How do you prefer to see movies? Alone? With friends? With a partner?

@puccagirl (7294)
June 16, 2010 12:14pm CST
How do you think you get the best movie experience? Do you want to see the movie by yourself, so you can really concentrate, or do you want to see movies with a group of friends, so you can discuss it afterwards? Or do you want it to be a romantic experience, so you see it with your partner? For me, a movie is not a movie if I am not seeing it with someone else. But I just want one other person with me (usually my fiancee), not a whole bunch of people, because that is just too distracting.
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27 responses
• United States
17 Jun 10
I like watching movies with other people. Unless they are the kind of people that sit there and ask you whats going on during the whole movie. That takes all the fun out of a movie.
1 person likes this
• United States
17 Jun 10
It drives me crazy when people talk during a movie. There's nothing worse than sitting near them in the theater.
• Nigeria
17 Jun 10
I think it all depends on the movie in question. Some movies are better watched alone- films like seven pounds, crash and other films where you need to catch everything that happens for you to really understand. Comedies and action thrillers can be watched with friends.
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@puccagirl (7294)
• Israel
17 Jun 10
Yes, that it definitely true, very good point! I did not even think of making that distinction, but you do have a good point there, doing this would really solve some of the issues I have with watching movies with other people...
@kaka135 (14931)
• Malaysia
16 Jun 10
I always prefer to watch movies either alone, or with certain people, such as my husband or my sister. As I always like to concentrate on the movies, I do not like to be disturbed or distracted. Hence I'm fine with watching movies with my husband or my sister, as they like to concentrate on movies instead of chatting or "discussing" during the movies too. I also do not like to discuss the movies while I am watching them, as I do not wish to miss any scenes and it'll also disturbing others. But sometimes watching movies with a group of friends is fun, it's fun to have group activities, but not fun to watch movie.
@annavi23 (6522)
• Philippines
17 Jun 10
once i've been addicted to watching movies with my friends in college days. when i had this event in our school,i have no one to watch with,since it's free and it's inside the school campus,i'd go better than waste the opportunity.even i'm alone,i felt happy but sometimes i also felt weird when i watch alone when everybody's there with someone to laugh and share stories of the movie. when i'm at home,i don't bother if i watch alone or with my siblings,as long as i'm enjoying while watching movies.but i really liked to watch movies with my siblings and parents. though sometimes i hate it when my father keeps on asking what had happened? i can't focus on the next scenes.. but whatever it is,enjoy the movie!
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@laratri (253)
• India
17 Jun 10
hi puccagirl... I like watching movies with my husband. Actual I like to watch a nice romantic film and good story movies. Have a nice day...
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@asep988 (92)
• Indonesia
17 Jun 10
I prefer to see the movies with my girlfriend. That would be a good time for me to be together with her while watching the movies. When I watch the movies alone sometimes I get bored especially when the movies is not good. It would be a little different when someone accompany me in my side..
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• India
16 Jun 10
Yaar, It depends, When I was a teenager, I liked to watch movies very much. I went alone to watch movie. But now I am not, I like to go with friends, or with my family. When I don't get any one , I watch to prefer on my DVD.
@puccagirl (7294)
• Israel
16 Jun 10
Ok, fair enough. But you watch the DVDs alone then? See, I don't even like watching DVDs alone, because I think it is more fun to see it with someone else, but I think that is mostly me being weird...
@meemingNEW (2226)
• Philippines
17 Jun 10
I think my ultimate movie experience would be with my friends and not with my partner alone. You get to laugh and talk about it on or after the movie. I get to experience a whole bunch of fashion laughs when I'm with my friends. But it really depends on the movie. that goes down with it. If its something comical, then I guess my friends are a better company than my partner. But if the movie is something intimate, a romantic type of movie, then I guess it is best seen with a partner or someone who feel comfortable with and/or someone you love. That would be so sweet.
• Philippines
17 Jun 10
And I'm glad as well that you know and understood what I mean. You're very much welcome.
@puccagirl (7294)
• Israel
17 Jun 10
Yes, fashion laughs are the best sometimes, I totally know what you mean! Great reply, thank you!
• Philippines
17 Jun 10
I haven't seen a film by myself ever, I think it's just weird. Hehehe. I want to be able to ask somebody if I missed something in the film or if I didn't understand something. I love watching films with my boyfriend, he is just the perfect movie date, we don't talk, we just watch. Cause I really want to be able to concentrate on the film specially if it's a good film.
@puccagirl (7294)
• Israel
17 Jun 10
It is not so weird! I mean, I have some movies alone, without anyone else around, but that is really very few movies, since I by far prefer seeing movies with others. And I am sure there are more people like us out there too!
