This is the 1st time that she
@hardworkingmom (1130)
United States
June 7, 2010 9:50am CST
Brought another pet home with her. I'm talking about my oldest dog Sandy she broke loose and whe she came home she had a turtle with her. Yes a turtle. I was like "WHAT LOL". When I came home from work my brother told me that she brought this little box turtle home and took it in the back yard and was trying to figure out what it was LOL. But I have Sparkle(which my little girl named her after I did some research on it) safely in a tank. But this is the first time my dog ever done something like this and she got loose plenty of times, haven't brought anything home but I guess theres a first for eveything.
7 responses
@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
7 Jun 10
Sparkle must have convinced Sandy that she/he needed help or something brought out the Motherly instincts in Sandy. My guess it is something more than just idle curiosity. Just be thankful that it was a cute mild-mannered turtle that Sandy chose to adopt!!!
You may want to read up on how to raise a turtle. They sometimes carry diseases or atleast that's what the press wants us to believe. They tend to get ill easily too. Make sure you & your daughter wash your hands every time you play with Sparkle. You just might want to contact your vet for additional information on how to raise a box turtle. It seems that Sparkle has a permanent home!!!
Just a thought...what if Sparkle is a she & she's pregnant??? 

@hardworkingmom (1130)
• United States
7 Jun 10
LOL I know shes not with young because shes a young herself, ty for the caution but I am one to research research & research.
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@hardworkingmom (1130)
• United States
8 Jun 10
That is so right I so agree with you. I believe its unfounded fears because most of them did the same thing probably even worst and look at them tellings us what not good & what is good for you
@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
7 Jun 10
I don't know how my generation ever made it to 60 as we did EVERYTHING they say will kill you now!!!
I used to catch frogs & turtles out of the creek behind my house. I kissed my turtle goodnight EVERY night before going to bed. It was not unheard of for a frog to jump out of my pocket. I played with EVERY stray dog or cat in the neighborhood (& I still do). Now days, children can't be children for worrying about germs or washing their hands!!! Since they are so sure that turtles are bad for you now, I'd determine whether they are founded or unfounded fears!!!

@OpinionatedLady (5965)
• United States
8 Jun 10
Yes! My cat did that to us once. She came home with a really tiny baby bunny that didn't even measure 3 inches in length a wild one. She was trying to feed it (being fixed this was just not gonna happen). We didn't want to let the poor thing die so even though the vet said it would be a waste of time we fed it baby formula with an eye dropper. He lived for 5 years which our vet said was amazing even to make it to grown up non to mind past a wild bunny's life expectancy. But that kitty would bring home other cats kittens too to try to raise I regretted getting her fixed before she had a litter because she obviously wanted it so bad. I miss that kitty. She passed last year at the age of almost 13.
@hardworkingmom (1130)
• United States
8 Jun 10
I sorry to hear about ur kitty but she sounds like so was a real good mother to anything in need.
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
7 Jun 10
What a dog! Most would have tried to chew it up, you have a very good dog.
Turtles are great pets but be careful to keep it and its cage clean. They can spread some germs, nothing really horrible but people freak out about it. Wash hands after handling and the turtle will also get sick if its tank is not clean. My son's roomates have a turtle that eats little minnows and it's a very tame, affectionate pet. I think you'll enjoy Sparkle! Oh, and watch out if the shell gets soft, that means it is sick and needs medicine.
@hardworkingmom (1130)
• United States
7 Jun 10
thank you for the slow shell advice that is something to take hee to.
@mentalward (14690)
• United States
8 Jun 10
Sparkle's nose looks like it's out of joint from that abrupt relocation.
Turtles are rocks with legs and dogs seem to love playing with them. I had a border collie/English setter mix who LOVED playing with my turtles. He would pick them up in his mouth and carry them all over the place, only putting them down long enough to see them attempt to scamper away, then pick them up again and move them elsewhere.
I had a RiverCooter lay eggs in my back yard once. Five hatched. I kept three and gave two to another turtle lover. My dogs were forever watching these turtles, which I kept in a large fishtank (75 gallons... these turtles get kinda big). My dogs would sit for long periods of time in front of the tank, just watching, probably trying to devise a way of getting up and into the tank to have a closer look at these swimming rocks.
My turtles are now happily swimming in their newer, bigger tank: our lake. We moved here three years ago and I put the turtles right into the lake. I kept going down there and putting food out for them, just in case they hadn't gotten the hang of catching their own food yet but, apparently, they learned very quickly. They've had their own babies since then. I see them when I'm down there, fishing. They watch me like I'm on some kind of display. What a turn of events, huh?
We occasionally see a box turtle around the yard. I'm not entirely sure where it lives, but I let it roam wherever it wants to. I just don't let my dogs get to it because I don't need walking rocks in my house.

@jaiho2009 (39140)
• Philippines
7 Jun 10
I saw the picture of sparkle,and the thing is so cute.
Maybe Sandy saw the poor turtle wandering too,so,the smart dog took her home.
Good thing she never broke Sparkle's shell 

@hardworkingmom (1130)
• United States
7 Jun 10
yea that is what I said but my brother said she was more amazed with her then anything else or jusst my brother caught it at the right time.
@hardworkingmom (1130)
• United States
8 Jun 10
WoW thank you for the response. But when I was doing my reading on her the state that I live in now is Know for these type of turtles especially during our rainy season or when we just good rain fall. The come out of the woods ever now & again. This happened to be a real rainy day
@knewfy (82)
• United States
8 Jun 10
I learned when I was working with sear ch and rescue dogs that turtles are the closest thing to human scent in the natural world. perhaps your dog thought the turtle was a human :-)! Seriously,according to the experts, turtle shells and fingernail clippings are very similar in chemical composition (odors) according to search dog trainers. so turtles are something that would possibly smell human to a dog trained to detect human scent.