I am rich, friends!!!

@marguicha (221452)
June 13, 2010 6:32pm CST
. I love those mails! Today I got one that said that I had won " €2,500.000.00,Euro (Two Million Five Hundred Thousand Euro Only) in the Mega millions & Super Lotto Plus Email Sweepstakes Program Corporation, held on the 27th of April,2010. In Brussels Belgium." Isn´t this beautiful!!! I did not play, they weren´t even my lucky numbers (not so lucky, I must confess). And there it is. A millionaire! It´s like those times thay say I inherited some money that´s on a far away land. No one in my family was ever there. My only conection coul be our commen Granny, the ape Lucy. How many times a month do you recieve these million dollars mails. Have you ever fall for them? Share
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52 responses
• United States
14 Jun 10
WOW, lucky YOU!!! And they weren't even your lucky numbers to boot! Now are you going to share with all us myLotters here, lol! Aren't they just so ridiculous. I wrote an entire discussion on one a while back here, and posted the whole letter including the guys name from England. It was hysterical, and I asked everyone if they knew this man, haha! Unfortunately, some people fall for this stuff, and I've talked people out of it right here on myLot. They really believed they won money and were all ready to contact the individuals who sent it. They were freaking me out and I told them NO, No, NOOOOOO, don't do it!!! Unbelievable that this still goes on, and as long as it does and people respond, the scammers will keep it up. If people wouldn't allow themselves to be fooled, the scammers would be gone forever. Wouldn't that just be wonderful? Um, and no, I never fell for that.
• United States
14 Jun 10
I know and that's what freaked me out when some of the myLotters believed it. I told them they will either lose money, get hacked, or get a virus. Anyway you look at it, it's bad, period.
@marguicha (221452)
• Chile
14 Jun 10
I dont know whether I know too little of computing, but I don´t know how to spare my computer from recieving them. I can only erase them.
@oldchem1 (8132)
14 Jun 10
These people are a real pain in the @rse!! I wonder just how many people they have duped out of miney
@trisha27 (3494)
• United States
14 Jun 10
Haha I just love receiving those emails and even sometimes those letters in the mail. My husband just recently received something similar to that in the mail and he opened it up and he said we're a millionaire. I was like whatever. He wanted to see if it was truely legit and of course we all know that these letters are never legit. So he calls up the agency that sent him the letter and they expected him to pay something like $20 application fee and buy some magazines and he would receive the money. Of course we didn't pay the application fee or buy the magazines. We would have been crazy to do that because I am sure we would have never seen the million of dollars promised or even the magazines that were to be sent to us. I will admit though that it feels kind of good to feel rich for just a few seconds in your life.
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@marguicha (221452)
• Chile
14 Jun 10
Even if they ask you for a tiny $1, you won´t ever see it again. Just imagine allthose people that are willing to spend a dollar "just in case".
@oldchem1 (8132)
14 Jun 10
I caught my husband scanning a picture of his driving licence for one once !! he thought it was genuine!! BLESS
@kellyjeanne (1576)
• United States
14 Jun 10
It's hilarious, itsn't it? LOL! I can't tell you how many times I've won the Irish Sweeptakes, the lottery in the United Kingdom and so many others in these very small, obscure countries. It's so incredibly fantastically amazing! So, what are you going to do with all that money? LOL! Purrs, Catwoman=^..^= & Mija
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@marguicha (221452)
• Chile
14 Jun 10
I was thinking on a cruise around the world, with family and friends. What do you think? Of course there´s enough to save it for a rainy day. I´m not getting any younger.
@oldchem1 (8132)
14 Jun 10
I have been left money by people in far away countries that I have never heard of!!
@magtibaygom (4858)
• Philippines
14 Jun 10
Please control your elation. Just relax and take it easy. Brace yourself because more and more blessings will land in your email inbox. Have you replied to the sender? If you did, then by next day or next week, expect a sister company of that Lotto Corporation or a friend of them in far Africa will send you a message saying that they have in custody a billion dollar they are keeping in secret because of the war and they will ask you for help. Then they will propose that if you help them take the money out from their troubled country, they will share to you the wealth. Prepare the money you will use in helping these generous scammers. So, relax, take it easy, and keep your sanity!
