would you follow your religion to the end!? why!?

June 10, 2010 10:31am CST
Hell0 there! As we all know there are all kinds of people on the world- some are happy, some are sad, some are rich, some are poor, and some are less and more religious, and there are even people who are extremely religious- people who will do everything in the name of religion. So I want to ask you, are you one of those people!? What makes you follow it sometimes even so "blind"!? Powered by Phoenix8606
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25 responses
@kquiming (2997)
• Philippines
10 Jun 10
i don't think it's the religion that matters to me, i think i have passion for God but not the religion. it's two different things for me. what mattters more for me is my relationship with the supreme being I believe in. NExt would be my relationship with people - with family, friends, etc.
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@kquiming (2997)
• Philippines
13 Jun 10
hello phoenix, i'm sorry i think you misunderstood my point... how can i explain this...hmm....well here you go... you know how sometimes people get too caught up with religious activities and in the midst of it, forgetting the very essence and purpose of religion??? think of it this way: a preacher who loves preaching so much, and he preaches really good, but sometimes he forgets to be compassionate to his own enemies?? or a teacher who is very patient at teaching, but loses his temper when his kids make a mess at home? it's something like that.... I myself am not very active in the church, I attend the mass at least once a week (although i know I could do more if I really squeeze it to my schedule) .... but the thing is, when i wake up everyday, the first thing that comes into my mind is God. I ask him to give me enough patience to deal with people who annoy me, help me learn my lesson in every bad situation, and give me enough faith and courage to live by His rules. I thank Him for the blessings and I ask for forgiveness. that's what I meant by being more Godly than religious. BUt of course, we all differ in our beliefs and values so I'm not saying everyone should follow this or that.
• Mexico
10 Jun 10
Hi kquiming: I understand your point of view. In fact, religions ahve made a lot of mistakes through the history so you have to follow God. religions are a way to arrive to heaven but they are not god. Thanks for your answer. Have a nice day. ALVARO.
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11 Jun 10
hell0 you both! well kquiming, how can you believe in God and not follow the religion- i am asking you because for me it is weird, just because religion is actually that what shows us who is God and what he makes for us. I think that these two things must go together :) Alvaro- isn't actually the religion that what makes God "alive"- i mean that would be any God without a religion!? Powered by Phoenix8606
• Morocco
11 Jun 10
Yes i will because i know that its the real one and there is a lot of proofs on it
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11 Jun 10
well, what proofs can you actually give to me and which one is your religion!? Powered by Phoenix8606
• Morocco
11 Jun 10
I'm a muslim and i cant say all the proofs it will take me days :D here is a video in youtube please watch it http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NOwA0v026wY notice that in the first he say that even if u claim ... just watch the video lol
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11 Jun 10
well, I will check it out now, but as i know muslims have many rules, and i don't like rules Powered by Phoenix8606
@Devilova (5392)
• Indonesia
11 Jun 10
For me, I would die for something that I love, something that I trusted, something that I care about.But as long as in my opinion and can be responsible whether to people and to my GOD.
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@Devilova (5392)
• Indonesia
12 Jun 10
Cause You didn't have a faith to a religion.Didn't You?? Your avatar told about it. How we call the kind of person who didn't believe with religion or GOD?? I've been told and teach, "Your business is Your's and mine was mine's" Happy Mylotting.
11 Jun 10
well, I will be able to die only for some person- no matter is he/she some one that I love or know or some comletely stranger. But fro religion i just can't do that! Powered by Phoenix8606
@cerebellum (3863)
• United States
11 Jun 10
I think it is more important to have a relationship with or faith in God than what religion you follow. Most religions are just men making rules. The rules are supposed to be based on the Bible, but everyone interprets it differently. I don't think you shouls follow anything blindly.
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• United States
11 Jun 10
Yes I think we should follow the rules in the Bible. The problem seems to be that different religions interpret it differently. Some take it literally and some don't. Who can say which is right?
11 Jun 10
well, you say that they should be based on the Bible, but isn't the Bible actually the holy book of religion!? should we then don't follow the rules/laws in it too!?
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@jennyze (7027)
• Indonesia
11 Jun 10
Agree. It is best to have faith in God than in any religion. I felt disappointments in some religions I know.
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• India
11 Jun 10
I don't think I am following my religion blindly. When I made my decision to follow it my eyes were wide open. I knew exactly what I was doing. Yes, I do intend to follow my religion right until the end.
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11 Jun 10
well, guess that everyone is with the eyes wide open when choose a religion to follow, but then the eyes are close and people follow it no matter on what price1 Powered by Phoenix8606
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@xasasa (321)
• United States
10 Jun 10
I would follow my religion to the end, but I will not follow it blindly. If there is something that I am asked to do that I am not sure about then I will pray about it to clear up any confusions. Although I am willing to die for my religion if need be.
