Chatting disturb the other work on the net

@yugasini (12893)
Secunderabad, India
June 15, 2010 9:18am CST
hi mylot friends, Regarding chatting two year back, i do chatting with several persons in yahoo messenger and rediff chat,but at time i am getting lot of messages from different people ,but i am not having any interest such type of talks,then i stop chatting with people,when we chatting with one or more persons,our concentrate on the will disturb,the entire screen will fill with the chat messages,like that and when we are concentrating on the chat,the all other work on the net will be disturbed,so mostly i do not prefer chatting while i am doing the other work on the net,if we do only chatting with one person is easy and amicable,what about you in chatting Note:could not upload photo in chatting discussion
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12 responses
@tonylijo (135)
• India
16 Jun 10
really chatting seems to be disterbing sometimes , it depends according to the situation in which you are . it is really having a good side also as it is the cheapest way of communication with others , Internet chatting technology is really credible . some peoples like it and some othes like it in my case i am in both side .........
@yugasini (12893)
• Secunderabad, India
16 Jun 10
hi tonylijo, thanks for the response,if we got good chatting friends,it is nice to chat with friends,if not it is some what uneasy to chat,so one or two is best for chatting at a time,if the number is increased it is once again mesh on the chatting,we does not who is chatting and how to reply to all messages,have a nice day
20 Jun 10
u r correct... chatting really kills our precious time... as we all know time and tide waits for no man, Chatting has both adv and disadv.. Good chatting enables our knowledge,for eg IRC chat... but it s our responsibility to dont go diverted......
@cream97 (29087)
• United States
17 Jul 10
Hi, yugasini. I don't normally chat when I am on the Internet while I am doing work for something else. When I chat, I prefer to chat where I am doing nothing else.
@yugasini (12893)
• Secunderabad, India
17 Jul 10
hi cream, thanks for the response,that is what i said about chatting is disturbing our work,when we are doing other works than chat,we have to keep some separate time for chatting and select a day in the week for chatting,which ever is convenient to us,but more than 3 members chat at a time is tough to us,have a nice day
@alienstar (5142)
• India
24 Jun 10
When i was just introduced to internet, i used to love chatting and later on as i got more into job work chatting was becoming disturbing fro me as i couldn't complete my regular job work and chatting with other people used to take lot of my time there.Now, i have stopped everything as i came out of chatting
@yugasini (12893)
• Secunderabad, India
25 Jun 10
hi alienstar, thanks for the response,we does not have any work chatting is very very interesting to us,when we are in other work,chatting messages are giving lot of trouble with appearing the messages on the screen,some time several messages comes at once,it is difficulty to us to give reply immediately to all the chatting messages,have a nice day
@dawnald (85147)
• Shingle Springs, California
21 Jun 10
Sometimes chatting can be very annoying and distracting, but that's what "invisible" settings are for, so you don't have to chat with anybody you don't want to.
@yugasini (12893)
• Secunderabad, India
25 Jun 10
hi dawnald, thanks for the response,some time back i have tried several days in chatting for getting good friend or atleast a friend,but i could not,after i have joined in mylot i have got more than four hundred friends,when we are in other work,if chatting messages will appear on the screen ,just like it is pinching us,have a nice day
@vathsala30 (3732)
• India
25 Jun 10
Hi yugasini garu You are right. If we chat, our attention will be diverted and the main work will get disturbed. I normally experience the same problem always. So I know the impact of chatting while working
@yugasini (12893)
• Secunderabad, India
27 Jun 10
hi vathsala garu, thanks for the response,i think most of the people have the same kind of disturbance with the chatting,so no chatting if we are in regular work,if we does not have other work,chatting will be ok,that is also chatting with one or two is ok,if not it is no k,have a nice day
• India
29 Jun 10
Hello yugasini I am aware of yahoo messenger, goggle chat and Skype, but not about 'rediffmail' chat, though i have an account, more over facebook has chat facility too, you are right one neednot chat whiile doing online work, have special time for chat.. Thanks for sharing. Welcome always. Cheers. Professor
@yugasini (12893)
• Secunderabad, India
30 Jun 10
hi bhuwanji, thanks for the response,mostly i does not chat,one of my mylot friend came online while i am online ,but once in week or once in 15 days,when ever i find if she is online,i will contact with her chat for few minutes in our Telugu language,that is some what fun to me,have a a nice day
@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
15 Jun 10
Hey yugasini! I would have to kind of agree with you! I find it difficult to chat and work online at the same time. I don't mind chatting if I am finished with what I am doing, but if I am in the middle of working then it does become a bit distracting. I will chat for a little while, but then I want to get back to what I was doing. And it is difficult to chat with more than one person at a time anyway! I like to chat with people early in the morning hours of my time which is different from the hours of others! I have had some really fun chats with friends from other countries who have already started their day and have some free time to chat!
