Toothaches , most agonizing pain

@geojb90 (470)
Galati, Romania
June 11, 2010 4:24am CST
I have some problems with my teeth. I sometimes have awful pains and the only pain I can't stand is the teeth pain. When my teeth hurts I fell like climbing the walls. It's like someone is pushing something in my brain and my heartbeats increase. I consult a dentist but until he treats all my damaged teeth I have to resist these pains. It's good I always have a pill with me just in case. One night I had a terrible pain I couldn't stand and had no pills ... I was desperate, I didn't knew what to do ... so I started making some push ups and do some hand stand's. Why? Why do push ups and hand stands when you have a toothache ? My brother once told me about his experience with toothaches and he told me one night he also had a toothache he couldn't stand and he was very upset he couldn't sleep because the next day he had to go work ... so he started making lots of push-ups and stand on his head and his pain passed away. It worked for me to. I don't know how but when I make physical exertion my toothache fades away. Weird isn't it ?Well I rather sweat a little and have my muscle's a bit tired but at least I know I won't have to support that awful pain. Have any of you had a similar experience ? What cures you use when your teeth hurts ?
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12 responses
• Philippines
12 Jun 10
i try not to take medicine right away so normally i use cloves. clove oil is best for numbing the area where the pain is really terrible. that's a weird thing you shared though about doing push-up because usually, an activity that gets me red in the face worsens my pains.
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• Mexico
13 Jun 10
Hi my wirly ageless mind: I don't like to take pills either but if the pain it's too hard I think it's better to go and see a dentist because I won't like to lose a tooth. Lol. XD. Thanks for your answer. Have a nice day. ALVARO.
11 Jun 10
Tooth aches are horrible. So far in my life I have only experienced mild tooth problems but that was bad enough. One cure for tooth ache is vodka! You don't have to drink it but rub it on the affected gum area and it will help to clean the area and numb the pain. I have never tried this myself so I don't know how well it works, but anything is worth a try.
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@geojb90 (470)
• Galati, Romania
11 Jun 10
Of course, vodka ... why didn't I think of that ? Oh well it's good to keep in mind.
@elmiko (6630)
• United States
12 Jun 10
yeah i had some really bad tooth pain a while back and it was like you said. i wanted to climb the walls. it was my back wisdom tooth which people usually get pulled anyway. what i used to get rid of the pain was aleve,sensedyne iso-active, and numbing gel. i still need to get my wisdom tooth pulled but that terrible pain hasn't come back as long as i flosh the area,use mouthwash,and brush the area with sensedyne iso-active. sensedyne iso-active is the only toothpaste that keeps the pain form coming back. toothaches that are really bad are some of the worst pain people can experience. my mom had a toothache that was so bad that the pain was shooting down her arm. she said thats the worst pain shes ever experienced. she eventually got a root-canal.
• Philippines
11 Jun 10
Hello geo, I agree that tooth aches are not just hurting in the teeth but also in the head. there are two solutions, either you have your broken teeth taken out or have it pasta by the dentist. you can't keep your teeth from turning black that's hitting the nerves which causes pain. i know, ihave the same pain, but am used to it.
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• Mexico
13 Jun 10
Hi geo jb: It's definetly a strange advice. In my case I use listerine as way tyo fight the pain and it usually works for me, maybe it's psycologycal, thought. Anyway, if this not work I brush my teeth and if it didn't work either then I know that I have to go to the dentist. Ouch. XD. Lol. Thanks for starting this discussion. Have a nice day. ALVARO.
• Philippines
12 Jun 10
I find this discussion very helpful, I've been experiencing toothaches since I was in high school and until now that im in college I still have it. I know it's my fault for not visiting my dentist often. I agree that it's the most painful thing that I have experienced so far. When I have toothache it's like everything hurts and like what you said, it feels like something is being pushed in my brain, and its really hard to go about doing my daily activities. I usually just stay home and drink pain relievers to ease the pain. But what I do sometimes is let someone massage my fingers and the area in my face on the side where my tooth hurts and it helps ease the pain and I usually end up dozing off. I never tried doing the vodka solution and exercising but I will definitely try it in case my toothache attacks again.
@geojb90 (470)
• Galati, Romania
12 Jun 10
Good point barneyjones, I also try massaging the cheek where the tooth that hurts is and also gently massage my temples. Massaging my temples helps me to keep calm because sometimes I feel like running from room to room when I have a toothache or become very angry and start throwing stuff away.
@wolfie34 (26771)
• United Kingdom
11 Jun 10
Hello there, greetings! I am wondering if whilst exercising you release a chemical called serotonin which numbs pain, it's like an antidepressant in a way, which helps to relax you and probably soothes your pain away. Or else you are doing something strenuous to take your mind off the pain, either way if it helps then it's a good thing. I use something from the pharmacy to put on a tooth if it is giving me trouble, either bonjela or ambersol I believe it's called. I try to avoid the dentist as I dread and hate going to the dentist, I should go every 6 months but I haven't been for two years now, but fortunately my teeth are ok!
• United States
12 Jun 10
You should visit a dentist and let him pull it off.
@_Honey_ (780)
• Philippines
12 Jun 10
Hello. I'm sorry to hear about that agonizing pain. I never liked it either. It really bothers me a lot when I have toothache pain. When I'm in so much pain, I usually take in mefenamic acid. It's a pain reliever. It's effective. After that, I suggest you go to see a dentist to have a check on your gum or teeth.
@jennyze (7028)
• Indonesia
11 Jun 10
Oh good. You found a usage in toothache, building your muscles^.^ I have a mild toothache before, but I went to a dentist right away to have it treated. Some pills help, but I prefer to have it removed if necessary, hence the dentist.
@brylle454 (606)
• Philippines
11 Jun 10
I really hate having severe toothaches, you know, those pains that are so excruciating that you just want to get knocked out or sleep. Especially when it aches at night, i really i hate it since i really want to rest but the pain is just terrible.
@pmxk001 (12)
12 Jun 10
This is really amazing,I can't tell.If this is good for you,you can keep on.