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11 Jun 10
well, I think that if you are ready to die for the religion then you will actually follow it blindly, just because religion is something that should teach us on good things and not force us to die for it! Powered by Phoenix8606
@ckyera (17331)
• Philippines
10 Jun 10
hi phoenix, as far as i'm concern i think i will follow my religion to the end. i firmly believe that i am on the right path, my faith is here and as long as i am not seeing any malpractice or anything that's against our doctrines then i will be staying. and since i believe and have faith that i already find the right one, then where will i go if i leave this faith? i firmly believe that my salvation is here.
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11 Jun 10
hHell0 Ckyera! well, if you are really convinced about that, then I will understand you, but how far are you actually ready to go for that faith- I mean are you ready to do something more drastic like leaving the ones you love in the name of religion if you have some quarrels/problems with them about religion!?
@DanBen (346)
• India
11 Jun 10
"faith- believing in the unseen". No one can be too religious, cause those who term themselves that are truly ignorant. Cause there is that carnal factor that overrules the principles on which their Faith stands. We all have shortcomings that will disqualify us from the path that has been destined to us. But one must consider that once we realize that our ways are unjust, our Savior is always waiting with arms wide open to welcome us, from our ignorance,and into the Truth. See it's not entirely impossible to walk the talk, but it needs complete dedication to understand the values that ones Faith teaches. Blind faith can be both ignorant and enlightening, differs from person to person and how they perceive their Faith....
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11 Jun 10
yes, I also think that blindly following the religion can be ignored by many people! Powered by Phoenix8606
@jaiho2009 (39140)
• Philippines
10 Jun 10
I will,and will follow and stay with my faith and belief until the end. Not becoz i follow it blindly,but becoz,i've seen all the good things in my religion. We are thought to love and do good things,not only to our brothers/sisters,but also show love and even pray for our enemies. this is not a referral link: http://www.untvweb.com/ here is the link of our programs we offered free services to everyone from legal assistance,medical missions, free bus rides,free education from elementary to college, feeding programs,free transients house,and orphanages. at least we tried to follow what the Holy Bible says JAMES 1:27 "Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world."
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11 Jun 10
well, i will check out this URL, but actually I think that I won't see something new for me, because I have seen many programs about religion. don't get me wrong- i just want to say that I am actually not so keen on religion like you, just because I haven't found so many good things in it Powered by Phoenix8606
@jaiho2009 (39140)
• Philippines
11 Jun 10
Well,like what you've said..you haven't found so many good things in it... It's up to you to check and found out... Happy weekend...
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11 Jun 10
yeah, guess it is so! happy weekend to you too! I am planing to spend it really nice! Powered by Phoenix8606
• Mexico
10 Jun 10
Hi phoenix: I'm not a Fundamentalist person. I have my own criteria. That means that i beleive in my religion but I have to be sure of the things I'm saying. I won't do something if I'm not totally sure that it's a good action, that it's really according to my values and that it contribuates to my salvation. So I won't fo something just because my church says so. Thanks for asking us this question. Have a nice day. ALVARO
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11 Jun 10
hell0 alvaro! yes, I understand what you mean. It is really niec that you follow some personal criteria and not only the laws/rules in the religion! Powered by Phoenix8606
• Pakistan
11 Jun 10
i will... not all religions are worth following.. every religion has its own belief like for example.. Christianity = son and father and ghost makes a god Hindu = everything is god Muslims = there is only one God we have to determine which religion is worth to be followed and which is logical.. religion is one of the most important thing but people are now underestimating it and god.. now a lot of people thing that there is no god and they become atheist.. most of atheists are former Christian.. and i think that they became atheist as they didn't understand god in Christianity..
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11 Jun 10
well, maybe you are right- people shopuld first define which religion is worthing, but even then I don't think i will be able to follow any of it! Powered by Phoenix8606
• United States
10 Jun 10
i dont follow religion, although i am hebrew. i am of hebrew culture an ancient culture which has been imitated by jews, christians and muslims. i speak ill of no one, but religion it seems doesnt want to live up to the standards of true spirituality. the universal law is love..if people would follow this law="treat people how you want to be treated"..then there would be no need for religion. it seems to me, religion is for man who is too lazy to raise himself up to a godly level, so he tries to bring god down to his own level. also, religions are intolerant, and are the reason for much blood shed on the earth. i have yet to have a conversation with a religionist, who speaks of real situations and can speak from their own heart, without simply quoting some words. dont get me wrong, if that is what a person trusts in, they should be able to answer any questions another may have. but the requirements of religions i cant tolerate..to dress a certain way and act a certain way..it takes away from the natural creativity of being a human being. also, in my culture, we learn that all life is precious..not just human beings. that all creatures have a reason to be here, and to destroy a life for a selfish reason is an evil thing indeed! my culture i follow to the end...not because it is my culture alone...but because of the beauty and love it stresses, while at the same time encouraging to gain in wisdom, knowledge, understanding, discernment and the like...and because no matter what religion or status anyone else calls themselves...they should be respected and appreciated...while at the same time, truth must never be compromised, and one must remain honest always, even if others try to force you to lie, or do any bad thing. yet, it shows, religions are usually excuses for people to do bad things...and then say it is the will of their god, while causing so much suffering and heartache to anyone who is not like them. that can never be right..ever!
