21 day old baby killed by Siberian Husky

June 8, 2010 1:31pm CST
Its so sad, so awful what happened to this poor little infant. It seems 2 couples are living in the same house with the 21 day old baby and the 2 Siberian Huskies. Apparently the infant was left on the floor. They still dont know the whole story. Of course now some people are saying that Siberian Huskies are killers and Im afraid this will turn into a witch hunt. It seems a lot of babies are being killed or bitten by dogs (all breeds). They might accuse the 19 yr old parents of negligence. I feel for the young parents, how could they know? Could it have been prevented, yes it could have, but should the young parents be held responsible or accused of criminal negligence??? What do you think?
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11 responses
@lilybug (21107)
• United States
8 Jun 10
I think the parents no matter how young should be held responsible. Even my 10 year old son is smart enough to not put a baby down on the floor around suck big dogs.
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• Morristown, New Jersey
9 Jun 10
I can see what you are saying- personally I would be hesitant to even have a baby in the same house as a potentially dangerous dog- but the truth is we dont'know the whole story- it could be that the child got out of his crib unexpectedly and the dog was always thought to be friendly and suddenly went bad. The parents may not really be at fault as much as it seems. It all depends on the facts and what will be revealed in the future. Horrible story though!
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• Canada
15 Jun 10
I heard that, they now say she was out there for 30 minutes!! I dont know what I would have done at her age. I cant understand why the grandmother acted that way too. Im happy you never had anything happen to your kids, BUT, accidents do happen even to the best of parents. We just had a 4 yo kid hit by a car, they didnt press charges against the parents. Maybe we dont know everything pertaining to the story of the 21 day old baby. Thanks!!
• Philippines
9 Jun 10
I think the parents should be held responsible. Why did they leave their child on the floor unattended anyway? Dogs would act with their instincts. If they get scared they would bite. If they sense a lower energy they will try and dominate it. They might even think that the baby was a rag doll and tried playing with the baby just like a toy. It's not the dog's fault but the parents.
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• Canada
11 Jun 10
CANDYFAIRY: The mother was charged. The dogs were taken and are under surveillance and will be tested to try and understand what happened. GOLDIE: yes is a horrendous situation. Im also much older and wouldnt leave a kid with my Labrador....well I wouldnt leave my Labrador alone anyways. You're right, Im not sure I wouldnt have done the same thing. I used to babysit as a teenager and Id leave the babies alone with the cats around them as the family I was babysitting at said it was ok. I never thought anything could happen....today I know but I didnt then, thats for sure. The grandmother was there, she didnt say anything, so Im thinking the dogs must have been VERY friendly or the grandmother is downright stupid. Charges werent laid against the father nor the grandmother......only the mother.....thats what I find strange!! Oh Im not judging them at all. They are in great pain now, I cant begin to imagine what this poor girl is going through now. Thank you
@goldie77 (165)
9 Jun 10
What a horrendous situation to find yourself in at age 17. First of all i wonder what kind of upbringing she had herself and maybe didn't know any better.Secondly, who are we to judge-you who are without fault cast the first stone - I'm not saying this to defend negligence, I'm just saying that if you were 17 years old and had a normally friendly dog and you stepped a few feet away to smoke, where you could see your baby through the door -(sounds like she was being sensible to me)how do YOU know you wouldn't have acted the same way. For me personally,being much older and wiser than 17, I would never leave my 2 labradors alone with my grandson of 6 months.They are adorable,friendly creatures but they are DOGS! -so you don't leave dogs alone with a baby -but all I'm saying is DON't judge.She thought the baby wa safe because she could see it and she's suffered enough by losing the baby.
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@koalatbs (2229)
• United States
12 Jun 10
That is soooo sad MagicBubbles. I hadn't heard of that before reading your post. Things like that can happen so easily. People have to be really careful of their children around pets.
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• Canada
15 Jun 10
Yes it is sad Koalatbs. I dont have children but I do have a Labrador and he's never alone when we have people over, we keep an eye on him all the time, not because Im afraid he might bite someone, I truly dont think he would but he's my responsibility!! Thank you!
@Natara (169)
• Canada
9 Jun 10
First off, i really dislike it when the media labels animals as 'dangerous' as soon as a human has been killed by one of them. They have given bulldogs a bad name as 'murderous dogs' when really, most of the time it's because of humans interbreeding them and humans aggravating or not looking after them that they act the way they do. Now will they do this to huskies as well? I don't think the media has given out enough information (as usual). We don't know how well the dog was trained, how long they had the dog, and how they treated it. If anything, the parents might be somewhat at fault for not realizing it's silly to leave a baby less than a month old on the floor like that!
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• Canada
11 Jun 10
Oh it was a witch hunt here, you're right about this. Now they're trying to say that Huskies are killers. The media is not helping. They showed the dogs running freely in the fields (they lived in the country) and a woman called the dog and he came right over and rubbed against the woman, so one of them seemed very friendly. They also showed us the dog (female) when the police caught her. Of course a dog is scared when trapped and in the presence of so many strangers around. It wasnt a pretty sight and only fueled the fire. Apparently they have both dogs at the police station now and will put them through some tests to evaluate them. Some people offered to adopt them already.....still some nice people around!! Yes it wasnt a good idea to leave a baby on the floor to begin with but the mother is only 17 yrs old....how could she know at that young age? Why didnt the mother who's 37 yrs old say something as she was there. Why charge the mother and not the grandmother who in our country is the adult. The mother is NOT an adult in our country.
@1hopefulman (45114)
• Canada
9 Jun 10
Another sad story! We'll have to let the authorities make the judgment call. However does it make sense to leave a newborn on the floor with two huskies around? It doesn't to me?
