Are you where you thought you would be as a child?

June 14, 2010 3:21pm CST
When I was younger I 'knew' what I wanted to be when I grew up. I think nearly every child wants to be one thing or another even if some are completely out of this world! From the age of about 5 I wanted to be a teacher. I loved children even from that age and my mum said I was always going on about teaching and often 'taught' my sister, friends and toys at home. This continued until I went to uni when part way through my course I realised that actually I didnt want to be a teacher anymore. So for me, I am not where I thought I would be as a child. What about you? What did you want to be when you was young? Did you end up doing what you wanted back then or something cxompletely different?
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18 responses
@much2say (57374)
• Los Angeles, California
14 Jun 10
When I was younger, I wanted to be an artist. Everyone in my family shot that idea down because they thought it wouldn't make a good career (among other things) - so that idea went out the door. I wanted to be so many things after that - and I kept changing like many other kids do - but art was still always around me. It wasn't until I got to high school that I realized I DID want to pursue the arts . . . so against my father's wishes, I got an art degree in college . . . and became a graphic artist. So in that sense, yes, I did end up being what I wanted to become . . . but it wasn't the easiest road in terms of family support. I also became a wife and mom . . . which I didn't think would happen - but it did!!
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• Abernathy, Texas
15 Jun 10
I too didn't think I would want to be a wife and mom - I wanted to pursue my writing and traveling . but very happy it did. So glad you pursued your dream!
@artizan (195)
16 Jun 10
oooh know that one., and can only admire and respect you for persuing what you wanted., i didnt was too much put down by family to go with my art, and creativity, and my poems where classed as silly becase they all rhymed with my teachers and so on., so textiles and embroidery was my first love, follwed by painting and writing stories and poetry... all these things got shelved, i ended up doing serious and none creative works.. like joining the military forces and probation service, and even was a lumber jack... managed forrestry... but i dreamed of teaching, and artistic and creative endeavours, and am now just starting out to persue it... not the teaching, the creative stuffs., but as my life been filled with many experiences, hoping to put that to use by creative therapy/counselling so guess that will be kind of teaching .... well done you., respect xxx
@ellie333 (21016)
14 Jun 10
Hi Elfbwillow, Well as a child I wanted to bea vet an to live by the sea - well my career never panned out that way but I do now live by thesea and have a minuture zoo with all the animals I have and also do a lot of the small vet procedures myself like the nail clipping etc. Huggles. Ellie :D
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• Abernathy, Texas
15 Jun 10
What animals do you have? I'd love to have hedgehogs - if bonded to you - and you have the time they can be affectionate and playful friends - and a slow loris and finger monkeys. :) If I ever have an earthship with a build in greenhouse I definitely wanted to pursue them as pets - because then they'd be practical too - at least the first too - by eating up the pests in my indoor food supply - and any that wandered in the house. :)
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@ellie333 (21016)
15 Jun 10
Hi Artemis, five rabbits, two guinea pigs, two cats, a tropical fish tank and a goldfish tank, did have a hamster and a dog too. Keep your dream alive and one day I am sure your will have your earthship with a built in greenhouse for self sufficiency. Huggles. Ellie :D
@rowantree (1186)
• United States
14 Jun 10
I never knew what I wanted to be when I was a kid. When I was almost done with high school, I knew what I wanted to be though and that didn't happen. While I didn't get the career I had wanted, I got something much better instead - I am Mom to two beautiful children who are my world. I definitely don't regret not getting what I wanted to be back in high school!
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@manojt2 (179)
• India
15 Jun 10
No, with me exactly the opposite is happening. I wanted to be a honorable and respectable person in society when I grown up, but I have just turned out to be a common man. Whatever respect and honour I get is only from my family members. When I walk on the road, I am just a common face, no one ever bothered to notice me. Also I dreamt to earning more money and dreamt of a debtfree life. But that has not happened and I am under lots of debt, and am getting debtfree at a very low pace. Some things though have been as per my dream, of owning a house of my own and that too a bigger one, each person having his own room, that way. But otherwise I am not happy with my current situation. I wanted to do something for my dear grandparents, but due to financial constraints this dream to has just remained a dream. I also wanted to help a lot of friends who were in financial trouble, but since I am like this how can I ever think of helping someone else.
