Craft show this past weekend.... What a difference a year makes

United States
June 7, 2010 7:22am CST
Over the weekend, I did my first spring/summer craft show over the weekend. (actually it was an outdoor festival) I did this show last year, and it was a pretty good show. This year, it seemed to be much slower as far as traffic went. It may have been the horrible humidity, and 90+ degree temps that kept customers away, but even those customers that did turn out, did not seem to be spending very much money...if any at all. For the most part, people seemed to be looking for $2 and $3 items, and it was rare to see someone opening up their purses for bigger ticket items. For me personally, I sat behind my display for more than 3 hours before making my first sale. Several people looked at my jewelry, "oohed and aaahed" and moved on.... many of these people came back and grabbed my business card, but only a very small amount of people were looking to purchase something at the prices I ask for my creations. This show last year, people seemed to be watching what they spent, but when someone saw something they just had to have, they found a way to purchase it. Last year one customer loved one of my red sea glass necklaces, and stopped by my table several times to look at it. She later noticed someone looking at "her" necklace and as soon as that person put it back on the table, she swooped in, grabbed it, and said I'll take it...she practically bumped the other women out of the way to get "her" necklace. Last year, we were supposed to be in a recession, yet people were still buying...we are supposed to be out of the recession now, but now, no one seems to have discretionary funds to buy much of anything. After my previous shows this year, and sitting for more than 3/4 of the show with zero sales, I was happy to make a little more than double my fees. Has anyone here done a show recently? How were the crowds, and did they seem to be buying?
11 responses
• Australia
8 Jun 10
I have never done a craft show but do sell bits & pieces online though sites like madeit & oztion. I have noticed that things being sold on the internet too are very slow lately. Everyone is supposed to be out of the recesion or almost out of it but I think everyone is trying to be frugal with their money just in case something happens to their job, etc. I have noticed that people are just buying more of what they need rather than what they want.
• United States
8 Jun 10
I agree with 100% about online sales. I wonder if it's because people just don't want to put any charges on their credit cards? It seems that doing a live show, or having items in a gift shop or gallery, is the best way to sell my sea glass jewelry. People can actually see the piece (in some cases, hold it up to their ears or near their neck to see how it may look while on) and they can also pay cash. I think when it comes to buying someone a gift, people don't have a problem making the purchase, but as you stated, when it's for themselves, they buy what they need rather than splurge on what they'd like. Great response!!
• Australia
9 Jun 10
It could be a combination of not wanting to use their credit cards too but I think also online, you only have photos & descriptions to go by where as in a craft show, you can inspect the item.
@carolbee (16230)
• United States
7 Jun 10
Sorry your craft show wasn't very profitable this year. I think sales all over are down and it's not just your items. I've seen some of your work and the items are gorgeous. I haven't done a craft fair for about 3 years now. The last one I did was profitable and I did make sales. The public is not always interested in my particular craft and I respect it. Hope you have better success at your next show, carolbee
@carolbee (16230)
• United States
8 Jun 10
That's an excellent idea. Much success.
• United States
7 Jun 10
There just seems to be a huge difference in how people spend their money this year. I suppose this economy has limited how much people have to splurge on themselves, and I suppose this has to be taken into account. I'm working on a few new designs, and creating a new sea glass line, outside of jewelry, to give my Etsy shop, and show displays a different look. Perhaps I need to concentrate on doing sea glass least at that type of show, everyone attending is interested in sea glass and I'll be selling to my niche market. Thanks for responding
@venshida (4836)
• United States
27 Jun 10
Sorry to hear about your craft show experience, I think the economy is a big factor. Additionally, I think some customers don't understand the time you put into making your craft. They prefer to run to places like Walmart, and buy the cheap stuff from China.
• United States
27 Jun 10
Even the "wal-mart" type stores are hurting as people have changed their buying habits and are purchasing only the items they need. My local wal-mart is in the middle of some sort of remodel and they are expanding their food section, and cutting back on other areas...which makes sense in this economy (and also a bit they expect this economy to remain poor for an extended amount of time?) At this point I have only two shows scheduled from today through the end of September...both were exceptional shows and even a 50% drop-off would make for an OK show. Thanks for responding!
@oldchem1 (8132)
7 Jun 10
I do think that some people think because goods are 'home made'you should be giving them away for next to nothing! I don' think they realise the work that goes into them as well as the cost of materials. Good luck with your business.
