Reading the Bible how often do you read it?

@ShellyB (5241)
United States
June 14, 2010 1:10pm CST
Yes, I am in a Bible reading mood, the Church where I go to encourages it to no end and they even gave me a free Bible to boot, it is a King James version. I am ok reading it but sometimes I want to read a simpler version, I do not do so well with the old English but I am doing better. So, I have some reading homework from my Sunday School Teacher and some text from my Pastor who sends to all of us who want to a daily in the word email, so here are my question, how do you read your Bible? And how often?
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15 responses
@fwidman (11514)
• United States
14 Jun 10
I do not read the Bible with any regularity or even frequency. I pick it up on an as needed basis. You, however, seem to be reading it enough for both of us Yes, the church that you belong to is very strongly in favor of regular Bible reading. The joy of it though is that they actually believe the words in it as opposed to your last "religion" which just used the Bible as they saw fit, truth be damned
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@fwidman (11514)
• United States
14 Jun 10
I have based some of my beliefs on a magazine. it's a magazine called reader's Digest, specifically the part of that magazine called "Laughter is the best medicine"
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@ShellyB (5241)
• United States
14 Jun 10
Well as long as readers digest does not come with false prophesies and blaming the readers for it you are ok
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@ShellyB (5241)
• United States
14 Jun 10
That's so truth my last religion seems to have lied about everything imagine my joy when I found they were at least truthful in genesis 3:15 even going from house to house is bunkers like the English will say go to Luke 10:7 among other things it says go not from house to house the whole concept was to go into a home and remained there the whole chapter 10 describes what to do so yeah it is been refreshing to know that I can based my belief in God's word and not some silly magazine.
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• United States
14 Jun 10
I used to read the New King James version every day, but have slacked off recently. Most of the time, I start off in the morning with Proverbs, and then go to the Psalms. A very good way to gain insight into what the Bible is saying is to pray before you start to read and ask God to show you what He has for you today. I have often gained much wisdom and inspiration from reading just one or two scriptures after doing this. The New King James is most often recommended for easier reading. It is very close to the King James, but does not have all of the 'thou' references. Another good way to understand what the bible is saying is to get a New International Version, and compare the scriptures side by side. Ultimately, though, if you seek inspiration from god through the reading of His word, He will enlighten you as to what each scripture means in general and specifically in regards to your life.
@ShellyB (5241)
• United States
14 Jun 10
Thanks, I have a new testament with proverbs and psalms to carry along with me, it can help me in understanding more those parts of the Bible, I do not know what it is about praying before reading the Bible and me, I know I should do it but I seldom do pray for understanding, I like to pick my Bible and start reading at any given moment.
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@ShellyB (5241)
• United States
14 Jun 10
You are very right prayer only needs to be heart felt and it can be done anywhere. I will put to practice learnig to pray before reading my bible for more understanding.
• United States
14 Jun 10
One thing I found out about prayer is that it does not have to be the whole formal, get down on your knees, and recite the Our Father prayer or any other pomp and circumstance that the church tends to display. You can simply talk to God as if he was a seems strange at first, but after a while it is very comforting.
@ellie333 (21016)
14 Jun 10
Hi ShellyB, I read from the New King James Spirit Filled Life Bibleand find this is great and simple to read as it has interprtations of what is actually being said and questions and answers section to and also truth in action at the end of each section. I read daily as I receive a United Christain Broadcasting book every quarter calledThe Word 4 Today ajnd in it on each day is an inspirational peice of writinf and then at the bottom a section from the Bible for you to read, it means that by doing this daily you can read the whole Bible in a year each year. Wonderful. huggles. Ellie :D
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@ellie333 (21016)
14 Jun 10
That would be good to do Shelly, do you know much about any lay led churches as one of our vicars is retiring which leaves one of our three churches within our Parish without someone each week so they were considering it being lay led alternately. Sounds like you are really busy. huggles. Ellie :D
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@ShellyB (5241)
• United States
14 Jun 10
I had to admit I do not know what a lay led church is. Right now I have read Proverbs 14, my daily word email and will read the daily texts in a bit, I still need to do my sunday school homework, it seems like a lot right now but it can be done
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@ShellyB (5241)
• United States
14 Jun 10
I have two little booklets like that too, and I am going to start reading them so I can finish the Bible in a year too, I was overwhelmed a little while ago because I have not develop a good schedule for me to read the Bible, my reading list consists of one chapter of proverbs per day, my reading assignment and writing some verses from Psalms, so it is kinda busy without a regular schedule.Oh yead and my daily word too, I try to read that first thing in the morning with the email comes the daily verses for a year reading:Ezra 9_10 Acts. Maybe we can encourage each day
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@insulin (2479)
• Philippines
15 Jun 10
I will surely not gonna lie but I just read the Bible once of twice I think thrice in my life.I am catholic and I have faith but was never reading it.My mom tells me about it and I listen.
