Racist Helen Thomas' comments on Jews.
By xfahctor
@xfahctor (14118)
Lancaster, New Hampshire
June 7, 2010 10:41am CST
surprised I haven't seen this posted yet. So here it is...
I was shocked. I mean, I have come to expect nearly anything from her, but this is bad even for her. So, thoughts? Should she be removed from the white house press core? She has been there since...oh I don't know, the Lincoln administration probably (joke people, joke) but should that tenure make her immune to being outright fired? What if a journalist from say Fox had made a comment like this about blacks in the U.S. going back to Africa? they would not only be fired, they would be barbecued in the media, tarred and feathered, then paraded down every main street in the U.S. with Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton leading the procession.
Shame on you Mrs. Thomas, this is inexcusable.
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21 responses
@bobmnu (8157)
• United States
7 Jun 10
Maybe She should follow her own advice and go home to Tripoli, Lebanon, where her parents came from. This way she could live in a tolerant state and see how she, as a christian, is treated there.
She is only a first generation citizen in the US while there are many 3rd, 4th and 5th generation citizens in Israel. Many of the Palestinian People came from other countries and have less of a claim than the Jews do to the land. Helen Thomas has not studied history because the Term Palestine is a term given to a territory the Romans controlled at the time of birth of Christ. The people who live in Gaza came from Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, and other Arab Nations at the time of the UN partitioning of the British Mandate territory.
Helen Thomas get out of the Washington beltway society and get into the real world.
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@Maggiepie (7816)
• United States
8 Jun 10
BOB: Christian? Not according to Christ. She has deep hatred in her heart; she's exhibited it often. She may call herself Christian, or even (mistakenly) believe she is, but a Christian is as a Christian does. Christ said that he who claims to be His follower yet doesn't love his brother is not one of His flock.
"I take it as a given that we live in a society marred by racial & gender inequality, that certain forms of speech perpetuate & promote this inequality, & that the uncoerced (sic) disappearance of such speech would be cause for great elation." ~ Elena Kagen, Obama's newest Supreme Court nominee, & yet another racist "tolerant" Leftist who believes in CENSORSHIP.
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
7 Jun 10
I had the same reaction, I was shocked that she would say that. This is a free country and she can say whatever she pleases but I'm sure there will be no negative consequences and she will continue to sit in the front row of WH conferences. This country, especially its administration, is becoming so twisted I barely recognize it anymore.
People are saying it is the senile ravings of a 90 year old but I disagree. She should be roundly admonished for her racism and intolerance, just as anyone would who made that type of comment about Blacks, Asians or any other group. Most civil people would keep such opinions to themselves.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
7 Jun 10
I was gonna give you a knee-jerk "not in my family!" but then remember my grandparents on my dad's side raving about blacks, only they had some very nasty words they used. Their German and Irish grandparents settled in one of the Southern states so they were ruined at a young age. Yep, we all have one! 

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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
9 Jun 10
LOL, Barry!
Reverse discrimination is just as disgusting as the discrimination against anyone. How the hell did it get this way?
I like your example, it's funny but sadly true.

@laglen (19759)
• United States
7 Jun 10
actually, I think she babysat Lincoln.....
I was shocked to hear this as well, there will be another video with the rest of her comment coming soon. Should be interesting. You are right that if this was a fox reporter, they would be skewered. But maybe now she will become a Fox contributor?!
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@rockydam83 (846)
• Italy
8 Jun 10
Helen is racist in your views and jews are innocent good peoples. I want to ask what is your explanation on the action Israel has taken on Freedom Flotilla. The ship carrying goods for Gaza peoples, they were all NGOs around the world trying to help out the poor and hungry peoples of Gaza. Why what is their justification or your's on their behalf?
And if some one speaks truly about their attitude and that person is called racist and shame-able.
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@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
8 Jun 10
"I want to ask what is your explanation on the action Israel has taken on Freedom Flotilla"
That it wasn't a "freedom" flotilla. They weren't interested in getting aid to Gaza, they were interested in causing trouble. They had every opportunity to dock the ship so the IDF could check the cargo for weapons, they chose not to and instead try to run the blockade. As if that wasn't bad enough, when the ship was seized and the cargo removed, the Israeli government was going to ship it in to Gaza anyways...Hammas REFUSED the cargo because it didn't arrive in their port....they REFUSED an aid shipment for their people. Real nice.
In addition to that, as the ship was being ordered to turn around, shouts came back over the radio to the IDF to...and I quote..."go back to Auschwitz". Yeh..."freedom flotilla" my asss.
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@Maggiepie (7816)
• United States
8 Jun 10
Those "humanitarians" that tried to defy Israel's blockade were carrying weapons, & had expressed they wanted to be martyred. The video clearly shows the attacking the inspectors who came aboard.
Our own coastguard does the same thing to keep terrorists out of our country.
Helen's racist comments aren't the first she's uttered; she's made such statements all her life. This isn't "opinion," it's fact.
Just by the way, I happen not to be Jewish; I'm just a fan of truth over ideology.
"I take it as a given that we live in a society marred by racial & gender inequality, that certain forms of speech perpetuate & promote this inequality, & that the uncoerced (sic) disappearance of such speech would be cause for great elation." ~ Elena Kagen, Obama's newest Supreme Court nominee, & yet another racist "tolerant" Leftist who believes in CENSORSHIP.