@marguicha (221452)
• Chile
14 Jun 10
I will, friend! That is, try to keep my sanity! But isn´t it wonderfulto have so much money, even if it´s virtual, fake and scam? I´m already preparing afake cruise with all my friends and relatives.
@keval32 (1096)
• India
14 Jun 10
Well, I also received the kind of mails. But I just ignore them and just delete them. When one of my friend received email like that, he got so enthusiastic and took print out and run to me to show me that he is rich now. He was also showing that print out to others, when I told him that it's all fake. He didn't believe me, and keep showing it to others. But when he come to reality that it was fake, he didn't told me anything. When I asked him that "Jaimin(his name), what about that lottery? Have you received that money?". Then he replied in slow tone that it was fake.
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@marguicha (221452)
• Chile
14 Jun 10
I dont know whether I know too little of computing, but I don´t know how to spare my computer from recieving them, keval. I can only erase them. But I don´t find them funny anymore. I´m sorry your friend fell for them.
• China
14 Jun 10
Aha!Congratulations!I have been doing network for half a year but earn so little.I often dream of being a millionaire but in fact money is not easy to earn without hardwork.
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@marguicha (221452)
• Chile
14 Jun 10
I would indeeed, msfrancisco. Why are we friends for?
@ellago (127)
• Philippines
14 Jun 10
I love those kind of emails too. I became rich instantly. I am still receiving such emails. It always goes to my spam folder. I wonder if there are people who fall on this kind of trap. I hope not.
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@o0jopak0o (6394)
• Philippines
17 Jun 10
well i have it daily because of freelotto. but i have them labeled as spam so their not troubling me anymore.
@o0jopak0o (6394)
• Philippines
5 Jul 10
but it has paid me haha.
@marguicha (221452)
• Chile
5 Jul 10
I also had to label free lotto as spam. It was bothering me everyday. They don´t learn
• Philippines
14 Jun 10
i also received those kind of email but i just ignore them. i dont know why thse people still using those kind of trick up to now, its been circulating a long time ago and they still not stop. i also wonder if those people given in the email are correct so we can report them.
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14 Jun 10
HaHaHa.. I see these all the time in hotmail.. I've never personally fell for the scam, but i know many people that have and their bank accounts have been stripped strait away. Guess they learn't the hard way..
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@marguicha (221452)
• Chile
14 Jun 10
Yes. That´s how I get them. Pity i´s not true.
@registre (110)
• Philippines
14 Jun 10
I am also constantly receiving those spammy mails. I am just wondering if even a single person would actually believe the contents of the email message. I just ignore it after looking the spam box in my email. I hope that there is no person that would have the intention to send them money just for "receiving the money that he/she have won."
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@marguicha (221452)
• Chile
14 Jun 10
I dont know whether I know too little of computing, but I don´t know how to spare my computer from recieving them. I can only erase them. And sometimes I worry about even recieving themat the computer. They are full of internal junk!
@yspmyl (3435)
• Malaysia
14 Jun 10
Haha! I have received such a e-mail too, and they ask me for some processing fee before proceed to send me money...but the processing fee was like a few 100 thousand dollars that I do not have...haha...Nowadays many people trying to do what ever they can think off to con others, even though this sound very unreasonable to win such a big money which drop off from the sky...:) There are still peoples who believe that it is true...! Do you believe in that ? I hope you not!
@marguicha (221452)
• Chile
14 Jun 10
I always wonder why they don´t just take a percentage of my enormous amount of money for fees. I´d be much willing to share.. No, I don´t believe in that, of course. It seems that the only way to earn money is to work (except, of course, for thieves).
