Do you prefer card games or board games?

June 13, 2010 6:44am CST
I myself prefer board games.So what about you?
5 responses
@megamatt (14292)
• United States
14 Jun 10
Really, I have no preference between the two. If I had to choose one, I do admit I enjoy card games maybe just a little bit more. For the simple reason that you can take a pack of cards pretty much anywhere with you and play. Well you technically can do that with a board game as well, but its a bit more messy and there are a lot of pieces to keep track of. Cards, you slip the pack of cards into the sleeve and put it in your pocket. Find a place to play them and you're good to go. I like board games, but cards are something that is easy to pass the time when you're setting in the back of the card during a long journey. So yeah, I enjoy both, but I think that card games are just something that I enjoy a little more.
@Qman333 (63)
• United States
14 Jun 10
I like to play card games because of the endless possibilities of games to play. My favorite game to play, however, is Egyptian Ratscrew.
@echomonster (2226)
• Greenwood, Mississippi
14 Jun 10
I prefer cards. There are hundreds, even thousands, of different games you can play with just one small deck of cards that you can fit into your pocket! Board games are fun, too, but are harder to carry around and more limited.
@brylle454 (606)
• Philippines
13 Jun 10
I prefer card games, well because i love cards!
@puccagirl (7294)
• Israel
13 Jun 10
I like both actually. There are some good board games, and some good card games. But I think I play more board games, though. Mostly because my friends and family prefer them over card games.