Saving the Best for Last

June 10, 2010 12:13pm CST
I love to cook as well as to eat. And I do want each meal to be enjoyed and be savored with gusto.I hate being rush and I don't feel contented with my meals unless I had the chance to satisfy my pallet and my nose. But, in every meal, i get to tease myself a little. I'd eat first everything on my plate except for the best part. It's like when eating chocolate with almonds. I'd eat most of the chocolates but would save the part with the most almonds in it. I love the goodness of its after taste in my tongue, ensuring myself that I'll be going to have another taste of it sooner. Do you also do this or you just simply eat everything and anything as if every part tastes the same?
8 responses
@rastogisw (445)
• India
10 Jun 10
Sometimes wen I get something of my favorites then I will do the same thing like when I ate faluda ice cream I just first finish faluda first then kulfi as I love that kulfi very much and rare to get over here and then I finish that very slowly so that the taste could remain on my taste bud for little longer.
• Philippines
15 Jun 10
I guess we are on the same both when it comes to the way we enjoy our food. :-) Finishing the dish very slowly feels like heaven to me. And it always make me feel like wanting for more. LOL. Thank you for responding, Rastogisw. By the way, what is faluda ice cream? sand Kulfi, too.:-) Sorry for my silliness but I'm not familiar with these food and I'd like to know about it first hand from you.Thanks.:-)
• India
15 Jun 10
Hi, May be you dont know about faluda kulfi . I am from India here a sort of icecream made up of condensed milk is known as kulfi and faluda is long white color of long strings made up of cornflour .The kulfi is served with that faluda and sugar syrups.
• Philippines
16 Jun 10
oh, thanks.:-) I'm not from India that's why I had no idea but now that you've told me, I do now. :-). WE have so many Kulfi here and I say, I love its taste, too. As a matter of fact, most of our desserts are Kulfi based.:-)
@mspitot (3824)
• Philippines
15 Jun 10
me too! the problem is when someone have a taste of your food that you are saving.
• Philippines
16 Jun 10
Oh, that could be bad.:-( I hate it when someone else's touching my plate. Especially if someone else is scooping my food. Unless, I have given permission or invited that person to share my food. The anticipation of eating the best part seems to add an extra goodness to the food and seeing tht someone has grabbed that chance from you is a sure turn off.... Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Bon appetit always, Mspitot.:-)
@skysuccess (8858)
• Singapore
11 Jun 10
eurekafemme, As for me, I am really not that particular, especially when some food just have to be eaten the moment they are served to ensure the taste and gourmet experience. It will depend on the dish served and how it is served. Like eating at Tetsuya's where their menu dishes are served to be eaten with a certain order to ensure the true gourmet of the food. This is just one of it where I cannot do what I like but still it is rather enjoyable. Especially, when it is planned and served right to the last minute detail. Bon appetit.
• Philippines
15 Jun 10
Hi there, Skysuccess. Nice to see you here again.;-) It is true that in fine dining, the dishes are served per course. We don't given much choice but to eat what is being served.But, I still have this peculiar habit of still choosing the ingredients that I only want to eat from the served dish. Leaving the bits that I don't like especially when there are just too many in a particular dish. The only dish that I'd eat without choosing what's on it is the salad.:-) Thank you, my dear for sharing your thought with us. Bon Appetit.:-)
@geojb90 (470)
• Galati, Romania
10 Jun 10
A very interesting discussion ... I would also save the best for last and if it's something I like very much I eat it very slow and savor it. I want the pleasure to last as long as possible.
• Philippines
15 Jun 10
Thank you, Geojb, for finding this post as interesting as it is to you. :-) Savoring the very best part of the dish is like something that satiates not only my appetite but my soul as well.I've this weird feeling that whenever I am eating a ver delectable dish and that it tastes lingers in my taste buds, I couldn't help getting the feeling of being at peace and calm. Maybe, this is the reason why some men or women use food to fight depression.:-) Thank you for sharing your thought with us. Bon apettit.:-)
• United States
10 Jun 10
I like eating Chocolate Cookie Dough, it is so yummy. I try and eat all the dough first then i leave aside the choclate chips and save them for later as they are so yummy. I usually eat all the food in spurts, I mean like maybe my chicken then potato then so on and on. Put i don't just eat one thing at a time and wait to eat something else when im having dinner or lunch. I do eat my bread usually before dinner at resturants or something and maybe even an appetizer if i have one.
• Philippines
15 Jun 10
I imagine I'd do the same when I get to taste a chocolate cookie dough. Dough first and then the chocolate chips later.:-) I think we have the same eating habit, ei. The only dish I can eat all at the same time is the salad where all ingredients are mixed together.:-) Thank you for responding. Happy eating always.;-)
• Philippines
11 Jun 10
I also do that. I love to savor for the best part that's why I eat it last and I eat it slowly really haha..Others will ask me why and why can't I eat them all because it's just the same but I just ignore them because they won't understand. I eat quality over quantity so maybe that's why I love to save the best part haha
• Philippines
15 Jun 10
Hello, K2r3ncute. Firstly. let me welcome you here in Mylot. I do hope you will have a grand time with us.;-) Thank you for responding. I'd say you are a lover of life and a lover of good things as well.:-) Just like you, other people don't just eat to get full but to get satisfaction and fulfillment for what they are taking.Enjoying life rather than just living it, as my optimistic friends would put.;-) Have a happy eating experience always.;-)
@Bhemzky (423)
• Philippines
11 Jun 10
Sure do! Like you, I just love saving the best for last. I believe, for me to enjoy my food, I'll eat the ones that are just nice and enjoy the excitement of eating the best part of my food.
@oldchem1 (8132)
10 Jun 10
I love to save the best to last as well, but the only problem is if you get full with everything else you don't have room for the best!!
• Philippines
15 Jun 10
Hahaha! That is a problem, indeed, Oldchem.:-) Perhaps, the next time you eat a platter only the amount your stomach can accommodate. It is a waste to not to taste the very best part of the meal, ei. Sometimes, if there are too many dishes on the table I'd just scoop my faves and leave the rest untouched. My fave part is when it is time to savor the dessert. Thank you for responding, Oldchem. Happy eating always.;-)