I hate to be woke up by the outside noises

United States
June 12, 2010 10:16am CST
Oh My God, it is Saturday morning, and I didn't go to bed until 4:00 A.M. in the morning. 8:00 A.M. the mower is already roaring outside, and it was spreading out to my room. Even though I buried myself under the blanket, I still hear that annoying noise. I have to close down the Window, it is a little bit better, but the noise still out there. I just couldn't get back to my sweet dream at all, so I have to get up brush my teeth; wash my face; and get online. Hopefully, I will get a better sleep during my nap time. I just hate the summer afternoon, especially during weekend, everyone has to mow their lawns.
2 responses
• United States
12 Jun 10
I know what you mean I work 2 graveyard shifts a week so when I try to sleep during the day its totally wrecked because the apartment complex does all of its work in the afternoon and early morning. There is a huge fan I bought for my room it sits on the ground and its a huge circle shape. I dunno what its called but its amazing. All outside noise, even my loud roomates, are tuned out so now I can sleep. I would invest in one if your really that upset with the noise, it may help! -Scott
• United States
12 Jun 10
Really, I might need to consider get one of those fans. It gave me headache, because I couldn't sleep in the day, and I have endure that noise until afternoon.
@ahinora (56)
• Bulgaria
21 Jun 10
I am not sure that only the reason is not noise. Maybe you are bored and there is no what to do,so you lay and listen what happen out of the window. If you have a plan for spending a weekend with a friends, or to travel somewhere, maybe everything will be different.Think about this and make plans for your weekends.