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• United States
15 Jun 10
You sound perfectly honorable and respectable to me. You're not a dishonest or lazy person. There is a lot to be said for the common man. I would rather be poor and honest than rich and a jerk. It is obvious that had you been able to help your loved ones more, you would have. It's not what is on the outside that matters, but the content of your heart and frankly, you have my respect.
• Philippines
15 Jun 10
This is a good question! When I was a child, I wanted to become a scientist! I'm good both in science and math but I love science more than math. But now, I'm an accountant. I actually do not know what is an accountant when I was a child (though my father is also an accountant.hahaha...) So I guess more than 50% of the people in the world do not become who they want to be... Makes sense?
@bangamed (98)
• Indonesia
15 Jun 10
I am also a teacher now, but even until two years ago, i didn't want to be a teacher, or it's better to say: I was afraid of becoming a teacher. However, since I was a child, the only thing that interested me most is English (language). I like fixing my friends' sentences, I like listening to English conversations, I like explaining anything about English. Since then, I've no desire other than to develop my English skill and knowledge. So yes, I think I am what I drew when I was a child: get closer to English, even though I didn't intentionally plan to be an English teacher.
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@karen1969 (1779)
15 Jun 10
English is a great subject, one of my favourites too. I have just applied to start a part-time degree in English Language and English Literature.
@barnkinney (1343)
• Philippines
14 Jun 10
this is a tough one. no, this is not what i picture out to be when i was a kid. mainly because when you're a kid you have a tendency to be so idealistic. and i was so naive too. i though at this age i would be rich and famous. i guess, there's really more to being just rich and famous. but nonetheless, i love where i am right now. and i don't regret much of the decisions i made in life.
@jd107nette (1454)
• Philippines
16 Jun 10
i've met a lot of people like that.. i mean, they already know what they want to be even as kids... and they would even pursue it as they grow up and become really successful.... unfortunately, i'm not one of them.. ^_^ I always wanted to be a doctor when i was a small kid. maybe it was also because my mom and dad always tells me that i would be the one to cure them when they get ill... so i got the dream from them... not entirely mine,... but i wanted to be a doctor.. when i reached high school, i realized that i enjoyed journalism and thought of taking it up on collage... a lot of things happened and then being a doctor, or a journalist isn't my dream anymore... ^_^
• Philippines
17 Jun 10
everyone thought i would be a journalist, a writer or anything to that sort... i also thought of journalism or mass communication when i was younger. in our high school yearbook, i was prophesied to become a great playwright... i also thought i was going to have a writing career; until i qualified to enroll in the college of engineering. i ended being an engineer. but i still write. not quite as colorful as when i was younger though.
@rosie230 (1700)
14 Jun 10
Nope I am no where near where I thought I would be. I didn't really have any career ideas all the time I was at school, for me it just felt too much pressure to choose what I wanted to do back then, so I kind of just plodded along. When I left school I had a part time job in a supermarket, and then worked full time in a few other places. But I gave up work a year before my youngest was born, because the hours were not great, and when my little came along, I have not really been able to find anything that will fit in with him. But when I was a child/teen... I thought, by the age of 30 I would have kids and be married.... well I have the kids, but I don't think marriage will ever come my way.
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@artizan (195)
16 Jun 10
No childhood, and what actually happened, not quite worked out., but it has to make you smile at how close to getting right i was but so not what thought... to begin with i wanted to be a teacher, so taught my little sister towrite and read... then because i was good at stories wanted to be a writer/jounalist., but learning pitman shorthand prooved the undoing of the jounalist (this before computers) as i wrote stories and poems at school my teachers where into prose so my poems that rhymed where considered clumsy attempts and beneath, mention. i excelled at needlecraft and was artistic and creative, my mother would not pay for the embroidery from school, as i turned out so much and being an artist was classed as a 'nice hobby' but wouldnt make money at it... and needed to stop dreaming and get a real job....... I was facinated by military stuff and wanted to fly a plane or drive a tank and was told that i couldnt do that as was a girl (aged 11) I wanted to learn woodwork not do cooking as knew how to do that and technical drawing as it was called then because would be able to make and design furniture became the plan.... i was not allowed to take these subjects as they where for the 'boys' only i also played the violin and was really good at netball, the music came to an end because of having to pay for lessons ... and the net ball finished because of an injury as i had thoughts of becoming a player in an orchestra, and obviously was destined to play for england...... so with all