what ways do you think we can help our children,and teens to be safe?

@annjilena (5618)
United States
June 8, 2010 9:27pm CST
we all been there we too didn,t always listen to our parent.and when something bad happen to us we wished we had listen to our parents.their are some good parent out there as well as some bad parents.we as good parents want the best for our children.our kids get mad at us but we only trying to protect them.its a lot of mean people in the world that will hurt children.so what do you do to try to protect your grand children,children ,sister,brothers even your friends kids.
3 responses
@hisoka147 (606)
• Philippines
9 Jun 10
One of the best way to help our children from being safe is to educate them in both behavior and knowledge of all things on how to live with the society. They should learn how to deal with strangers and discipline them to have some good manners and right conduct especially towards an elder person.
@annjilena (5618)
• United States
9 Jun 10
i agree some teens are very disrepectiful to elderly so when i see this it really bother me.because when i was growing up this is what my parents teached me to alway be respectiful to others.
• Philippines
9 Jun 10
Today's new generation are already influenced by negative attitudes. To prove this fact, take a ride on a bus and you will see some people letting an old man stand while younger person tend to sit acting as if unaware about the old person standing near him.
@annjilena (5618)
• United States
9 Jun 10
thats true
• Philippines
9 Jun 10
hELLO,GOOD DAY... ANNJILENA, All PARENTS ONLY WANT GOOD THINGS FOR THEIR CHILDREN.. Instances that they become BAD.. I. parents are human..And the tendency is that they become sometimes insensitive with what their children really want..so they force what they want..and a burden for a children..and children creativity is gone..their perpective of the world become narrow. II.Parent only do what they Know..they always say "this is good for you,shot up!!"without knowing what the kids is thinking..And the tendency they become too cautious of their action..They always base their action to what their parents think of..which mean children are not thought of being a good decision maker.. What the parent should do: 1.Be sensitive..have an open communication with your kids.. 2.Observe the things that make them happy.. 3.Don't be too strict and too friendly.. 4.Explain your ideas..and let him speak what is in his/her mind.. 5.Research and Read parenting books,magazine..etc.. the key here is to guide your children,not to force them..teach them to think not to memorize or a step by step way of this should be this or this should be here..wrong! avoid that..don't forget the (why)eplained..let them ask question and answer their question clearly and honestly.. If a children has learn to properly think..then outside, in the field he/she will be safe.Because,his/her parent had teaches him/her how to think..in a proper way..
@annjilena (5618)
• United States
9 Jun 10
what if the child just insist on doing whats wrong when you say black he says white just refuse to make good decision.will not listen
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
9 Jun 10
Keep them close by you always outside with them or have them were you can keep an eye on them. teach tehm at an early age that if a person tries to grab them to scream real loud and I can tel you my grand daughter can scream real loud bust your eardrum if you are to close to her when she does lol