Why are we still importing products from China?

United States
June 8, 2010 10:10pm CST
Think about it. A few years back we had the "toy scare" when massive amounts of toys were found to be unsafe. Well sence then the recalls have not really stopped. They don't get the big press they got back then...but they are still happening. Toys are still being recalled..food..glasses..furniture..hair bows..jewelry..you name it..all from China. I am actually on a recall notification email list (hey I have small kids) and you would be surprised at all the emails I get STILL about products that are recalled because they are poisonous. I get alot. I have stopped buying a lot of things from china all together. It is just not worth the risk. Either I find a new brand of the same kind of product NOT made in China...or I do without it. Especially if it something my kids will be using or be around. A recall is only an after the fact solution. You and your family have already been exposed to the poison. Why isn't our government stopping China from importing these products until they clean their act up? Faced with loosing the biggest consumer market...CHina would have to start complying with safety laws or have their economy tanked. Yet our government has not taken this step? Why? Could it have something to do with the HUGE amount of money we owe them? Is that more important than our safety? Tell me what you think. What should our government do? Do you still buy products from China?
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10 responses
10 Jun 10
I may not be chinese, but I travel to China frequently and disagree with you. Yes China ships out some products that are bad, but the majority are great. Ask yourself this question, How many products are made in the U.S.A. that are just as bad or worse than the bad products from China. The only reason it became so public is because China is so big when it comes to exporting products to America. Ask yourself why the American government is pointing fingers elsewhere. What are they hiding from the public? What don't they want you to notice. Maybe a new law or tax increase they want to sneak by. How many products or homes in the U.S. are painted with a lead based paint? How many schools are painted with lead based paint and have asbestos in them. Remember years ago the town that was built on a toxic dump? How many other towns are built over a toxic dump? How many barrels of toxic waste are in your lakes and rivers? Why does your government allow Canada to ship their garbage over the boarder into the U.S. Does your government actually inform you of all this dumping of trash and chemicals? Hop down off your high horse and be realistic. Every manufacturer around the globe has the potential of producing something bad for us. It is our job to educate ourselves. Don't bad mouth a country because of bad product! Bad mouth the companies that produced it. There are a lot more businesses out there that produce high quality products out there than ones that don't, Be fair to them.
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• United States
10 Jun 10
I was bad mouthing the businesses and not the country. The people of china are probly very nice. I have never been. But I hear they are nice and that it is a pretty country. But their safety laws on what can and can not be used in the making of products is not the same as here in the US. I do feel until CHina changes those laws to make their products safer...we should not be importing their items. Have you seen how many products have had to be recalled in the past couple of years? How many were poisonous and FOR CHILDREN? It is crazy. How in the world can you make and market products to kids with LEAD IN THEM? That is illegal here in the US. Products made here in the US are regulated heavier and we have more safety laws. Actually just so you know...lead based house paint has been illegal in the US sence 1978. In fact it is illegal to put lead in any paint made here in the US. Just like it is illegal to put lead in children's toys. which is why companies go to places like China and other countries that don't have those laws and get their products made cheaper (and poisonous). China needs to product it's people and it's reputation for business..it needs tighter safety laws and enforcement on their products.
@laglen (19759)
• United States
9 Jun 10
I think it has a lot to do with the money owed and the size of China. Right now world relations is so shaky. The best solution, is to by made in the USA. For safety as well as the well being of our country
@laglen (19759)
• United States
10 Jun 10
you are right but there are some things we can, it just takes a little digging
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
10 Jun 10
Hi Laglen, Have you ever tried to buy things made in the USA? It's pretty hard to do these days. Much of our work is now being done in China. China makes products for much cheaper than we do in the US. If you find something that is completely made here in the States, you will be paying a pretty hefty price on it.
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• United States
10 Jun 10
sid---so buy a cheap product and poison your family...or pay more and get a safe product....umm...I am going to go with spending more and getting a safer product.
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@soumodeep (944)
• India
10 Jun 10
The reason that everyone still imports products from China because they have cheap labour and we get a lot of products for cheaper, even if we don't the people who sell it do thus helping them earn more profits.