@yspmyl (3435)
• Malaysia
15 Jun 10
Well, that is how their trick work, if they take up certain percentage of the winning money for the processing fee...their trick will not work..I have received such a e-mail before and I tried to reply to them and ask them to deduct some the processing fee from the winning money, and they reply to me that they couldn't do that due to some reason. But later when I tried to offer them for certain percentage of the winning money, they never reply anymore...LOL...I have scared them off....:)
• United States
14 Jun 10
I get approximately 20-50 per day. It is so ridiculous how these scammers truly feel that one day, one day I would fall for it. Look what I do is read the subject and it starts with I won and or my lucky day, here is how I feel about it; the whole world knows to get a hold of me and if I win something well get it to me right away. If I have to follow instructions, pay a fee and or transfer funds to get it well here is what I do with the email.... delete. I am afraid for the great many of people who do fall for this, the starving needed, the elderly, the young and simply the naive. It is unfortunate but the reason why they send these emails out is because people do fall for it and well if one out of ten fall for it these people stay in business.
@marguicha (221452)
• Chile
17 Jun 10
I am recieving less now, because I try to put everyone I see in the spam list. The problem is that they change thir mails and names.
14 Jun 10
that's a very important point hun! and this is what these nasties prey on, the people who are maybe not worldy wise enough, or are just so up against it that they are desperate for a bit of luck! can't wina comp if u didn't enter.... but people forget that sometimes :(
• United States
17 Jun 10
From what I understand that's how these spammers operate. They send out all these fake checks, and after scamming poor innocent people they pick up & move and that's why FBI can't stop them. It's too sad.
• China
14 Jun 10
i had received so many emails like that . i konw its trick. once i call back to ask the detail on purpose. a girl received me .she tell me some detail.at last ,i said ,i am a policeman ,i have tracked u for a long time .when she heard about that ,she hunged up immediately . its funny .
• United States
14 Jun 10
Oh that is funny, I have wanted to do that, thing is the phone numbers are always for another country and I can't afford the call.. Too Too funny,
@marguicha (221452)
• Chile
14 Jun 10
Good one!!!
@dawnald (85147)
• Shingle Springs, California
21 Jun 10
Yeah, I paid off my house and my car and bought a small island in the Carribbean and now I'm shopping for a lear jet.
@marguicha (221452)
• Chile
22 Jun 10
All those are good ideas, dawn. The thing I like most about my riches is that I won´t have to marry Bill Gates for his money (once he gets a divorce9.
@daeckardt (6237)
• United States
15 Jun 10
I almost fell for one of those once. Now I don't even open them. I see the heading in the list and it is off to garbage land. I agree that it must be the common granny Lucy that has me related to the person they are talking about in the email. Even if it is the same last name, they must think I am crazy if they think that I am going to send them money to get money. They can take it out of the amount that they want to send me if they want to send me money.
@marguicha (221452)
• Chile
22 Jun 10
Yes. I´d be willing to let them have a percentage if they sent me the rest without my having to give them anything.
@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
15 Jun 10
Hi marguicha! I wish I had a dollar at least for every one of those "scam mails" I have gotten! I have won the Lotteries, been left money by "unknown foreign relatives, all pretty much the same as you described! I, at least wasn't one of the unfortunate people who did fall for it, but I do know some people who did, at least at first. We had a few people come on here thankfully telling us "that they won" and "had to send money first" and were asking for advice! Well, we gave it to them really quickly! I felt bad for them because they really thought it was real!
@marguicha (221452)
• Chile
5 Jul 10
You can even see each day mylotters here who claim theat they have "earned" money in this or that way, before they get apid. Fot me, the only money I trust is the money I have in my pocket. Paypal is OK, of course: it´s like a Bank.
@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
15 Jun 10
You and I are very lucky marguicha! I receive at least one a day, I am not kidding! It is usually an inheritance that is waiting for me from an old gentleman who had no family so he chose me (LOL) or like yours, a big lottery win for which I never bought a ticket or participated in! I have never fallen for it but sadly there have been people who have been well and truly scammed for a lot of money...
@marguicha (221452)
• Chile
22 Jun 10
That´s the sad part of it: that some people fall for it!
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@garson (884)
• United States
5 Jul 10
Oh yeah, I got this kind of message multiple times already. Can't fool me.
@marguicha (221452)
• Chile
5 Jul 10
Never fooled me either! Welcome to mylot. It´s a great and legit site. Happy posting.
15 Jun 10
you are rich ha am very poor but you are love not love i'm love very love i'm very crazy
@marguicha (221452)
• Chile
5 Jul 10
Hi madman, I like crazy people. They are usually more fun thab sane ones.