Do You Ever Wonder When The Bad Luck Will End?
By Janey1966
@Janey1966 (24170)
Carlisle, England
June 10, 2010 4:40pm CST
I've had one of those days. A day where nothing went right. It started off by speaking to a woman on the telephone who interviewed me for a job, exactly 2 weeks ago. At the time of the interview she told me that "it will take time to obtain all the references" which implied that she wanted references from all the candidates that were interviewed. Not so, it seems. She had all the references but mine wasn't one of them because I hadn't been successful in acquiring the job. When I asked "why" she told me that the calibre of applicants was very high and she has taken on people who had worked in Medical Records before. Great! I asked her how someone with no recent experience (me) is able to get a job and she just told me to keep trying. How noble of her.
My second disaster occurred at the doctor's surgery where I was due (or so I thought) to have yet another blood test to monitor my thyroid gland. The Nurse was on as the Health Care Visitor was off sick, therefore I had to wait at least 45 minutes. Then the bombshell came...she told me that she couldn't obtain any blood as not enough time had passed from the last test, so I had waited for nothing. I asked the nurse why the doctor had not realised this the other day when looking at the same screen as her; she could not answer that one. It doesn't help that I see a different doctor or nurse every time now due to Dr Habib being based at Penrith Hospital. I like continuity but I'm not getting it.
Ironically, the job I went for was within the National Health Service. No way do I want to be part of an organisation that doesn't know its a*se from its elbow!
Has your day been as bad or has it been more positive for you?

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14 responses
@lelin1123 (15594)
• Puerto Rico
10 Jun 10
So sorry about your bad day Janey1966. My only real problem was not getting enough sleep last night. I went to bed about 1:30am and ended up being wide awake at 5:15am. I couldn't go back to sleep for anything. So I got up and started working both inside my house and outside. The problem is I'm still taking these steriods for the Shingles I acquired a couple of weeks ago and its giving me energy and an appetite that I have never had in my entire life. Not even when I was pregnant. The only good thing about all this is alot is getting done work wise around the house including alot of pruming of the trees on my property.
I sure hope you have a better day tomorrow. 

@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
11 Jun 10
I'm so sorry you haven't been able to sleep well. I have experienced that but since acquiring pillows that actually GUARANTEE a good night's sleep I have not encountered any problems. Fogarty is the brand in case you are interested.
Yes, at least you have done a lot around and outside the house. I am determined to get up earlier on Friday as being stuck at the docs on Thursday ruined my plans somewhat.
I can feel the alarm being set, it's the only way I can get up early when I'm on my own in the house.

@lelin1123 (15594)
• Puerto Rico
11 Jun 10
I believe I'm having a problem sleeping due to the steriods that I am taking. That is the only reason I can see. My body is out of whack due to them.
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
11 Jun 10
Sorry to hear that. I take it you HAVE to take the steroids, no alternatives available?

@dawnald (85137)
• Shingle Springs, California
15 Jun 10
And here I am 5 days later trying to remember what last Thursday was like for me. I do recall the nice counselor fellow telling me I was delusional (oh so very respectfully) when I told him that I was hoping my husband would behave himself during this divorce process. So I know that I had at least one good laugh last Thursday. Other than that, it was probably a pretty normal day.
I hope that Friday, Saturday, etc. were better for you...

@dawnald (85137)
• Shingle Springs, California
15 Jun 10
Regarding the job or the medical situation?
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
16 Jun 10
Regarding work. Because I am not in the bracket of people that gets government help (not young enough) I cannot rely on the Jobcentre so the Citizen's Advice Bureau is another outlet where - hopefully, someone can tell me if there is anything I can do to increase my chances of finding work, such as courses, that type of thing.
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@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
15 Jun 10
Nothing much has happened since my bad day last week. Same old same old. I will ring the Citizen's Advice Line on Thursday as they are the only people that MAY be able to help me. I'm not convinced though but we shall see!
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@piya84 (2580)
• India
11 Jun 10
Sometime it just happen.Bad things happen in line and you start wondering if this bad luck and good luck things is real.It has happened with me few times as well when i was really depressed.But then there are times when all good things happen in row.
Life is just like that.Keep your spirit up.

