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Finally a legit data entry website
By kad666
@kad666 (172)
June 9, 2010 11:27am CST
I have just found a website yesterday. This is not just a data entry website. You can complete many different task as translate text, edit text, find some picture for a certain subject.
They are currently in beta so their is not many many task to do, but at least they have some and they pay you everyday by paypal.
You will need some basic or expert skill to complete certain task.
What is good is that you DO NOT NEED A RESUME to do any job because they are testing your skill by making you pass a test. When you pass a certain test you gain a level. then depending on your level you can work on certain task.
You also have a referral link which is very good for that kind of website.
This is 100% free and i'm really happy to have found them:)
I'm sure you will be happy too.
The link is in my profile. Thank you for those who will using it I'll take it as a thanks from you .
Happy mylotting ! And Happy data entry!
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