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11 Jun 10
well, geuss that you are right- if people really love each other and respect each other without being jealousy and selfish then there will be no need of religion because what else is the religion than some laws and rules how to live happy and in peace, but love can do it too! Powered by Phoenix8606
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@gengeni (3308)
• Indonesia
30 Jul 11
Hi, I am a person who has a religion to handle on life, but I honestly do not include people who are fanatics of a particular religion. I think all religions have the moral values ??of goodness, and I must always learn from it all. I respect all religions, and of course the religious zealots who profess him, so far it does not harm others. For me, doing good as long as I can and as long as I live, it's the best way. Although no religious values??. Nice day
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1 Aug 11
hi and thanks for taking part in my discussions :) well, i also disrespect the fanatics as they're people who try to harm the others. they are going their own way- a way covered with insulting and sometimes a way covered in blood. as we all know many fanatics are ready to give their lives in the name of their cause, that's what i dislike Powered by PhOeNiX8606
@sais06 (1284)
• Philippines
11 Aug 11
Hi phoenix! I don't think I'll follow my religion to the end but one thing I'm certain about is that I'll follow my God 'til the end and even if it has to cost me huge like for example my life or family. I believe that following Him is all worth it. It's not actually the religion I follow but the God of all. Religion may fail us but never will God fail us. Well, this is just my opinion as you have said that others are following some religions blindly. Religions, in my opinion also, are just for identification that we belong to a particular group. This usually identifies some similarities and differences in beliefs, practices and doctrines. But I found that the best way is to follow God above all else.
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16 Aug 11
hi there, i really like your comment. it's a worthy one. I know exactly what you mean and i think you are completely right despite i am not that religious. Powered by PhOeNiX8606
@sais06 (1284)
• Philippines
16 Aug 11
There’s nothing wrong I believe with being religious or not, but many people have been too religious that they have already forgotten how to be Godly.
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
12 Jun 10
Hi phoenix, No of course not, to do such a thing would be ridiculous. Blind faith reminds me of what Jesus said about blind leaders of the blind. We must keep our eyes and ears open - that's what we have them for. Blessings.
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@geojb90 (469)
• Galati, Romania
10 Jun 10
Well I would follow up my religion to the end because it's what keeps me alive ... faith keeps me alive, faith in God, in my family and friends. Your religion is something that you should be proud with. Even if I would lose everything in this life, spiritually I would feel like I have everything I need because I've kept my faith.
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11 Jun 10
hell0 there! wel,l, i am really glad to know that you are in such a good "condition" with your religion and that you find peace in it, but for me religion is actually not so important as it is for you, maybe just because I can't find any salvation in it or something that could help me understand the biggest questions that irritate me! thank you for the reply! Powered by Phoenix8606
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@jennyze (7027)
• Indonesia
11 Jun 10
I am not religious. I am open to any good teaching of every religion and just try my best to apply them in my own life. Of course, I slipped every now and then, at least I know what I should do.
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11 Jun 10
well, it is really nice that you try to find the best one for you and don't follow any religion so blindly :) Powered by Phoenix8606
@elrvld (120)
• Argentina
11 Jun 10
No, I'm not I don't follow my religion because I think that must be a choice, and mine it's not to follow every statement, just the thinks that I think right, there are a lot of thing that I dislike that's why I prefer not to follow my religion to the end, just in the way I want.
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11 Jun 10
yes, there are really many things in my religion too that are weird and strange to me and that's why i don\'t follow it too! Powered by Phoenix8606
• United States
11 Jun 10
I will follow my religion to the end. I am sometimes disappointed in others who claim to be Christians. They don't seem to really understand what being a Christian means. It is not about being judgmental-it is about love and forgiveness.
11 Jun 10
well, but haven't you been disappointed in the religion itself, not about other people, just ebcause religionis sometimes disapponted! Powered by Phoenix8606
@Extourmed (191)
• Bulgaria
4 Apr 12
I'll never stop believing in my religion, because each one of us needs something to believe in and I think my religion is giving me power to not giving up and it's making me stronger. Also there can be found very reasons of why should we be religion. For start our parents are religion, we were born religious and we'll die buried by our religion's rituals. But there can be found very reasons why we should be religious and I don't see a reason why we shouldn't be. Humanity without religion is like a serial killer without a chainsaw. :):)