@artistry (4151)
• United States
8 Jun 10
...Hi there xfahctor, Now this is out of left field because I don't know Jews from Gentile's
but I thought Helen was Jewish?? Why I don't know, I won't mention what was in the back of my mind, bad, bad, but what is her etnic background, anybody have the answer? Thanks. She is old , but I don't think she suffers from dementia. Final thought, she will rise again, if only on Entertainment Tonight. "o). Take care.
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@rogue13xmen13 (14402)
• United States
8 Jun 10
I would say that she is arrogant and ignorant about the Jewish religion and their culture. I am always ashamed as to how racist many American can be. Then again, I, myself, have been a victim of racism, surprisingly.

@rogue13xmen13 (14402)
• United States
8 Jun 10
I live in a predominately Latino and African-American neighborhood, and because I look completely white on the outside (which I am not, I have an African-American ancestor and I have Jewish ancestors) people called me names, said I was part of the KKK (Which how could I be if I was Catholic? The KKK hates Catholic and anyone of Jewish ancestry). It was ridiculous. I think that I am very tolerant person and I am not a racist.
@Maggiepie (7816)
• United States
8 Jun 10
I've had it happen to me. I once was attacked viciously--& I mean physically--by a black woman who saw my white skin & "just knew" I was a racist. She tried to cut me several times, & one day she tried to fry my face on a hamburger grill. I was stomping on her toes to make her let me go, & screaming for help, but she was VERY strong. At the last second, for reasons I can only guess at, she turned me loose.
The thing is, I never have been racist. I wasn't reared to be so.
"Abstinence works every time it's tried." Rush Limbaugh
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@Lindalinda (4111)
• Canada
8 Jun 10
Yes shame on Mrs. Thomas. However, she is just a silly old lady. I don't know why she has not retired as yet. She is also so ill informed it is laughable. I cannot take her seriously. Does she not know that Jews lived in that area for thousands of years? Apparently not. Her comments about sending them to Poland, Germany and the USA are totally ludicrous.
Having said all this, however I do not agree with Israel's current tactics in the West Bank and Gaza. I know that fear can produce harsh measures. I wish the Palestinians would get off their butt and face reality that they will never get back lands that they lost in 1948, and realize and acknowledge that Israel cannot be driven into the sea, and I wish the Israelis would stop provoking them by not building new settlement and try to help along the peace process.
@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
8 Jun 10
"I don't know why she has not retired as yet"
Actually she did, lol, she retired yesterday after all the flack she got from this incident. The "great" Helen Thomas is no more a factor in journalism.
While I may not agree with some of Israel's actions in Gaza, there is still the inescapable fact they have to defend themselves. the flotilla incident could have been avoided if it had just pulled in to the port the IDF attempted to direct them to for cargo inspection.
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
7 Jun 10
I agree it is inexcusable, If she had said this about blacks there would indeed have been an uproar. As we know there are different strokes for different folks and this is one of them.
@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
7 Jun 10
Well there are a very few and specific groups towards which racism and bigotry are still socially acceptable. Jews an Israelis are among them. Such bigotry has been around a long time and I feel the in Europe a lot of it is still left over from the Holocaust.

@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
7 Jun 10
You know, I just logged in to post a thread about this. Glad I saw yours first.
I must say, I never cease to be amazed by how socially acceptable racism is when it's directed towards Jewish people. Your Africa example is a good one, but lets make it a bit more "present day" and imagine if a reporter, or ANYONE in Arizona said "Mexicans need to get the he1l out of Arizona."
Now granted, the White House has CLEARLY condemned this without any question of their stance on the issue. However, there has been a LOT of support for her. Even amongst those calling for her resignation, you will see very few, if any, public figures calling her a racist. Just compare that to how quickly people jumped to call Jan Brewer, John McCain, Sarah Palin, etc. racists with absolutely NOTHING to back it up with.
I don't have speakers at the moment, and have had zero time to watch TV, so I'm working off of all the articles I've read, but here is one racist part that seems to be left out of a lot of the reporting. Once I have access to sound I'll have to listen to everything she said.
"Jewish people should go home to “Poland, Germany … and America and everywhere else.”
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@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
8 Jun 10
I haven't seen any public figures in politics or the media side with her. On CNN's page though the comments section is FILLED with people saying she's right. CNN isn't bad in and of itself, but the people who comment on that site are disgusting and, as the comments are moderated, the moderators are pretty slimy too. 99% of the comments I make there don't get past the moderator.
@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
8 Jun 10
I guess that's what I posted this for, not so much what she said but the double standard. I mistitled the thread actually, it should have read "Helen Thomas' racist comments on Jews". It's actually a typo and I did not really intend to call Helen Thomas a racist, but her comments no doubt were. Old lady saying something stupid, nothing more to see here.
The double standard doesn't seem too too bad this time around, even MSNBC seems to be afraid to even try to defend it. I haven't checked huff&puff of daily krapp either yet though.