@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
11 Jun 10
Yes, you are quite right in that assumption. Life itself seems to run in good, then bad cycles for me. When I first met my hubby the pair of us had good jobs, I had more money to spend and we spent all our time travelling and having fun. Now that we are together on a permanent basis the luck has ran out...but we are still together, so that must count for something positive in itself.

@kukueye (1759)
• Malaysia
13 Jun 10
Ya, money is always lacking even when it is there because we don know wat emergencey we will have.Personally i am married 2 years already.We have not even went for any short honeymoon or planing any vacation.We just walk around,drive around,eat at cheap places and such.all money we savee for further education,insurance premiums , car loans, and such.
@sulsisels (1685)
• United States
10 Jun 10
Hi my post under MyLot just to give you clue!!! Hope your night is better..Hang in..I'm trying to as well!! J

@starsailover (7829)
• Mexico
11 Jun 10
Hi Janey: Maybe you're just seeing the negative things in your life. I think that when we concentrate in the positive things you get more and more positive things too. Thanks for your answer. Have a nice day.
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
10 Jun 10
Apart from getting married the last 5 years have been full of bad luck. Oh, well, it's gotta change one day!

@udayrao2 (781)
• India
11 Jun 10
I do not think that there is actually a "bad" or "good" luck - it is just how we perceive it or receive it.It all depends on your vibrations too.
have you ever felt down in the dumps and then suddenly you change your thoughts or thinking and the whole scenario changes for you??!!
And that is why they say that meditation calms the mind and probably makes a person indifferent to any situation & is recommended to overcome this stress in daily life.
And then you cannot have either a good or a bad time for a very long time continuously or forever - it has to change.
And in our Indian Hindu scriptures - it has always been taught taht whatever happens is always for your own good- it is difficult to believe this but in such cases long after this situation you realise that yes,this situation gave you an experience to face another situation like this and even find a solution
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
11 Jun 10
That last paragraph is very interesting as I have had periods of what I would call "bad luck" but some good luck came my way when I least expected it. I am convinced that I will get a good job at some point...but where is the question. It will happen though, I've just got to believe in myself more don't I?

@udayrao2 (781)
• India
12 Jun 10
Hi Janey
Yes most important is that you have to believe in yourself first - not only that you have to like or love yourself - accept & like the way you are etc - that is also the first step in positive thinking- practice that and you will notice the difference!!
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
10 Jun 10
I realise what you are saying but I can't influence the day's events by thinking positively, no matter how hard I try. Thanks for your words of encouragement though, it's much appreciated.

@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
11 Jun 10
That's a good point you make there janron29. At least the sun is out today. I haven't seen it since I came back from Mum's on Sunday so I can now see blue sky out the window. It always cheers me up!

@polachicago (18716)
• United States
11 Jun 10
Every day is good for me as long as my dog is doing better. I lost many people in my life in past few years. My dog is after surgery for cancer. Every day seems to be blessing for me and my dog. In the end of each day I am so grateful for her to play with me and other pets. I have some problems like other people, but what counts and what is the most important in my life now is to stay healthy and have the rest of my family alive. Honestly, I don't believe in bad luck.
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
11 Jun 10
I am so sorry you have lost so many people. I hope your dog is ok. We become so attached to our pets and my cat is no exception. I just love her to bits.
@derek_a (10873)
11 Jun 10
Yes, I've had many days like that. I think most of us do. Like a chain of events, one thing goes wrong after another, almost as if the universe it telling me that I shouldn't have bothered getting out of bed that morning!
I am sorry to hear of your interview and wasted time at the doctor's.
I tend to treat a lot of it as karma and do my best to just go with the "disrupted" flow of life. Quite often it can feel like a voice in my mind shouts, "just stop for a moment. There is only now so take whatever there is to take." If I can accept the situations, which sometimes I can, I relax as I become more accepting of the moment, regardless of what it contains.

@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
11 Jun 10
Well at least the World Cup is on now. Sport always takes my mind off things and if the opening game is anything to go by we're in for a treat!