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• Canada
9 Jun 10
It doesnt to me either but I dont know the dogs!! According to the father, he said he cant understand why the female husky did that. He said she was very gentle. The mother is only 17 yrs old, still a kid herself. They pressed charges. I feel sorry for what happened of course but now the mother had to face this after she just lost her baby girl. It seems to me that she's suffered enough and will have to live with this the rest of her life.
@1hopefulman (45114)
• Canada
10 Jun 10
I guess it goes to show that at times we just can't be too careful. But no matter what, things can go wrong. You're right, she is very young. We'll have to leave it in God's hands, as He is the only one that knows what exactly happened.
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• Canada
11 Jun 10
You're right, its out of our hands now. We can only pray for the little baby and the family for what they're going through. Thanks
@laniekins (4579)
• Philippines
9 Jun 10
For me the parents should held responsible for what happened, at the first place why did they left the infant on the floor alone with the husky? I love dogs and I always say that dogs is still animals not like humans who knows what is right from wrong. I'm afraid they might kill the husky.
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• Canada
9 Jun 10
They said they had the husky (female) under surveillance, that she was very agitated and scared. Well Im sure the dog is. Being taken away and put in a cage and they werent too gentle about it...they showed it on tv. The 17 yo mother is charged but not her mother who was with her at the time. The father was in the garage and he wasnt charged, not even questioned I think. I only hope this poor baby didnt suffer much and I can feel the pain of the mother, she must be feeling so guilty now. How could she know, she's only 17 yrs old.
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@rebelann (113525)
• El Paso, Texas
22 Aug 20
I don't know any woman who would leave her baby on the floor unless she was there with that baby especially if her baby were only 3 weeks old @MagicalBubbles as for the husky, it sounds odd to me that a husky would kill a human of any age, most of them are usually shy.
@cream97 (29085)
• United States
11 Jun 10
Hi, MagicalBubbles. I don't understand why these parents would have a dog in their home period. If I love my dog so much, I will put him/her outside. They will never be allowed inside of my home when I have an infant child. I don't care if the dog does not display any signs of danger. It still would be outside!!! I don't want a dog in my house even though it may be a sweet and innocent dog... I just don't trust what could happen to anyone in my home. These parents should have known better.
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• Canada
11 Jun 10
Hello Cream! Well I have a Labrador and we keep him in the house. We dont have kids and when we have family over, we keep an eye on him at all times. If there are kids, we'll keep him on a leash. They probably didnt know the dogs would attack. I couldnt imagine MY dog attacking a baby....BUT I wouldnt leave my dog alone with a baby or anyone for that matter. Im not 17 yrs old anymore either. Thanks!!
@reckon21 (3477)
• Philippines
22 Jun 10
The reason the parents left their infant with some Siberian huskies because they have so much trust or have great confidence with the animals that it wont never harm the child and it is both been proven a dozen times that some animals can't be trusted around babies and yet they still play negligence all the time. I must say stupid parents for leaving the infant to the mercy of the animals. No matter how they trusted the animals they have different way of thinking than us humans and most often they don't have emotions just like us. Carelessness.
@la_chique (1498)
8 Jun 10
I just dont understand why people get their priorities so wrong. Why have dangerous or potentially dangerous animals around little children? People just don't think about the consequences of their irresponsibility. Thats such a sad story.
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• Canada
9 Jun 10
I know what you mean but I didnt know at the time, the mother is only 17 years old!!! I mean she's a kid, right? How could she have known that if she stepped out of the house for a few minutes to smoke (she didnt smoke in the house because of the baby, so thats good) that one of the dogs would attack her baby? She was also with her mother, they both stepped out of the house, right on the other side of the door where she could see her baby....it happened very fast. I dont think she could have prevented it even if she would have been inside the house. The dogs were in the house because the owner of the house was doing some exterior repairs to the house. Most people here are appalled at her being taken right away to the police starion, questioned till 5AM then they laid charges against her. I dont think ANY parent is watching their kids ALL the time. What bothers me the most is that we had a man who "forgot" his kid in the car one morning on his way to work and the baby spent the whole day locked in the car in very high temperature......no charges were laid against him. Are there 2 laws? One for men and one for women then?
@jaiho2009 (39140)
• Philippines
8 Jun 10
I wonder how parents can leave their baby as young as 21 days old with animal. I am also a mother,and i kept my babies from insect bites,what more with a dog? I can directly accuse the parents for being irresponsible. It can be avoided if only they think that dogs are not babysitter.
• Canada
9 Jun 10
Im not a mother but I tend to be over protective with my dog. She's only 17 yrs old, do you really think she was old enough to know that there was a potential for danger? I would tend to trust my dog with a baby......well I think, its not easy to know what Id do as I dont have kids. So you also think that ALL dogs are dangerous?
• United States
8 Jun 10
I don't think I would let a big dog of mine near my baby or anybody else's. Even a dog as small as a poodle could harm a baby or makt them scared. I would say wait until the baby is at-least 5 months before you introduce to non-human mammals.
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• Canada
9 Jun 10
So you think that all dogs have the potential to kill? I have a black labrador, he's 6 yrs old and he wont even try to grab a doll. I dont think he'd attack a baby. My niece was here one xmas with her 2 boys, they were 2 and 4yrs old at the time. They were going up the stairs and the younger one missed a step and my dog flew right over to stand behind him so he wouldnt fall. We didnt know he would do this since we dont have kids. Thing is, how can a 17 yrs old mother know that and to top it all off, her mother was there and she didnt think anything would happen. They laid charges on the 17 yr old mom. How awful to lose your baby and have to face justice also.