these dreams stopped because of out side or influences,stopped dreaming for a while and went to work in a factory on a production line... oh what a mind numbing experience but could handle a sewing machine.... So at 18, joined the armed forces, ended up being an instructor and taught new recruits and my job to others, so got to teach after all..... played netball in many tornements and was requested to play for the womens royal navy, .. not quite england.. but all good became a social club member and ran the entertainment on the camp and put together a christmas show, the whole caboodle., idea, casting music, that kind of thing... and used my artistic skills in costumes and notices and such like.... I got to work with wood, well, as a lumberjack for a while, not quite the design i had in mind but worked o a private estate, and managed their woodland for awhile.. became a mum to 3 boys, and now have 2 grandchildren.... created for them, toys and wonderful forts and played pirates, and taught them to cook and sew on buttons too actually taught crafts for a short time too.., that was wonderful experience and saw people gain in confidence within the group to change jobs and grow as individuals.. finally.., have jst started my own life again with out children and working on my art and creative stuff, with the hope of putting exhibition together,, next year if i work hard enough.... so have come full circle. and am back writing poetry, stories, textiles art and photography shortly... so the reason i shared all this.... sometimes life has a detour, and obstacles and situations may hold off what you want to do., but reckon in the end, what you really want in your heart comes through., and nags at you until you just plain and simply have to do it or go nuts.. but the lessons i have learned through my dtours and experiences i would not have missed for any thing... but now smile at my thoughts, paints, and think to myself i have made it to where i should be., and if i find that i actually can earn any money form this at all, or even sustain a worthwhile living., i will count that as a bonus.... so encourage any one.... its never too late... and follow the heart xxx
@palkmae (29)
• Japan
15 Jun 10
I remember I wanted to be a doctor or a nurse. But I eventually thought that its too difficult and all other excuses I could think of. I ended up getting a degree in Hotel Management like my mom. And now Im an English teacher (!) because its difficult to get a hotel job here in Japan unless you can speak Japanese on a native level.
@puccagirl (7294)
• Israel
14 Jun 10
I wanted to be a sports journalist as a kid, and have a lot of kids. I am not a sports journalist today, and I don't have kids, but there is still plenty of time to have kids, so that could still happen I think. But I don't want to be a sports journalist anymore, so that's probably not going to happen. Still, I am happy with the profession I have instead!
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• United States
15 Jun 10
NOPE! I never wanted to have kids or play the same roll my mother played growing up!!! Constantly on the run trying to make this party the best and distribute time accordingly!!! I never wanted that for myself!! Well I got it!!! Im a devoted mother of a 3 year old little boy!! I never wanted this position but i got it!!! And youknow what? I LOVE IT!
@artemis432 (7474)
• Abernathy, Texas
15 Jun 10
I wanted to be something that would take me far and wide - whether it was studying grasses in Africa or treasure hunter on dive boats, or discovering long lost cities as an archeologist. Of course, I also wanted to be a Massage Therapist or a rock star, or one of those people who get up in a front of groups and motivate, a researcher and more! I did travel, mostly as a housesitter or working for Jenny Craig @ different locations in the country. I am now a mom. I have gone to Massage Therapy school, learning the body from the cellular level up and completed my schooling - but it was a I was pregnant years ago and haven't gotten my national certification/license yet. I know I want to partner with oncologogists or doctors at first when I do. I also wanted to be a Life Coach and study to be a minister for ministeral counseling. So I haven't yet finsished being all I can be - even though considerably older. Being a parent is proving to be challenging and rewarding in itself!
@kingparker (9673)
• United States
15 Jun 10
Oh no, I am way too far from where I wanted to be. As a child, my elementary school once asked me what I want to be when I grew up. I said it out loud, to be a scientist. Look at me what I am ending up with. Nothing related to scientist.
@karen1969 (1779)
15 Jun 10
No, I am not doing what I expected to be. I was quite career minded as a teenager. I did well in my exams and went to University. I wanted to be a teacher or an interpreter, some high flying career woman anyway. But instead, I got married at 20, had my first child at 21 and have been a housewife and mother ever since. But I have applied to study from home and hope to start an Open University degree later this year.
@alaskanray (4636)
• United States
15 Jun 10
I have to say NO, I am not where I wanted to be when I was a kid. I had many dreams and could never decide on a career but one thing I ALWAYS wanted to be was a wife and mother. Well, I'm a mother but I'm single and alone at 52 and that is something I NEVER wanted to be. But sometimes we just have to take what Life gives us and do our best with it. I know one thing that I am pleased with...I like the person I am now, which I never did when I was younger.