@margerydaw14 (735)
12 Jun 10
my run of bad luck seems to have been with me since my teens. There is always some sh** hitting the fan
.... but.... i do realise that in this wonderful world of ours, there are lots and lots of people much much worse off than me.
I do hope you get a really great job, one that you enjoy. Your experience at the doctors sounds just like what happened the last few times i have attended the doc's surgery. the doc is fine, its just the mixups made by the ladies in reception.
But I am lucky enough to be in full time employment, I do drive a decent car, have holidays(but not abroad, no fear, i would probably lose my luggage!), live in a nice house, so i have got to remember my life is a lot better than most. So keep smiling janey we are all keeping our fingers crossed for you x 

@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
12 Jun 10
Aww thanks for those kind words.
I know I should "count my blessings" so to speak and I DO, most of the time. It's just I cannot understand why it should be me that has sh*t happen to a lot. I'm not a nasty person. In fact, people I encountered on the telephone today were so inept I felt like saying, "Look, do you want me to come in and do your job for you, I know it's Friday and you don't want to be there but I am long-term unemployed and would DIE for a job like show some enthusiasm!" I didn't say that of course but I really wish I had now!

@thedailyclick (3017)
11 Jun 10
I've given up wondering when the bad luck will end because if things are going to go wrong then they will go wrong for me, I am cursed by sod's law. Even days which seem to be heading in a positive way rarely end up that way ..... so as they say in Monty Python "Alway's look on the bright side of life".
Seriously though, sorry you didn't get the job, it sucks when that happens especially when you learn that the selection process ended up being unfair.
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
11 Jun 10
I suppose another way I can look at it is this; whenever I was in work it was much easier to find another job...and I never complained then. I feel like my age is working against me now, however, as most of the women in the NHS office were younger than me. Perhaps I'm being paranoid, I don't know. Also, the lady in charge (one of the interviewers) actually said she'll be retiring in a year's time and "I've no idea if the next boss will be as good as me." Yes, she actually said those words. Better off out of it really.
I am sorry that you also suffer from bad luck. It's not nice is it? I also love that Monty Python song. I think I shall recite it in my head on a regular basis from now on.

@starsailover (7829)
• Mexico
11 Jun 10
Hi Janey: I thank God my job has not been so negative, I think. We have our days like this. try to calm down Janey. They say here that after the storm it comes the calm and I think that's going to happend. You can deal with your problems. trust in yourself in your friends and in God, there's always something you can do to make things better. Hope you have beter luck in your near future. Thanks for sharing with us your thoughts. Have a nice day.
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
11 Jun 10
Thanks for sharing your thoughts too. I know I should be positive and I am..most of the time. Then I get another setback and wonder when it all will end. I'm not getting any younger and I often think about the youngsters bagging the jobs I would also have got at their age..if that makes sense. At least the weekend is nearly here so I don't have to think about it!

@shawn5260 (53)
• China
11 Jun 10
hi,janey,so sorry to hearing your unlucky day,whatever happens,i still think god is equal to everyone!when you are losing something,you will get other have lived a bad day,but you see you get much blessing from many friends on mylot!
i am 26 years old,don't get a boyfriend, don't get a good job, and even don't have my own apartment,see,how terrible than you!but i think maybe this life is, we must live through the rainy and rough days,and finally we can see the rainbow!so let's try and try again!
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
11 Jun 10
Yes, you are quite right. Need to keep things in perspective don't I? Usually I do but I cannot believe all the bad luck I have had lately and it all gets on top of me after a while. The only way is up my friend!

@kukueye (1759)
• Malaysia
11 Jun 10
Some religion deal with bad luck by feng shui,karma or some indian way life and such.Some religion do not play with luck either bad or good,instead they said put in in god hands,pray abt it, or God willing and such, it is the will of god so be it.Personally i deal with as it comes,i am more scientific minded rather than supertitious. More logic then play by luck.Hence personally i don not like to gamble.Haha. Maybe bad luck is due to bad preparation? or lack of preparation?
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
11 Jun 10
I don't know why I am having such bad luck to be honest. I really need to find out if there are any free courses I can go on but I doubt it because they are generally open to those who are receiving benefits, which doesn't make sense to me. Courses should be open to all, especially if they are government funded anyway.
@bharatreddy (83)
• India
11 Jun 10
hi friend,according to me bad and goodluck will not there,if any thing hapens favour to us we think it's goodluck otherwise bad luck,so just refresh ur ind and be positive and what ever happens to u take it with positive mind