• United States
7 Jun 10
Yes, there a re many "flea-market" minded people who think you're selling unwanted stuff from your attic, and they expect to pay next to nothing for everything. Those people usually don't even approach my display. With my banner, jewelry displays, and a professional (hopefully ) appearance, they already know that I'm a small business. Your also right about the amount of time and energy spent designing, and creating pieces! Thanks for your input!
• United States
22 Jun 10
I went to a craft show a couple of weeks ago and saw the same results. I have a feeling that the economy has something to do with it. I am in the process of trying to get back into making mosaic jewelry boxes and also painting mini birdhouses and making them into wind chimes. I am hoping that these will sell. I am trying to figire out where to sell them online. I figure if they become popular then I will try to sell them this Christmas.
@tinym8 (420)
• United States
13 Jun 10
I haven't done a craft show for several years, but I do sell items online. The sales there are very, very slow. They are not craft items but books, household items, clothing, etc. Business is wayyyy down lately. I think it is that way in many places. I too have noticed that people seem to be buying only the less expensive items and even those sales are down. It is not just your type of items. Best of luck with your next sale!
• United States
14 Jun 10
At the show I did last weekend, I did notice people buying from the vendors, but in many cases, the items they were buying were the lower end items. My online sales are also way down every month so far this year (and November & December in 09) I'm still making a sale or two each month, but April, May and June were always very good months for my online business in previous years. This year I can count my online sales on my fingers of one hand...and I think I'd still have a finger left...hopefully, I'll need that finger for the last half of June?? I hope your sales start picking up! Household items and clothing are everyday items that people need and use, so hopefully things will begin to improve for you very soon. Thanks for your response!
• United States
11 Jun 10
I'm interesting in finding out how to hear about local craft shows I live in phoenix arizona and we have like farmers markets and sometimes people bring crafts but as far as I can tell 'craft shows' are pretty much a wisper in the media. I feel that your buisness may be suffering because the right customers have no idea where to find you...
@cutepenguin (6431)
• Canada
7 Jun 10
I haven't done any shows recently. I think people are being more careful with their money now than they were last year - maybe the recession isn't completely over? And people are settling in for the long haul?
• United States
7 Jun 10
I think you are correct. Though I do think the recession is either not over at all or perhaps we are toeing the line of a depression. The fact that many people came back to take my business card gave me some hope, and perhaps doing the show was promotion for future sales. One person that did purchase something asked if I was doing any future shows in the that was promising too! I do think things are much worse than they were last year at this time, though. Thanks for your response!!
@cher913 (25781)
• Canada
9 Jun 10
i know what you mean. good that you did well. i dont do that many craft shows but i have sold stuff on etsy.
• United States
9 Jun 10
Yes, I was happy it wasn't a waste of time, and hopefully a few of the business cards I handed out will result in a couple future sales in my Etsy shop! Thx for responding!!
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
7 Jun 10
I haven't done one since Feb. and I made half of what I did the year before but was not disappointed as the year before it was my biggest sale so far. I don't have any scheduled until fall now....
• United States
7 Jun 10
I was really concerned at this show because I didn't make any sales for a few hours, though I did have several people grab a business card. It seemed that people just didn't have a lot of money to spend. Most were spending a couple of dollars at a few tables, buying an italian ice, or a hot dog, but they didn't want to spend a lot of money. This show was a 13th annual show, and it's well-promoted. Just before the show last year, the area had rain for most of the two weeks prior to the show. So maybe people were itching to get out and about, and the show had an exceptionally large crowd. This year it was very hot and humid...there was also a chance for thunderstorms, so the weather and the nice weather we've had this year, may have contributed to the crowd size. It wasn't a small crowd, but it was visibly smaller than last year. My next scheduled show will also be in the fall, unless a very popular summer show is held. Thx for responding!
@sallyj (1225)
• United States
11 Jun 10
It think it shows that the economy is no better and everyone is afraid. Maybe in a year or two things will be back to where they should be.
• United States
13 Jun 10
I think you are right...and maybe the economy has gotten worse for most of the country than it was last year. Hopefully it will only take a year or two. Thanks for responding!
@Helenlgw (16)
• United States
7 Jun 10
I did crafts shows i think there fun. I've done alot of crafts. The one i loved the most was stain glass. No stain glass is not just windows example suncatchers
• United States
7 Jun 10
I love stain glass also...and I've made a few sun catchers using sea glass. Almost all craft shows are fun. My crafting friends also have tables at most of the shows I do, so I always have friends there to talk to during the slow periods...and that helps make the day move along. I expected this show to be better than it was, but maybe I need to temper my expectations until the economy improves. Thanks for responding!