Do you believe in fate?

@vijukr (24)
June 9, 2010 2:51pm CST
Can you believe that everything that happen wrong to you is because of your fate only?
2 responses
@dreamnishu (1247)
• China
9 Jun 10
I believe in fate. The things that write down in our fate that we get in our life. But it could be change. And the change will be by our Allah. If we try to get anything then our Allah can change it. So not only wrong things also good things happen as it's write to our fate.
@vijukr (24)
• India
9 Jun 10
Nice can take sorrows and happiness in similar way
@tonylijo (135)
• India
10 Jun 10
vij: you have said the thing . if any thing happens wrong for some one they will say that is due to their fate . but if something good happens they will never give the credit to the fate . why is it like this ....