My wife's checking up on me online.

@uath13 (8192)
United States
June 16, 2010 2:23pm CST
Even now she's probably reading this post right over her phone & thinking "I'm gona kill him, he's supposed to be working!". I am dear , Twiddeling my thumbs for overtime pay. But hey, I didn't leave early & blow it...
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2 responses
@justg26 (17)
• Philippines
16 Jun 10
=) I do check my guy's social networking sites too. but only because he checks on me too! He was trying to open my facebook account but he can't. because i was stupid enough to have firefox remember my password, i changed it. i don't want my brother to open my account when he uses my laptop. but he was mad right away without even asking for an explanation. but i love him so i said sorry and sealed it with a kiss. case closed. =)
@uath13 (8192)
• United States
16 Jun 10
I posted this just to mess with her. She's on my friends list & it notifies her whenever I start a new discussion. She's probably up at the front office wondering what the heck I'm doing.
• Philippines
16 Jun 10
=D and i posted because that gesture is really funny. i know your post will piss her off. cruel love, neh?
@uath13 (8192)
• United States
16 Jun 10
She'll probably beat me in the car...
@weasel81 (2496)
• Australia
17 Jun 10
least u can have some fun with your wife. my ex got a facebook account andused it againist me, complained like crazy about who i was friends with. stupid thing is now he's friends with the same people. enjoy the fun, i can see she may get u back later on.