@verabear (796)
• Philippines
16 Jun 10
I have never tried seeing a movie in a cinema on my own so I can't really compare. I always have someone with me, my boyfriend, some girlfriends, or even my brother. I don't mind being asked as long as it is not every minute of the movie :)
@verabear (796)
• Philippines
17 Jun 10
OH no need to be sorry :) I did think about watching on DVD or TV but didn't mention it anymore. Depending on the movie, it's more fun watching with company. But for those with serious themes or maybe those with heavy drama, I'd be okay watching alone so people won't see how intense my face might look. hehe.
@puccagirl (7294)
• Israel
17 Jun 10
Oh no, I have never been to see a movie in a cinema by myself either, but sometimes I watch movies on DVD or tv by myself at home, so that is what I meant... Should have been a bit more clear on that I guess. Sorry about the confusion!
@rosie230 (1703)
16 Jun 10
I agree with you in that I can not watch a movie with a load of people, because it is just too distracting, and I end up getting confused as to what the movie is actually about. I like watching movies with my boyfriend too, but if it is a romance then he wouldnt sit and watch that... in actual fact we will watch any film together, so long as it is not a romance, or something that will make me cry lol... or kids movies. Me on the other hand, I like to watch a nice romantic film or a film thats emotional, or based on a true story on my own... apart from no distractions, I can have a good cry with it, and no one will ever know lol
@puccagirl (7294)
• Israel
16 Jun 10
Oh, that is a very cute reply, thanks for taking the time to write it! I seriously liked the part about the crying at the end, and I do think that is a very good point, because you are not the only one that cries because of movies, I am sure, so this could be a really good tip for others as well!
@catalyser (531)
• Malaysia
16 Jun 10
If I am watching in the cinema, then I would never go alone. I always go to the cinema with friends. Going to the cinema alone is boring and kinda sad.. No offense to the people who goes to the cinema alone.. but yeah..
@puccagirl (7294)
• Israel
17 Jun 10
I would never do it either. I have no problem with people who do this, but I myself would not feel comfortable doing it, I know that. (I also have issues with going to restaurants by myself, I do not like that either, so I think I am just weird, and it really does not have anything to do with anyone else...)
@MDG2211 (711)
• Argentina
17 Jul 10
It depends on the type of movie, on the place and on the situation, because you prune to see movies with friends in your house or in the cinema, also prune to do it with your girlfriend, but of what I am sure it is that to the alone cinema it would not go.
@wiggles18 (2506)
• Canada
16 Jun 10
I can only truly get the most out of a movie if I watch it myself. I can never stand it when someone says something like "who is that guy?", "I don't understand what is going on, can you tell me?", it just drives me nuts, because then when you take the time to tell them, you miss important parts of the movie yourself. This is a very good discussion topic :D
@puccagirl (7294)
• Israel
16 Jun 10
Yes! I know what you mean, I have friends like that. And it's not that they are stupid or anything, they just aren't paying attention to the movie, and then I have to explain what is going on instead. Grrr! I really hate that! But I think you learn after a while who these people are, and then you can just avoid watching movies with them I guess, hihi!
@wiggles18 (2506)
• Canada
16 Jun 10
Oh, of course, they just need to pay attention themselves. Also, I don't like it when people talk about other stuff not related to the movie, it gets in the way of it. The worst thing though, is the person who decides to step in half way through a movie and wants to know exactly what happened, what the movie is, what it's about, etc. Sometimes, If it is on a DVD I just start it over from the beginning to avoid the whole thing.
@puccagirl (7294)
• Israel
17 Jun 10
Starting over is actually not a bad idea! (even though I have never done that myself, but I will definitely keep it in mind if it happens again) Great tip, thanks!
@dodo19 (47305)
• Beaconsfield, Quebec
19 Jun 10
Personally, I don't have much of a preference. I enjoy watching movies alone, with my husband, with some friends. I think that we're all different and we all have our own preferences, when it comes to watching movies and such.
17 Jun 10
Hi,, I used to watch movies with my friends and with my brothers, its quite good to have accompany, you can laugh, cry and discuss it with them... :P
@kingparker (9673)
• United States
19 Jun 10
I would rather watch it alone. If that is a romantic movie, I would rather watch with my love one. Because I can share this romantic moment with her. Hope that would happen a lot.
@cedythra (196)
• Finland
17 Jun 10
i prefer watching movies alone. i don't really know why. maybe cause there are no distractions or something.
• India
17 Jun 10
Depends on the type of movie your watching. I usually prefer to see it alone so that i can skip the boring parts myself and understand the main concept of the movie.
@Neo333X (171)
• Romania
17 Jun 10
I usually watch movies alone.It's no problem if I watch with friends only if they talk when I watching.It's disturbing when I'm watching a movie and start commenting...If they don't it's ok.If they want to comment they can do it after the movie.