefore, one has to be incredibly careful when dealing with dog owners because sometimes the dog may attack a person and then the person will have to hope there are witnesses who can either restrain the dog or help the person getting attacked by a vicious dog. Now if the dog is not vicious, then the dog owner may simply be rude and refuse to walk the dog in a place where the dog cannot be a nuisance. With problems like that, one may just have to deal with the dog owner. But what can truly be annoying is when dog owners take their dogs into stores that quite frankly shouldn't have the germs that dogs bring into them. But in the United States, there seems to be a big preference for having dogs in certain stores, particularly in the more high-end neighborhoods. If a dog attacks an innocent bystander, that person has the right to file a complaint and sue the dog owner. If a dog damages store products, depending on the price of the products, the owner may need to pay for those damages. It all depends on the situation.
@crazydaisy (3896)
• Canada
8 Jun 10
I have a dog which is the most gentless type of dog but I always keep her on a lease as well but as picking up mess I always doing that to,She knows not to go after anybody like that,All dogs aren't the same it's the owners fault and how they treat there dog some people are so ruff with the dog it's not the dogs fault I would reported them so it be in public notice,
@cupkitties (7421)
• United States
8 Jun 10
I'm not sure about the laws protecting non dog owners but it happens that we are not all like that. My family has two dogs. They have an gigantic fenced in yard to run in so there is no need for us to run them around in circles about the neighborhood pooping in the road or other peoples yards. I do know what you're talking about though because I see other dog owners all the time that have no business owning any kind of animal whatsoever. I see about 10 dogs each day running loose like their homeless but they have well groomed fur and collar with shiny tags so you know someone takes care of them somewhere. I understand that there are people that do not believe in shutting an animal up. I guess the owners of those dogs are those kind of people. Well in my book when it comes to animal freedom and the safety of my fellow human I'm going with the safety of my fellow human especially when those fellow humans are my children. I don't know what the laws are but they need to be better enforced.
• Mexico
7 Jun 10
Hi la chique: I think you have a good reason to feel angry because of this woman's behaviour. I think that pet's owners should be responsible. It's not the animal's fault but their owner's that don't care of the animals requirements which is stupid and also intolerant. I hope she'll be fined because she's affecting other people. Here in my town there are clear laws about pets but being honest, I've seen some people that really don't care about this. So I think there must be more control from the authorities on this subject because it really concerns us. Thanks for asking us this question. Have a nice day. ALVARO