• India
11 Jun 10
I guess the store owners dont' care, they only wanna make money by selling cheap products at regular price, or maybe the safety regulations met are just shown on paper but not actually met. There is always illegal stuff going on in business whicn no one really finds out. Money talks over there, you got money you basically do anything.
• United States
10 Jun 10
But there products do not meet our safety regulation in this country...so until they do they need to stop importing them.
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@hofferp (4734)
• United States
9 Jun 10
I try to not buy products from China. I don't have kids, but I don't like spending good money on poor quality items. And the reason it continues...the HUGE amount of money we owe them.
• United States
9 Jun 10
I agree with you. I think it is because of the money we owe them....until it is paid off..our country will let them import poison products into our country. How messed up is that?
@hofferp (4734)
• United States
9 Jun 10
We'll be "kissing bu**" (allowing China to do just about anything it wants) for a long time at the rate we're borrowing. I want the spending/borrowing to stop...NOW.
10 Jun 10
If Chinese products are so bad and contain bad things that could kill people, then why are there so many chinese? China's population is now well over two billion not including all the chinese people living abroad. Think about it!
• India
10 Jun 10
Sorry to inform you mate but Chinese population is not above 2 billion not even including people living outside China. Chinese population is 1.4 billion in China and I assure you not more then 80 million Chinese people live outside of China.
• United States
10 Jun 10
So are you saying that LEAD is not poisonous? Come on.. you can't be serious.
@joyce318 (139)
• China
9 Jun 10
As a chinese, i am sorry to you at first that you get the bad things from china. But I also want to say everything has two aspects. maybe it is terrible to you, but china as a large exporting market,many products are cheap than others. We do our best to promote the quality and service. every country has their shortage and superiority. So I hope you can understand
• United States
9 Jun 10
I can understand that no one is perfect. Mistakes can be made. But when products are shipped here that are made with materials KNOWN to be poisonous...well that is scarey.
@joyce318 (139)
• China
9 Jun 10
I also heard the news about poisonous toy. I have no comment on that issue, only sorry to you. There are so many irresponsible manufacturers that hurt the feeling and confiendce of customers not only china but also foreigners. Sorry again for you
• United States
9 Jun 10
You don't have to apologize. It is not your fault. You had not control over it. I just wish they would fix it.
@xtinelee (3371)
• Singapore
9 Jun 10
It's still very much cheaper than a lot of goods out there, and it's really competitively priced, hence a lot of people still buy china-made products. In fact there are so many products that are made in China, that people don't even read where it is from anymore. Cheap labour, cheap factories... why not? It's the perfect place for making profits.
• United States
9 Jun 10
To me it is not worth the risk. I would rather pay more for a product and know it safe...than save a few bucks and possibly poison my family. Every sence the big toy recall a couple of years ago..I now read labels to see where things are made. I did not do it so much before then...but I do now. Profits should not over ride public safety.
@matersfish (6306)
• United States
9 Jun 10
We have to deal with China because we're so evil. Pure and simple. Dealing with China is reparations for America's cruelty. I mean, we all realize that Arizona's law is the world's biggest atrocity and it's actually hurting China that we're so evil. And the amount of money we owe them probably plays a role too.
• United States
10 Jun 10
LOL...ya we are such a horrible country aren't we? LOL I think how much we owe China has everything to do with it.
• United States
9 Jun 10
I was wondering the same thing when I had to take my kids cup away from her the other day because it was recalled.
• United States
9 Jun 10
How crazy is that. Cups. You would think something they are going to be drinking out of would be safe. I really wish our government would take some serious steps to ensure the products that come into this country are safe.
• China
9 Jun 10
The owing money should not be the main reason. I think it has something to do with marketing. Chinese production is really cheap and is not always of bad quality, such as the textile. China exports lots of kinds of production. It's hard to make sure everything is good. But if you stop buying,the marketing will give a lesson to the producers and force them to insure the good quality.