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@ShellyB (5241)
• United States
15 Jun 10
I am glad that you and your mom talked about the Bible, I am almost sure that's how it happen with early Christians, and maybe you could read some of the Bible with your mom it will be a nice bonding moment, and well, juat something to think about.
@kharlav (1667)
• Philippines
15 Jun 10
WEll' I like to read it everyday. But it doesn't seem to happen. Just like right now. I havent read the bible today. I feel sad. But I know this is also my doing because I am just infront of the pc, trying to post responses and comments in mylot. *sigh* im disappointed with myself. I feel really guilty.
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@ShellyB (5241)
• United States
15 Jun 10
Please do not feel sad, I am not sure why we do the things we do, but rest assured that God loves you: 1 John 4:15,16 Whosoever shall confess that Jesus is the son of God, God dwelleth in him, and he in God. And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us. God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God and God is in him. here is your Bible reading of the day I also tend to turn on computer first, and then Bible second, I am trying my best to read my email the Daily word first and then do the rest as follows, my bible reading and then here. That is my best intentions and little by little I am getting there, I am reading at least my Daily Word email first and the rest it is ok, I have all day long to accomplish it, so have peace and enjoy your day
• India
14 Jun 10
Actually I have never read the Bible. That is because I am not a Christian. Actually that is not the real reason. I was given a free Bible in my school.And I tried to to a casual read. But reading it proved to be very tough, so I left it. As I dont have any obligation to read it as I am not Christian. I have never since touched the book. It would be cool if someone wrote the bible in such a way that normal people can also read it.
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@ShellyB (5241)
• United States
14 Jun 10
There are simple versions out there for one to read, like the American Standard Version and New Kings James Version of the Bible, right now I do not know what's your first language, but there are more simple versions out there, I have heard people saying that the King James version is the closest to the originsl scriptures but there are Bible college students who are studing Greek.
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• United States
14 Jun 10
The living Bible is written out like a story...some people will tell you that this is not a good version, but when used in conjunction with other versions such as the NKJ and the NIV, it is very helpful when trying to understand what the Bible is saying.
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@ShellyB (5241)
• United States
14 Jun 10
Sounds like a nice version tho, it is is fluent like a story, it must make sense to a lot of people, the thing is to read it and that is it in interpretation like the other bibles.
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• Philippines
15 Jun 10
I read bible when i like to reflect and read good passages which could have an effect to give me courage then meditate on it. After then i could be inspired by some quotation especially from psalm and King Solomon. They are wonderfully worded very meaningful and full of good morale story.
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@ShellyB (5241)
• United States
15 Jun 10
Iknow w hat you mean, I was advised to read proverbs one chapter at day and it is helpful, I also love the Psalms, King David depended a lot on God, and King Solomon had wisdom. it is nice to start one's day with meditating on Psalms or Proverbs so I agree.
@CJscott (4187)
• Portage La Prairie, Manitoba
14 Jun 10
I try to read my Bible each day, I am currently reading through it, like it is a novel, from cover to cover. I used to just read bits and pieces here and there, as was suggested, and hardly every day, just a little while back I decided I was going to read the whole thing from cover to cover it seems to be going well. Sincerely and With Appreciation.
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@ShellyB (5241)
• United States
14 Jun 10
Sounds like a plan to me, reading it from cover to cover will be a good idea.