@yugasini (12893)
• Secunderabad, India
16 Jun 10
hi opal, thanks for the response,at present i am not chatting, one mylot friend is there,when i find she is on online then i will chat for few minutes and stop chatting immediately,because the other work should not be disturbed,regarding the time she is from India,so there is no fear of time gap to us,have a nice day
@Jokelife (30)
• Nigeria
16 Jun 10
You are right friend. When i noticed these,because earlier i never know about it. And whenever am online i will be chatting alone, but when my opportune came, was the day i know Mylot and they introduce me to other ways to earn online. Thanks to friend that links me to Mylot.
@yugasini (12893)
• Secunderabad, India
16 Jun 10
hi jokelife, thanks for the response,have a nice day
@tigeraunt (6326)
• Philippines
18 Jun 10
dear yugasini, i used to know chatting only before and i get to talk to people on the net 2 to 3 all at the same time. when i got introduced to mylot, my interest was transferred to earning money. now i prefer staying late in mylot rather staying late chatting. any change in your end? ann
@yugasini (12893)
• Secunderabad, India
19 Jun 10
hi ann, thanks for the response,you have not revealed the secret of your avatar picture,let it be secret,now i am chatting once in blue moon,i am not interesting in chatting,if it is compulsory i will chat,i prefer mailing instead of chatting,have a nice day
1 person likes this
@megamatt (14292)
• United States
16 Jun 10
Yes, I think that chatting is a distraction from other work that needs to be done. Mostly because when you chat, your mind will be on the person that is chatting. I think chatting is the few things that makes it hard to multitask. I do not really get much productive work done when people talk to me in real life, as I want my attention focused on them and thus, I'm just mindlessly maintaining the illusion that I am doing some work. Still, chatting is a distraction to be sure. It can be fun to chat with friends and I do so every now and then. However, its not so fun when it is a distraction and causes you to not get the work done that you need to. Therefore, its something that I avoid when there is work to be done. When the time for work is done, that's fine but if I do it, my mind will be on the chatting and nothing else.
@yugasini (12893)
• Secunderabad, India
16 Jun 10
hi megamatt, thanks for the response,i am not at all showing interest in chatting,but one of my mylot friend ,when i see she is online,then i chat with her that too for few minutes only,then i do my regular work,because i does not have enough time to chat with friends,so my chatting will end soon,have a nice day
@sinaj292 (602)
• India
16 Jun 10
Am also the same opinion about the chatting on the net.. I thing it will kill our time from which we have to get some good knowledge regarding the up to date report of our world.. So i think it is better for us to get away from unnecessary chatting with our friends.What am trying to do that make all my actions in creative manner . All our acts should be productive one way or other.
@yugasini (12893)
• Secunderabad, India
16 Jun 10
hi sinaj, thanks for the response,but chatting is boon for the lovers,lovers are talking day and the night over phone or cell phone,so chatting is more better for them,for others chatting is necessary when you have to know some information immediately from others,have a nice day
• India
15 Jun 10
Ya chatting definitely affects my performance adversely so i rather stay out off chat or offline profile to avoid interruptions.
@yugasini (12893)
• Secunderabad, India
15 Jun 10
hi harish, thanks for the response,every body are knowing the disturbance of chatting on the net for other work,but still people are chating hours together,i think chatting is having that much attraction in the friends,but i am not preferring chatting on the net,have a nice day