@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
7 Jun 10
I just heard the news--she is retiring. The press corps was going to take a hard look at her status on the WH press and I guess she decided to bow out before the crap hit the fan. She says she regrets saying that but I can't believe that someone who makes her living with words would let something slip that they didn't mean to.
Good riddance to bad rubbish.

@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
7 Jun 10
Yeah, let's leave our ancestral homeland to go back to the homeland where so many of us were killed? Makes perfect sense to me. What's your problem?
@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
8 Jun 10
Hey xfahctor~ It is really sickening that this woman got by so
many years in the position that she did without anyone noticing
what a moron she really is until now! I have a very close friend
whose mother and grandmother barely escaped the Nazi Concentration
Camps and listened to his mother tell horrific stories of what they
went through to get here to the US. If Mrs. Thomas had any idea
what these and many other people had gone through she never could
have possibly been so callious and inhumane!
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@LetranKnight25 (33117)
• Philippines
8 Jun 10

@Maggiepie (7816)
• United States
8 Jun 10
What has her age have to do with it? She's always been anti-Israel, anti-Jewish. Unless she were suffering from dementia or some other mental disorder (which everyone seems to think she isn't), then she's accountable. Period.
"Abstinence works every time it's tried." Rush Limbaugh
@Sourceseeker (1197)
• United States
12 Jun 10
X i agree her comments were one sided and not politically correct and they were wrong. However the question what remains with issue of what to do in the Middle east.
The situation is untanable and unsustainable as the President calls it. Israel is becoming increasingly surrounded and forces or trying to inch closer to choking them. For Political Balance the US should asseert its influence to keep the forces off their while at the same time working with them to free up some settlements. and further find a way to partition Jersualem. Juerusalem probably should be made a holy World city run by the United nations. Everyone would have a hand in keeping it safe.
@skysuccess (8857)
• Singapore
13 Jun 10
I really cannot understand her outburst here and help wondering if she's being overwhelmed with her job. Frankly, she is way past retirement age and it is really sad to see her retire this way.
I am not trying to find an excuse for her insensitivity here but like you I find this inexcusable. However, I think we should also try to understand what came over her to behave this way and say such reputation damaging words.
Perhaps, she should have retired earlier and with much dignity, when she was still being looked upon highly.
@6precious102 (4043)
• United States
9 Jun 10
I have gotten the feeling that most people are glad to see her go whether she made derogatory remarks about the Jews or not.
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
9 Jun 10
What is sad is that she meant exactly what she said. Regretting having said what she said doesn't change that fact.
@epicure35 (2814)
• United States
9 Jun 10
You are 100% right in your observations. Her remarks were cruel and un-called for. Her racial attack is inexcusable and should be met with consequence. It appears to be both "politically correct", even fashionable, to denigrate Israel and the Jewish people; just look at the disgusting example set by the monstrous usurper-in-chief who hates Israel and is trying to destroy our relationship with them. Oh, well, he hates us ,too.
Jews throughout the world have been persecuted and have never been given "minority" status, or affirmative action privilege.
It was Jews who started and financed the NAACP, yet Jesse Jackson, an ungrateful and manipulative politician (as is Sharpton) has called Jews "hymies" and referenced "hymietown". We have become most cruel and mean-spirited as we have been deceived into the secularist notion of "political correctness" rather than the Godly notion of moral correctness.
Racism is still racism, no matter which of certain minorities is given preference and a leg up based solely on their race, also gender. God sees us all as the human race.
When hardworking Koreans came into a NYC neighborhood dominated by blacks some years ago, they literally lived in their stores in order to be able to survive financially, yet certain black political "leaders" urged blacks to boycott them in favor of black owned businesses. Things like this happen throughout the world because we let ourselves be dominated by our own worst "instincts", greed, and ambition.
Without God as our arbiter and His principles as our guide, we, when left to our own devices, succomb to our own worst interests. This includes misuse of the power of the press and the ability we have to influence people, as in the MSM, including Helen Thomas, not reporting truth fairly and accurately and keeping perjoritive predilection to themselves.
@KathysLaw (77)
• United States
9 Jun 10
People and their rhetotic! It is truly unebelivable how racist cwertain people can be. Hispanics, Jews whos next?