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• Philippines
15 Jun 10
Hello shelly, nope. never did after graduation, although i studied in a catholic school, it's only been oblige to me to read the bible if it's part of school work and activities, most specially retreats. but after that i stop reading it, am just not into reading and stuff, not everything, bible is one of the things i don't read but not because i don't like it, am just not into it. but i do go to church and hear mass that's from the bible.
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@ShellyB (5241)
• United States
15 Jun 10
Retreats are very nice and I am glad they are based in the Bible,I hope you go to another one so you can enjoy fellowship with others and read the Bible together.
@ebuscat (5935)
• Philippines
15 Jun 10
For me reading the bible everyday 3-5 chapters you can finish it for one year and yo feel that Jehovah God will very near you.
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@ShellyB (5241)
• United States
15 Jun 10
Yes, that sounds like a good number of Chapter, and it might take less than a year but a year sounds like the right amount to me.
15 Jun 10
I don't follow any religion so i don not read the bible. However I do have childrens book of bible stories that I read to my daughter sometimes.
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@ShellyB (5241)
• United States
15 Jun 10
I like Book of Bible stories for Children, they can summarize the Bible nicely and teach key points really quickly, I believe it is a good idea that you read them to your daughter.
@jesgil (95)
• Philippines
15 Jun 10
before i read the bible a lot. because of my very busy schedule at work, i do not have the chance to read the bible again but i still participate during prayer time. if i have a problem or i doubt and i need an answer or solution to it,i just open the bible and whatever is written on the page i have chosen, it only means it is the answer to my questions.
@ShellyB (5241)
• United States
15 Jun 10
I heard of that before and I have done it a few times myself, I believe it is a good thing, and I am glad that it is working for you.
• United States
15 Jun 10
i am hebrew. hebrew tongue is my main tongue and hebrew culture is my culture, passed down from generation to generation as the translations of hebrew scriptures called "the bible" speak. hebrew scriptures are more than just an excercise, and you cant read it like any novel. however i can tell you reading the english translations of hebrew scriptures is a hard thing...and as you say..people feel it is too hard to read so they come out with "easier" versions, not realizing they take away from what the hebrew scriptures have to say, not only in translating it, but also in translating it to be read by the common people. i tell you, without knowing the hebrew tongue, or hebrew culture, it will practically be impossible for anyone to understand the hebrew translations called "the bible". the best thing you can do is pray to the son of god....whose name is not english because he is hebrew, and english didnt exist then......and ask him to assist you with wisdom, knowledge, and understanding. dont ask a man for the meanings of the scriptures...ask god..he will give you the true meanings..but the truth of hebrew scriptures is far from what the european nations teach about the hebrews. and note...the son of god never called his followers..."christians". put love in your heart, and open your mind without any preconceived ideas...follow the translations as close as possible, not trying to put an imperfect meaning on what a perfect god says. then you will be on your way to seeing the treasures hidden in the translations of hebrew scriptures....take everything to god, even before you take it to a pastor or preacher. am i wrong to tell you to take it to god?
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@ShellyB (5241)
• United States
15 Jun 10
you are right, far as I know Jesus did not called his disciples Christians, and asking for God to help me understand his word is more valuable than depending on my Pastor, or any man or group of man, you are right in everything you said. I am hoping to be able to do that, to read my Bible and ask God to help me understand it ans apply what I can in my life.
@snipex (1)
• Ghana
14 Jun 10
reading the bible is the best thing a christian has to do .in my perception i think the bible should be the companion of the churistian shold be read read always to learn from your maker
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@ShellyB (5241)
• United States
14 Jun 10
You are right I was instructed to read my bible daily and I am doing that and it is a gift to us Christians to be able to read the bible and especially for us who have the freedom to do so.
• United States
25 Jun 10
I read from a very old King James Version. I read the bible everyday & like today I read my bible all day on my online show were we were having a very very deep bible study. We have a athiest who watches the show. The bible is a comfort for me, it is how I get by & it is my entertainment because sometimes the bible has me laughing. I just really enjoy the bible. I could not live without my bible. I know the King James is really hard for you to read but it really is for me the best in old english.