My husband and my kitties~A Funny Story

United States
June 10, 2010 1:05pm CST
I had found a kittie that I wanted, a cute little yellow naturally bobtailed tabby. It took me 3 or 4 days to summon up the courage to go pick him up because I knew I would have a little problem with my husband. So, instead of telling him, I just went and got the kittie and brought him home. When hubby came in that evening I told him sheepishly I had got me a kitten. He looked at me and said sternly "YOU BETTER NOT HAD." Well Binky was hiding but I knew where he was and reached and got him and showed him to hubby who automatically melted. I never expected that he would give in so easily, but Binky is now part of our household as much as any one. Now we have 2 more, one solid black who we really didn't intend to take in but was being abused by the neighbors, so hubby said we would keep him around and feed him, give him a place to sleep, etc. But our granddaughter feel in love with him so he's officially ours too. Oh, and his name is "Ow" because when he was a kitten he would jump at our granddaughter, just playing with her, but, being a kitten he did scratch her a little and she would always say "Ow ow" so it stuck. Now the 3rd is our new little long haired calico. I found her too and called the lady saying I definitely wanted her but it may be awhile before I could get her. She said she would hold her for me. I told hubby I wanted her but he was fully against it. I tried for a week, no getting through to him. I called the lady and told her I was still trying to get through to my husband and she agreed to continue holding the kitten. So I tell hubby SHE has called me, asking me to come get the kitten :P and he doesn't care he still says no. We were going somewhere and I mentioned the kitten again. And a big part of this story is he didn't want to go get the kitten because the kitten was in the next city. He turns and looks at me and says "I've been waiting for you to figure this out." and I was like "What" and he told me to have my son, who lives in the other city to pick her up and bring her to me!! He didn't mind me having the kitten, only didn't want to go pick her up. Now, our son charged us $10 for gas for picking the kitty up and bringing her to us so hubby wanted to name this gorgeous little creature "10 spot" such a weird name for a cat, but since she is a calico I named her "Callie CoCo" I think it's a cute name for her!
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5 responses
@trivera67 (108)
• United States
10 Jun 10
LOL your story made me laugh and was so cute. Your hubby sounds like mine,refusing and then giving in once he seen Binky. I am like you and have to play little tricks to get a new pet. he he devious aren't we? We just adopted our little girl kitty "Sheba" from the SPCA about a week ago. She came from a litter from the momma cat who had been abadonded and she fits in perfectly with the three dogs we have. They are big dogs 2 labs and 1 shepard but let me tell you she puts them in their places if the try to play to rough with her. They love her dearly and wouldn't think of hurting her but they do tend to get overexcited. Good Luck with the new additions to your family and enjoy.
• United States
10 Jun 10
Thank you! Well Binky is our "wild boy" now. He loves the outdoors and only comes in at night, once sunlight hits him you better be ready to open the door for him or he'll sit at your bedside or feet and just yell away. Hubby is so funny, Binky climbed high, high, high in a tree one day and it started getting dusk and Binky wouldn't climb down. Hubby climbed up after him....I've actually only seen that in cartoons, climbing after a cat!! Until than that is. I was a little worried about how Ow was going to handle Callie CoCo, because he is not a gentle kitty at all. He's not nurturing to her like I thought he might be (I thought he might change his "spots" so to speak) but he's not rough with her. She can play with his tail and he doesn't get to upset, and then if he does get upset he'll just tuck it under him. So far so good with out little addition.
@kaylachan (76294)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
11 Jun 10
I think you could have avoided all the drama if your husband had just gone and said, what he was thinking. At least you've got the cats. That's what's the most important thing. Ask him to next time, instead of telling you 'no' to expand on things.
@ElicBxn (63832)
• United States
11 Jun 10
good think I don't have a husband, because he'd have to go before the kitties... yes, the two in my avatar are mine, and a lot of others besides!
@Loverbear (4918)
• United States
10 Jun 10
That is sooo cute and so wonderful. Your husband sounds kind of like my father. I had gotten a Siamese kitten and he about had a fit. He really didn't like cats. Well Charlie decided one day that he wanted a nap, and of all places he decided that he wanted to sleep on father's chest. The poor little guy had problems getting into the recliner with father, but he did finally make it. He curled up on father's chest, with his head nestled under father's chin. When father woke up he felt something hairy and tickley under his chin. He reached up and felt Charlie there and his heart melted. From then on, he and Charlie took afternoon naps together in that recliner...they were best of friends from then on... after all, only Charlie could really stand father's snoring (father sounded like a wild animal in heat when he snored! ).
• United States
10 Jun 10
Sounds like u have a soft spot for cats & hubby to tho he wouldn't admit it, i bet, lol. I have never had a cat. My mother hated them so we weren't allowed one when we growing up.I do have a dog.